Middle East
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Jordan’s Islamists Rally for Reforms

Hundreds of Islamists rallied in Jordan on Friday to demand sweeping government reforms, vowing to step up their protests if their demands are ignored.

Surrounded by a cordon of police, they chanted "The people want regime reforms," and "What is acceptable today will not be tomorrow," as well as "We want the dissolution of parliament."

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Gadhafi Threatens to 'Stop Support for Anti-Terror War'

Libyan embattled leader Moammar Gadhafi threatened Europe on Friday with the withdrawal of Libyan support for the international war on terror and to prevent illegal migration, the official Jana news agency reported.

If "Europe does not support, and ignores, the active role of Libya in the fight against migration and as guarantor of stability in North Africa and all of Africa, Libya will be obliged ... to withdraw its efforts in the battle against terrorism and completely change its stance toward al-Qaida," said a message Jana reported was signed by Gadhafi.

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Egypt Releases Two Sadat Murder Convicts

Egypt's new military rulers have ordered the release of two Islamist prisoners jailed over the 1981 assassination of President Anwar Sadat, state TV reported on Friday.

Cousins Tareq and Abbud al-Zomor, members of Egypt's Islamic Jihad, were convicted in 1981 for their involvement in Sadat's murder but were never released after their sentences expired.

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Egyptians Protest Against Sectarianism

Hundreds of Egyptians holding up crosses and Korans massed Friday in Cairo's Tahrir Square to protest against sectarianism, following religious clashes that left at least 13 people dead.

"Muslims and Christians are one," chanted flag-waving protesters in the swelling crowd, as others held up banners depicting an entwined cross and crescent.

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Saudi Braces for Protests Amid Sweeping Arab Unrest

Oil kingpin Saudi Arabia braced Friday for protests calling for political and economic reforms a day after witnesses said police shot and wounded three Shiite demonstrators.

Online activists using the Facebook and Twitter have called for a "Day of Rage" and a "Saudi March 11 revolution" demanding a fully elected parliament and ruler in this conservative Islamic monarchy.

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Gulf States Reject Foreign Interference, Vow Joint Stand on Security

The six Gulf Arab states vowed on Thursday to deal "decisively" with threats to any member's security and set up a $20 billion development fund for Bahrain and Oman which were hit with protests.

"The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) believes that any threat to the security of any member state harms the security of all states and will be dealt with decisively and immediately, without hesitation," they said in a statement read out at the end of a meeting in Riyadh.

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Dutch Soldiers Freed from Libya Arrive in Greece

A Greek military plane carrying three Dutch soldiers held by Libya after a botched attempt to free civilians arrived in Athens Friday, an Agence France Presse photographer said.

The plane touched down at Athens International Airport.

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Libyan Regime Plans to Cut Ties with Paris over Recognizing Rebels

Libya is planning to cut its diplomatic relations with France after French President Nicolas Sarkozy recognized rebels opposed to Moammar Gadhafi, the official Jana news agency reported Thursday.

The Tripoli government would "consider severing ties with France after information about the dangerous intervention in Libyan affairs," a foreign ministry official was quoted as saying by Jana.

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Rebels Retreat as Gadhafi Shells Rain Down on Ras Lanuf

Relentless pounding by Moammar Gadhafi's forces sent rebels fleeing a key oil hub Thursday, and a town near Tripoli was recaptured, as the Red Cross warned of escalating conflict in Libya that it termed a civil war.

As loyalists appeared to have wrested back the initiative on the battlefield, a source close to Nicolas Sarkozy said the French president will propose "targeted air strikes" in Libya.

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Mideast Quartet Talks Peace with Israel, Palestinians

Envoys of the Middle East Quartet were meeting with Israel's chief peace negotiator on Thursday, as the Jewish state faced growing pressure to break the logjam in talks with the Palestinians.

Talks with Israeli envoy Yitzhak Molcho were being hosted by the U.S. embassy, with Washington represented by David Hale, assistant to U.S. Middle East envoy George Mitchell, an embassy spokesman told Agence France Presse.

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