Middle East
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Israeli Exit from Ghajar Spells Trouble for Lebanon, Experts Say

Israel's plan to pull its troops out of northern Ghajar, a disputed village on the flashpoint border with Lebanon, is likely to prove more of a headache than a political victory for Beirut, experts say.

"The people of Ghajar do not want to be part of Lebanon," said Timur Goksel, former senior adviser of the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), of the village's 2,200 residents -- none of whom is Lebanese.

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Moqdad: Syria Will Not Return to Lebanon Militarily, STL is Politicized

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Moqdad stated that Lebanese-Syrian ties "cannot be normal if the situation in Lebanon is not normal," reported the Kuwaiti al-Rai newspaper on Sunday.

He said: "Syria will not interfere in Lebanon in the interests of any side and the Lebanese officials are responsible for their country."

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Mottaki: Iran Will 'Never Use' Force against Muslim Neighbors

Iran will never use force against its Muslim neighbors, its foreign minister told a conference on Middle East security on Saturday, after the United States said Arab states were worried by Tehran's suspected attempts to acquire nuclear weapons.

And in a keynote address to the conference, Jordan's King Abdullah II said Israeli-Palestinian peace talks must be rescued from collapse to ensure regional and world stability.

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Royal Court: Abdullah's Surgery Successful

Saudi King Abdullah's second round of back surgery in New York was successful and he will begin rehabilitation, the royal court announced late Friday.

The surgery "was completed successfully and now the king will begin a second phase of physiotherapy," the court said in a statement on the official SPA news agency.

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King Abdullah to Undergo More Surgery in U.S. Friday

Saudi King Abdullah, 86, is to undergo more surgery on his back in the United States Friday, the royal court said.

"King Abdullah will return for surgery to repair several vertebrae in his spine in a follow-up to his previous treatment.... in accordance with the plan set by his medical team," the court said in a statement carried by the official SPA news agency.

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Israeli Forces Kill Armed Palestinians, Thwarting Attack

Israeli forces killed several armed Palestinians planning a "terror attack" as they approached the northern border fence of the Gaza Strip, the military said on Thursday.

"IDF (Israel Defense Forces) thwarts terror attack in northern Gaza," a statement from the military said.

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Donors Pledge 3.55 Billion Dollars for East Sudan

Donors and investors have pledged 3.55 billion dollars for the development of resource-rich but neglected east Sudan, officials said on Thursday at the end of a two-day conference in Kuwait City.

"Total pledges made by participants in the east Sudan donors and investors forum came at 3.55 billion dollars," said Mustafa Osman Ismail, an advisor to the Sudanese president and head of the organizing committee.

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Shark Attacks Tourists in Sharm el-Sheikh

An oceanic white tip shark badly mauled four Russian tourists swimming close to their beach hotels in two separate attacks at an Egyptian Red Sea resort, a local conservation official said on Wednesday.

Director of Sinai Conservation Mohammed Salem said the shark attacked two Russians swimming in the Ras Nasrani area near the famed Sharm el-Sheikh resort in the Sinai Peninsula and bit their arms off.

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Kuwait Donates $500 Million for East Sudan Development

Kuwait has donated 500 million dollars for the development of east Sudan, the Gulf state's foreign minister said Wednesday at the start of an international conference for donors and investors.

"I am pleased to announce the donation by the state of Kuwait of 500 million dollars for east Sudan development," Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed al-Sabah announced at the opening ceremony.

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WikiLeaks: Egypt Has Started a Confrontation with Hizbullah, Iran

Egypt's spy master revealed his service recruited agents in Iraq and Syria to counter Iranian support for militants in his country, according to U.S. diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks.

Omar Suleiman told U.S. top military commander Admiral Michael Mullen in a 2009 meeting that Iran had tried to recruit Bedouins to smuggle weapons into Hamas-controlled Gaza and that Egyptian security had rounded up a cell of Lebanon's Iranian-backed Hizbullah.

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