Middle East
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Tunisia Rappers, Journalist Charged over Trial Unrest

A Tunisian court on Monday charged two musicians and a journalist implicated in violence that erupted last week at the trial of a rapper who was controversially jailed for two years for insulting the police.

Aymen Feki and Moustapha Fakhfakh, and French-Tunisian journalist Hind Meddeb, who was not in court having fled the country on Sunday, are to be tried on October 7 for abusing public officials in the course of duty, and attacks on public morals, according to their lawyer.

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Demos Demand Obama Free Yemenis Held in Guantanamo

Relatives of Yemenis being held at the U.S. Guantanamo Bay detention center protested outside Washington's mission in Sanaa on Monday, calling on U.S. President Barack Obama to free the detainees.

"Freedom, freedom for the detainees!," chanted dozens of protesters, some dressed in orange -- the color of jumpsuits worn by Guantanamo Bay prisoners.

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Iran President-Elect Wants to Improve Ties with Riyadh

Iran's newly-elected president Hassan Rowhani declared on Monday that his incoming government will seek to improve ties with regional rival Saudi Arabia, tarnished over differences about Syria's civil war.

"The priority of my government is to strengthen relations with neighbors... the countries of the Persian Gulf and Arab ones that are of strategic importance and our brothers," said Rowhani.

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Assad: Europe 'Would Pay Price' for Arming Rebels

Syrian President Bashar Assad warned Monday that European powers would "pay the price" if they sent weapons to rebel forces seeking to topple him.

"If the Europeans deliver weapons, then Europe's backyard will become terrorist, and Europe will pay the price for it," he was quoted as saying by German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

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Gadhafi's Son to Stand Trial in August

Seif al-Islam, the son of slain Libyan dictator Moamar Gadhafi, and other former top regime officials will stand trial in August for crimes committed during the 2011 uprising, an aide to the prosecutor said on Monday.

Former spy chief Abdullah al-Senussi will be among those whose trial will begin in the first half of August, said Al-Seddik Al-Sur, a member of the prosecutor's office.

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Rowhani: We're against Foreign Intervention in Syria, Govt. Must Stay till 2014

Hassan Rowhani Monday warned against foreign intervention in Syria, insisting that the strife-torn country's crisis should be resolved by its own people, in his first press conference since being elected Iran's new president.

"The Syrian crisis must be resolved by the people of Syria. We are against terrorism, civil war, and foreign intervention. Hopefully, with the help of all countries of the region and the world, peace and calm will return to Syria," the cleric said.

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Morocco Journalist Convicted of Defaming Islamist Minister

A Moroccan editor was handed a two month suspended prison sentence on Monday for defamation, after writing that an Islamist minister had organized a lavish, alcohol-fueled dinner during an official trip abroad.

The court in a suburb of Casablanca also fined Youssef Jajili, the director of Al-Aan magazine, 50,000 dirhams (4,500 euros), and ordered him to pay a symbolic dirham to the plaintiff, Minister of Industry and Trade Abdelkader Amara.

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Libya Acquits Two Gadhafi Aides in Lockerbie Case

A Libyan court acquitted two former aides of slain dictator Moammar Gadhafi on Monday of charges connected to the deadly 1988 bombing of a U.S. airliner over Lockerbie, Scotland.

But the two remain, however, in detention in connection with a separate case involving their role in repressing the 2011 rebellion against the slain dictator's regime, a prosecution official said.

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EU's Ashton from Iraq Says to Press Iran on nuclear Program

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton pledged on Monday during a trip to Baghdad to press Iran for greater cooperation over its nuclear program after Tehran elected a new president.

Ashton also discussed the bloody conflict in Iraq's western neighbor Syria during talks with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and other top officials, including Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari and Deputy Prime Minister responsible for energy affairs Hussein al-Shahristani.

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Palestinian Statehood at 'Dead-End', Says Israeli Minister

Israeli Economy Minister Naftali Bennett said on Monday that the idea of a Palestinian state is at a "dead end", prompting the Palestinians to accuse him of sounding the death knell of a two-state solution.

Bennett's comments are entirely in line with those that he espoused during January's election campaign but his reiteration of them as minister comes as Washington steps up efforts to revive the troubled peace process.

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