Middle East
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EU Urges 'Free, Fair' Egypt Elections amid Arab Turmoil

Europe demanded "free and fair" elections in Egypt on Monday as it sought to respond to pressure to speak up on the turmoil sweeping Arab nations on its volatile southern flank.

With Egypt seen as key to stability across the Middle East, European Union foreign ministers demanded President Hosni Mubarak kickstart an "orderly transition" that stopped short of asking him to step down.

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EU Freezes Assets of Ben Ali and Wife

Europe's foreign ministers on Monday froze the assets of ousted Tunisian leader Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his wife in response to a request from the Tunisian authorities.

The sanctions against Ben Ali and Leila Trabelsi were decided at a meeting of the European Union's 27 ministers, diplomatic sources said.

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Israel Re-arrests Hamas Lawmaker in West Bank

he Israeli army on Monday rearrested Hamas lawmaker Mohammed Jamal al-Natsh, just months after he was released from prison, Palestinian security officials said.

Natsh, 53, was arrested in the southern West Bank town of Hebron, five months after being released from prison. He spent eight years in detention, Palestinian officials said, during which time he ran successfully for office.

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Report: Israel Seeking Western Support for Mubarak

Israel has told its diplomats in the United States, Europe and elsewhere to encourage their host nations to support the regime of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, daily Haaretz reported Monday.

The newspaper said Israel's foreign ministry told its diplomats to stress that it is in "the interest of the West" and of "the entire Middle East to maintain the stability of the regime in Egypt."

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Egypt Protesters Call for Open Ended Strike, Million Man March

Egyptian protesters on Monday called for an indefinite general strike and said they planned a "million man march" on Tuesday to mark one week since the start of deadly anti-government protests.

"It was decided overnight that there will be a million man march on Tuesday," Eid Mohammed, one of the protesters and organizers, told Agence France Presse.

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99% of Voters in South Sudan Opt to Split from North Sudan

Southern Sudan's referendum commission said Sunday that more than 99 percent of voters in the south opted to secede from the country's north in a vote held earlier this month.

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Egypt's Revolt Unites Society in Rage

The unemployed 24-year-old was arguing with a police officer when the man struck him across the face — a blow that seemed to sting for months.

"He stole my dignity with that slap," said Hassanein, who does odd jobs to make money. "We could never stand up to those officers before because we were afraid. But we're no longer willing to be silenced by our fear."

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ElBaradei Authorized to Negotiate with Mubarak as Clinton Warns Egypt Must Transition to Democracy

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and other opposition groups have authorized leading dissident Mohammed ElBaradei to negotiate with embattled President Hosni Mubarak's regime, an Islamist leader said Sunday.

The National Coalition for Change, which groups several opposition movements including the banned Brotherhood around ElBaradei, has authorized the Nobel peace laureate with "negotiating with the authorities," Saad al-Katatni told AFP.

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U.S. Begins Evacuating Nationals Amid More Warnings Over Egypt Revolt

The United States started organizing Sunday the evacuation of its nationals from Egypt as an angry anti-government revolt raged into a sixth day amid increasing lawlessness and mass jail breaks.

"The U.S. embassy in Cairo informs U.S. citizens in Egypt who wish to depart that the department of state is making arrangements to provide transportation to safehaven locations in Europe," an embassy statement said, as other countries issued travel warnings and tourists scrambled for flights out.

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Abdullah Tells Obama he Supports Egypt Stability, Both Unhappy about ‘Chaos’

Saudi King Abdullah has told U.S. President Barack Obama that there should be no bargaining on Egypt's stability and the security of its people, the Saudi press agency said Sunday.

SPA said that Obama phoned the king in Morocco, where he is recuperating from surgery, and that both leaders were not happy with the chaotic situation and looting.

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