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Iraq Suicide Bomber Kills Four at Al-Arabiya TV Offices

A suspected al-Qaida suicide bomber blew up a car by the Baghdad offices of Al-Arabiya television killing four people on Monday, a month after the Saudi-funded channel was warned of insurgent threats.

The bomber struck at around 9:30 am (0630 GMT) in front of the station's bureau in the city center, leaving a massive crater and sending a plume of smoke into the air that could be seen from several kilometers away.

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Yemen Houthi Rebels Seize Army Post, Capture 70 Soldiers

Houthi rebels took control of a strategic army post in north Yemen on Monday and captured some 70 soldiers, in the latest clash to endanger an increasingly fragile truce, army and tribal sources said.

"Houthi (rebels) took control of a military position in al-Zaala and captured all remaining soldiers," a tribal source told Agence France Presse. "Violent clashes erupted since the early morning hours."

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Sunni Rebel Group Jundallah Claims Iran Bombings, Toll Rises to 27

Sunni rebel group Jundallah claimed twin suicide bombings which killed 27 people in southeastern Iran, in a posting on its website, the latest in a string of attacks it has claimed against the Shiite country.

The rebel group, active in Iran's Sistan-Baluchestan province for nearly a decade, said it had targeted the elite Revolutionary Guards who were marking the annual Guards Day in the provincial capital Zahedan.

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U.S. Urges All Parties to 'Act Responsibly' over Lebanon Gaza-bound Aid Ships

The United States on Wednesday urged "all those wishing to deliver goods to do so through established channels so that their cargo can be inspected and transferred via land crossings into Gaza."

"As we continue to make clear to involved parties, mechanisms exist for the transfer of humanitarian assistance to Gaza," the U.S. State Department said in a statement.

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Putin: Israeli Flotilla Raid Must Not Be Repeated, Iran Sanctions Ineffective

Israel's deadly raid on an aid flotilla for Gaza was a tragedy that demands detailed investigation and must not be repeated, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told Agence France Presse in an interview.

"What is especially tragic is that this act was carried out in neutral waters," the Russian prime minister said in a discussion late Monday in the Black Sea resort town of Sochi.

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Netanyahu: Israel Discussing Flotilla Probe but Soldiers Off Limits

Israel on Wednesday was discussing the format of an investigation into its deadly raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted soldiers would be off-limits.

Israel was in talks with "several members of the international community" about the investigation, Netanyahu said, stressing that it should focus on "the pro-Palestinian activists who fought the naval commandos with knives and clubs."

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Obama Meets Abbas, Says Mideast 'Progress' Possible This Year

President Barack Obama Wednesday pledged unwavering commitment to forge significant progress in the Middle East this year, despite the furor whipped up by Israel's raid on a Gaza aid flotilla.

Welcoming Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to the White House, Obama promised the "full weight" of U.S. diplomacy on the latest crisis and to push Israelis and Palestinians out of a "dead end" and into direct peace talks.

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Report: 3 Iran Policemen Killed in Kurdish Bombing Ambush

Three policemen in western Iran have been killed by a roadside bomb detonated by Kurdish rebels, an Iranian state-owned newspaper said Thursday.

The report by the Iran daily said Gen. Faramarz Hosseinzadeh, the local chief of border police, and two other policemen were killed after members of the Party for Free Life in Kurdistan, or PEJAK, detonated a roadside bomb near the town of Piranshahr, some 900 kilometers west of Tehran.

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Testing Spotlight in Homepage, Sports, Lebanon & Middle East ! Testing Spotlight in Homepage, Sports, Lebanon & Middle East ! Testing Spotlight in Homepage, Sports, Lebanon & Middle East ! Testing Spotlight in Homepage, Sports, Lebanon & Middle East ! Testing Spotlight in Homepage, Sports, Lebanon & Middle East !

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