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Aoun Hits Back at Geagea, Gemayel: Govt. is Here to Stay

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun on Tuesday hit back at Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea and Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel, who both earlier in the day called on the government to step down.

“As long as they have called on the government (to step down), its term will be extended,” Aoun said, in response to a question from a reporter after the weekly meeting of the Change and Reform parliamentary bloc in Rabiyeh.

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ArabNet Expands Prospects for Entrepreneurs, Digital Professionals in Arab Region

As the web and mobile industry in the Middle East undergoes a period of unprecedented growth and expansion, so do the opportunities available to entrepreneurs and digital professionals in the Arab region, according to ArabNet.

With the annual ArabNet Digital Summit drawing closer, the team is calling upon aspiring entrepreneurs and digital professionals in the region to showcase their talent, connect with their peers, and bring their visions to life through a series of competitions and activities designed to bring talent and funding together.

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Hariri: Dialogue Must Only Tackle Arms, Syrian People are the Real Resistance

Former premier Saad Hariri on Monday stressed that he would only accept to return to the national dialogue table if the sole topic was Hizbullah’s arms and announced that he would “definitely” return to Lebanon.

“Those trying to oust me from Lebanon have been paying the price so far and those who tried to erase Rafik Hariri’s project are ousting themselves from Syria,” Hariri said in an interview with Future News television in Paris on the eve of the seventh assassination anniversary of his father, ex-PM Rafik Hariri.

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Phalange Party Warns of 'Frightening' Arms Proliferation in Tripoli

The Phalange Party on Monday noted that the recent violence in Tripoli had exposed the extent of the security chaos in the country and the “frightening” proliferation of weapons in the northern city.

In a statement issued after its weekly meeting, the party’s political bureau warned that such incidents would import the Syrian crisis into Lebanon.

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Fugitive Dead, Another Hurt as Car Tries to Escape Nabaa Checkpoint

A fugitive was killed and another wounded on Monday when security forces opened fire on a car that tried to escape a checkpoint in the Beirut eastern suburb of Nabaa, state-run National News Agency reported.

NNA identified the slain man as Munir Munir Zoaiter and the wounded accomplice as Ali Hatem Zoaiter, saying they were wanted on several arrest warrants for involvement in murder and theft.

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Sources to Naharnet: Saudi Troops to Spearhead Proposed Syria Peacekeeping Force

Saudi Arabia will be the first country to contribute troops should a joint U.N.-Arab peacekeeping force proposed by the Arab League see light, journalistic sources in the kingdom said, following the sharp toned remarks voiced by Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal during the League’s meeting on Sunday.

“The Royal Saudi Land Forces will be at the forefront of participants in the peacekeeping mission in Syria should the decision taken by the Arab foreign ministers during their meeting in Cairo yesterday be approved,” journalistic sources in Saudi Arabia told Naharnet.

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Jumblat: Lebanon Has Failed in Ending Oppression against Syrian People

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat condemned on Monday Lebanon’s position on the Arab League decision on Syria, saying that it had failed the Syrian people.

He said in his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa magazine: “Lebanon shied away from its political, humanitarian, and moral responsibilities towards ending oppression against the Syrian people when it voiced reservations on the Arab League decision.”

W140 Full Story, Online Directory for Craftsmen in Lebanon

A Lebanese website for craftsmen was recently launched to help citizens search for appropriate construction work professionals. ( is a new concept that aims to link between a two-sided existing demand: the possibility to have a complete and reliable resource of construction work professionals and the necessity for each and every craftsman to be online - at a time

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Aoun: We Won't Leave Government, Let the PM Quit

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun on Sunday stressed that his ministers “will not leave the government.”

“Let the premier quit” instead, Aoun said in an interview on Al-Jadeed television.

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Syria Draft Constitution Submitted to Assad

A commission tasked with drafting a new Syrian constitution submitted a draft charter to President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday, the official SANA news agency reported.

"Assad on Sunday received a copy of the new draft constitution from the head of the national committee charged with drafting a new constitution for the Syrian Arab Republic," SANA said.

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