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LF says consensus needed but won't endorse Hezbollah candidate

The Lebanese Forces on Thursday said that it knows that “the election of the president can only occur through consensus.”

“But Hezbollah is asking us to choose between its candidate and vacuum, and we will maintain our stance until they back down from their stance,” LF spokesman Charles Jabbour told al-Jadeed TV.

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Jumblat questions safety of Syrian refugees repatriation

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat asked which Arab or international side would secure a safe return to the Syrian refugees, and if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad wants them back.

In an interview with MTV, Jumblat urged for the establishment of "decent camps" for the displaced Syrians in Lebanon.

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Mikati tasks Baissari with Syrian repatriation file

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati on Thursday tasked acting General Security chief Brig. Gen. Elias Baissari with following up on the issue of returning the displaced Syrians to their country.

In the memo sent to Baissari, Mikati said that his decision is related to the ministerial meeting that was held on Wednesday, in which it was decided to take stricter measures in the file.

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FPM denies Franjieh claims about 'Bassil role in port deal'

The Free Patriotic Movement on Thursday stressed that its chief Jebran Bassil does not have “any role or link to the Beirut port deal,” denying accusations in this regard by Marada Movement chief Suleiman Franjieh.

“How can this happen in a ministry and file that the FPM has nothing to do with at all, and accordingly what can be hoped from a presidential candidate who launches false accusations against his political rivals other than his reinforcement of the impunity policy?” the FPM said in a statement.

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Abdollahian urges Lebanese officials to elect a president

Iran's foreign minister called on Lebanon Thursday to overcome political deadlock and elect a president, urging foreign governments not to interfere in the choice.

"We encourage all sides in Lebanon to expedite the election of a president," Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told a press conference, after he met with caretaker Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib in the capital Beirut.

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Franjieh says can be elected with 65 votes but waiting for KSA support

Marada Movement chief Suleiman Franjieh on Wednesday said that he prefers to wait for Saudi support for his presidential nomination.

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Bassil says FPM to confront 'conspiracy' of 'violent expulsion' of Syrians

Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil on Wednesday warned against any “violent expulsion” of Syrian refugees from Lebanon, amid an uproar over the army’s recent expulsion of dozens of Syrians from the country.

“The chaotic influx of displaced Syrians was a conspiracy that we confronted alone and expelling them through violence is a conspiracy that we will also confront,” Bassil said in a tweet.

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Third and last batch of Sudan evacuees arrive in Beirut

On Wednesday, thousands of civilians fled from Sudan to Saudi Arabia, including Lebanese nationals.

Whether they had spent only a short time in Sudan or built lives there over many years, they all voiced concern for what would become of friends, family and colleagues who remain in the country.

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Mouawad, Gemayel say won't allow election of Hezbollah candidate

MP and presidential candidate Michel Mouawad said Wednesday that the opposition will not allow the election of any candidate supported by the Axis of Defiance.

"They can threaten as much as they want," Mouawad said in a press conference, after he met with Kataeb leader Sami Gemayel.

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Ministerial panel on Syrian refugees calls for stricter measures, int'l help

Caretaker Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi said Wednesday that the armed forces will take all the necessary measures with the Syrian refugees, as the ministers of Justice, Interior, Labor, Social and Foreign affairs, convened to discuss the refugee file.

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati chaired the meeting in the presence of the army chief, the Internal Security Forces chief, the Acting General Security chief, and the Presidency Secretary-General.

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