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Cars Swallowed by Sinkhole Outside Italy Hospital

Patients had to be evacuated from a hospital in Naples on Friday after a huge section of the carpark collapsed, causing water and electricity to be cut off.

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Capitol Insanity: Jamiroquai Frontman Says He wasn't in DC

Jamiroquai singer Jay Kay has been keeping a low profile of late, and assures the world he definitely wasn't in Washington as part of the mob of Donald Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol.

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Ex-Employee Steals Digger, Smashes 50 Vans in Spain

A disgruntled former employee went on a New Year's Eve rampage at a Mercedes plant in Spain, smashing up some 50 new people carriers with a stolen digger, police said Tuesday. 

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Lab-grown Meat to Make Historic Debut at Singapore Restaurant

Lab-grown chicken meat will make its debut at a Singapore restaurant in a culinary first this weekend after the company behind the product announced its inaugural sale Wednesday.

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San Lorenzo Fan Pope Francis Becomes Boca Juniors Member

Pope Francis, an avid supporter of Argentine football team San Lorenzo, has committed a cardinal sin by becoming a member of a rival club, although it's for a good cause.

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Day Football Dyed: Chinese Match Off because 'Hair Not Black Enough'

A women's university football match in China descended into farce and was eventually called off after players were told that they were not allowed to have dyed hair, state media said Tuesday.

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What's in a Name?: 'Adolf Hitler' Wins Vote in Namibia

While many Namibians have names originating from the ex-colonial power Germany, a newly-elected municipal councilor has overnight romped to prominence not because of his victory but because he is called Adolf Hitler.

Adolf Hitler Uunona, 54, a politician of the ruling SWAPO party was last week elected local government councilor for Ompundja constituency in northern Namibia, with 85 percent of the ballots cast. 

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Mystery over Metal Monolith Found on Romanian Hilltop

A metal monolith which mysteriously appeared on a hilltop in northern Romania has sparked curiosity -- and mockery -- online, coming just days after a similar object was found in the Utah desert.

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Mum in Sweden Arrested for Locking Son Up for Decades

A mother in Sweden has been arrested on suspicion of locking her son inside their apartment for 28 years, leaving him undernourished and with almost no teeth, police and media reports said Tuesday.

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Mysterious Monolith in U.S. Desert Reportedly Disappears

A mysterious metal monolith found in the remote desert of the western United States, sparking a national guessing game over how it got there, has apparently disappeared, officials said.

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