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Spain Police Uncover 'House of Horrors' where Elderly 'Drugged'

Spanish police said Thursday they rescued an elderly man and woman locked up in a house, allegedly drugged and fed via a tube by a couple whose other "wards" died mysteriously.

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Trump Serves Up Junk Food to Athletes Again

President Donald Trump didn't have to change the menu Monday for his second hosting of college athletes at the White House this year: it was time to pile the table with fast food again.

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'Pug of War' over eBay Sale of Impounded Dog in Germany

A decision by German local authorities to impound a pug from an indebted family and hawk it on eBay was spiraling on Monday into a possible case for the courts.

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No More 'Lucky' Beards: Japan's Sumos Hit by Whisker Ban

Japanese sumo officials have introduced a crackdown on beards, calling them "indecent" and telling wrestlers they must look spick and span during competitions under strict, new rules on personal grooming.

The draconian whisker ban is part of fresh regulations also barring tattoos and long nails, a sumo spokesman told AFP on Wednesday, as the authorities look to clean up the image of Japan's roly-poly sport.

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Trump Puts on Weight, but in 'Very Good Health'

President Donald Trump is technically obese and has put on weight since last year, but his official doctor declared him Thursday to be in "very good health."

The presidential physician, Sean Conley, said Trump, 72, passed his medical exam last week with flying colors.

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Lovesick on Valentine's? Museum of Broken Hearts Has the Antidote

Forget romantic dinners and roses, the place to be on Valentine's Day is Zagreb's Museum of Broken Relationships, a paean to personal objects and stories of heartbreak.

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Ukrainian 'Clown' Zelensky Leading Polls ahead of Presidential Vote

Volodymyr Zelensky has already been elected president of Ukraine once -- in a television series. Now the popular actor with no political experience has confounded his critics to lead opinion polls before the real presidential race.

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British Man Jailed for Sex with Funeral Home Corpse

A burglar who had sex with a corpse in an English funeral home he broke into was jailed Friday for six years.

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Feng Shui Masters Say Trump Secrets Could be Nosed Out in Year of Pig

As the Chinese zodiac turns into the Year of the Pig next week, feng shui masters are predicting turbulence and division for world leaders at home -- not least President Donald Trump, who risks having past secrets revealed.

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Kuwaiti MP Sentenced to 7 Years for 'Tricking' Wife

A Kuwaiti court on Monday sentenced an opposition politician to seven years in jail for failing to tell his wife he divorced her and continuing to have sexual relations with her, her lawyer said.

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