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Pope's recipe to heal his painful knee? A shot of tequila

Doctors have prescribed a wheelchair, cane and physical therapy to help heal Pope Francis' bad knee. He has other ideas.

According to a viral video of the pope at the end of a recent audience, Francis quipped that what he really needs for the pain is a shot of tequila.

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Russian ambassador to Poland hit with red paint

Russia's ambassador to Poland was splattered by red paint thrown at him by protesters opposed to the war in Ukraine, preventing him from paying respects on Monday at a Warsaw cemetery to Red Army soldiers who died during World War II.

Ambassador Sergey Andreev arrived at the Soviet soldiers cemetery to lay flowers on Victory Day, which marks the defeat of Nazi Germany by the Allies. The holiday was celebrated with pomp in a parade at Red Square in Moscow.

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Survivor found almost 6 days after China building collapse

Rescuers in central China have pulled a woman alive from the rubble of a building that partially collapsed almost six days earlier, state media reported Thursday.

The unidentified woman is the 10th survivor of the disaster in the city of Changsha, in which at least five people have died and an unknown number, possibly dozens, are still missing.

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Trump testifies he feared being hit by 'very dangerous' fruit

Ex-president Donald Trump testified under oath that he feared protesters would pelt him with "very dangerous" fruit like pineapples, tomatoes, and bananas saying: "You can get killed with those things."

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Accused shooter in Lady Gaga dog theft mistakenly freed

A gunman accused of shooting and seriously wounding Lady Gaga's dog walker and stealing her two French bulldogs was mistakenly released from jail and is being sought, authorities said Friday.

James Howard Jackson, 19, was facing an attempted murder charge when he was released from Los Angeles County's jail on Wednesday "due to a clerical error," the county Sheriff's Department said in a statement.

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'Infurrection': Red fox terrorizes humans in U.S. Capitol rampage

Being outfoxed in Congress usually means losing a vote on an amended resolution or being too late for the donut line in the Senate cafeteria.

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Darwin notebooks missing for 20 years returned to Cambridge

Two of naturalist Charles Darwin's notebooks that were reported stolen from Cambridge University's library have been returned, two decades after they disappeared.

The university said Tuesday that the manuscripts were left in the library inside a pink gift bag, along with a note wishing the librarian a Happy Easter.

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Swedish selfie 'museum' gets super liked

A new selfie "museum" in Sweden is flipping the script by making visitors both the artist and the exhibit.

The "Youseum" in Stockholm has no works of art on its walls. 

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A Top-Notch Hospital in Doha is Busy: Only Falcons Allowed

At first glance, the Souq Waqif clinic in the historic center of Doha, the capital of Qatar, could be any other state-of-the-art hospital.

Nurses in blue scrubs move briskly through the bright wards, conducting rounds. Radiology and operating rooms whir with the beeps and blinks of monitors. Specialists squint at X-rays and masked doctors make incisions with all the high-tech tools of modern surgery on hand.

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Russian Gallery Says Guard Added Eyes to Avant-Garde Work

A Russian gallery says one of its security guards has vandalized an avant-garde painting on loan from the country's top art repository by drawing eyes on the picture's deliberately featureless faces. It said the damage can be repaired.

The Yeltsin Center in Ekaterinburg said the vandalism of the painting "Three Figures" by Anna Leporskaya occurred Dec. 7. It said the suspected culprit worked for a private company providing security at the gallery.

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