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Japanese Diplomat Has Origami Instagram

Every day for a year, a Japanese diplomat has posted a near-identical Instagram video of the paper crane he has folded that day.

"Today is my 365th day in Seattle," says Hisao Inagaki, consul general in the western US city, in a video posted Friday.

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In Japan, World's Oldest Ironman Seeks Olympic Tips

Japan's Hiromu Inada is watching the Tokyo Olympics hoping to pick up some tips from the athletes before he competes in next year's Ironman world championship, at the age of 90.

"There's so much to learn. I apply it to my training and it works! It's fun," the octogenarian athlete told AFP after one of his near-daily training sessions.

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Panda Loaned to France Gives Birth to Twins

Huan Huan, a giant panda on loan to France, gave birth to twin cubs very early Monday, according to the Beauval zoo. 

The twins, born around 1 am, are Huan Huan and her partner Yuan Zi's third cubs after the first panda ever born in France, Yuan Meng, in 2017.

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Policeman Shoots Student for Not Wearing Mask in DR Congo

A Democratic Republic of Congo policeman has shot a student who was not wearing a mask while filming on the streets of the capital, witnesses said on Sunday.

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Coffee Rush Snarls French Traffic after Capsule Spill

Drivers in eastern France got a surprise coffee fix Friday after hundreds of capsules scattered onto a highway in a traffic accident, prompting quick pullovers by people who snatched up as many boxes as they could.

A truck carrying the capsules was involved in an accident after swerving to avoid vehicles that were stopped to wait for riders in the Tour d'Alsace bicycle race to pass near Sierentz, a town near the German border, south of Mulhouse.

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Lebanese Army Offers Tourists Helicopter Joyrides

The Lebanese Army will start offering tourists helicopter joyrides this week in a bid to boost the coffers of one of the crisis-hit country's key institutions.

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Danger and Demons: Yemen's Mysterious 'Well of Hell'

Surrounded in mystery and tales of demons, the Well of Barhout in Yemen's east -- known as the "Well of Hell" -- is a little-understood natural wonder.

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France's Macron Brings Back Customary Kisses

French President Emmanuel Macron has kissed two World War II veterans on the cheeks, returning to a tradition that was abandoned at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.

French authorities have recommended people to avoid "la bise," the custom of giving kisses of greeting, to avoid spreading the virus. Macron kissed the veterans on Friday while wearing a mask.

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Snipers 'were Ready to Shoot' Greenpeace Euro 2020 Parachutist

The environmental activist who made an emergency landing into the stadium hosting the Germany-France Euro 2020 match in Munich only narrowly avoided being shot down by snipers because police spotted the Greenpeace logo, Bavaria's interior minister said on Wednesday.

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N Korea's Kim Looks Much Thinner, Causing Health Speculation

The health of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has long been a source of morbid fascination in rival South Korea, which sits in the shadow of Kim's 1.2-million-strong army and his growing arsenal of nuclear-armed missiles.

Has he gained even more weight? Is he struggling for breath after relatively short walks? What about that cane? Why did he miss that important state anniversary?

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