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Macron Slapped during Trip to Southeast France

French President Emmanuel Macron was slapped across the face by a bystander during a trip to southeast France on Tuesday in a security scare on the second stop of a nationwide tour.

Images on social media and broadcast on the BFM news channel showed Macron approach a barrier to greet voters, where a long-haired man in a green t-shirt took hold of his elbow and then slapped him.

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Heavy Sleepers: Elephants on Epic Trek Take Nap

A herd of wild elephants in southwestern China have been captured on camera taking a breather from a 500-kilometre march of chaos that has caused more than $1 million in damage.

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Trucks Line Roads to Block Wild Elephants in SW China

Long rows of trucks have lined roads in southwestern China to try and block the path of 15 wild elephants that have caused havoc on the outskirts of a city of millions.

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China Skyscraper Wobbles, Spreading Panic in Downtown Shenzhen

One of China's tallest skyscrapers was evacuated Tuesday after it began to shake, sending panicked shoppers scampering to safety in the southern city of Shenzhen.

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Cooked at 1,000 Degrees Celsius: Guatemala's Volcanic Pizza

Guatemala's Pacaya volcano has been erupting since February, keeping local communities and authorities on high alert.

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Couple Plans Wedding in Florida Mansion, Owner Unaware

A Florida couple who planned their wedding at a multimillion-dollar mansion near Miami thought they could get hitched without a hitch until one tiny detail got in the way: the owner was home and had no idea about their party.

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French Lingerie Shops Send PM Underwear in Lockdown Protest

Frustrated lingerie retailers in France are protesting their closure during lockdown by sending underwear to Prime Minister Jean Castex along with requests they be classed as essential businesses.

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VW Says Regrets Name-Change Prank after Outcry

German car giant Volkswagen voiced regret Wednesday over a publicity stunt that duped major media outlets and was criticized by AFP as a "breach of trust".

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Stuck Suez Vessel Prompts Amusement, Memes, some Profanity

It was the ship that launched a thousand memes, with social media users sharing viral images on Thursday of a giant container vessel wedged into the banks of the Suez canal.

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French Police's MDMA Haul was Actually Strawberry Sweets

A major haul of the drug MDMA announced by the Paris police this week has turned out to be nothing more sinister than strawberry candy, sources said Friday.

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