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EU Lawmakers Reject Freeze of CO2 Emissions Credits System

European lawmakers narrowly rejected Tuesday controversial plans to revive the EU's faltering carbon cap-and-trade system so as to cut greenhouse gas emissions, blamed for global warming.

The European Commission had proposed a freeze on pollution credits so as to make it financially more attractive for companies to invest in new clean technology. The Commission said it "regretted" the outcome and would review its position.

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Study: Sharks Dive by the Moon

The moon and water temperature affect the diving behavior of sharks, researchers reported Tuesday, in a discovery that could help prevent fishermen from catching the marine predators inadvertently.

A team from the University of Western Australia's Oceans Institute and the government-run Australian Institute of Marine Science spent nearly three years monitoring grey reef sharks off Palau in the Pacific.

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Flap-Backed Lorries to Save Lives, Energy in Europe

Rolling out round-nosed lorries with aeroplane-style flaps at the back on Europe's roads would cut fuel costs, reduce carbon emissions and save lives, while giving a boost to the struggling auto sector, the European Commission said Monday.

"A brick is the least aerodynamic shape you can imagine, that's why we need to improve the shape of our lorries on the roads," said Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas, calling for a change to 1996 specifications for heavy goods vehicles.

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Motorboats Go Silent on Venice's Grand Canal

Venice on Sunday enjoyed the sounds of silence as authorities imposed a five-hour ban on motorboats plying the Renaissance city's main waterway in a bid to raise awareness about noise pollution and architectural damage caused by waves.

Boat traffic on the Grand Canal in the world-famous lagoon came to a standstill from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, with only public transport and electric-powered or hybrid vessels allowed to cut through the waters.

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Study: Antarctic Summer Ice Melting 10 Times Faster

Summer ice in the Antarctic is melting 10 times quicker than it was 600 years ago, with the most rapid melt occurring in the last 50 years, a joint Australian-British study showed Monday.

A research team from the Australian National University and the British Antarctic Survey drilled a 364-metre (1,194 feet) long ice core from James Ross Island in the continent's north to measure past temperatures in the area.

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Study: Austria's Glaciers Shrank in 2012

Nearly all of Austria's glaciers shrank significantly last year, with one glacier receding a record 97.3 meters (319.2 feet), the Austrian Alpine Association (OeAV) said Friday.

Out of the 95 glaciers measured, 93 retreated an average 17.4 meters (57 feet) in 2012 while just two were unchanged, the body said in its annual report.

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U.S. Top Court to Hear Case on Gene Patents

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments Monday on whether to allow private entities to patent genes they have isolated and identified, a decision that could have far-reaching implications for genetic research.

The nine justices will review a 2012 appeals court decision that allowed a biotechnology company, Myriad Genetics Inc, to patent two genes it found had links to breast and ovarian cancer.

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Greenhouse Gases Make High Temps Hotter in China

China, the world's largest producer of carbon dioxide, is directly feeling the man-made heat of global warming, scientists conclude in the first study to link the burning of fossil fuels to one country's rise in its daily temperature spikes.

China emits more of the greenhouse gas than the next two biggest carbon polluters — the U.S. and India — combined. And its emissions keep soaring by about 10 percent per year.

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Study: Even Non-Amputees Experience 'Phantom Limbs'

Amputees often experience "phantom limbs", or the sensation that their missing limb is still present, but a Swedish study published Thursday showed that even non-amputees can experience the bizarre sensation.

"Our results show that the sight of a physical hand is remarkably unimportant to the brain for creating the experience of one's physical self," said the lead author of the study, Arvid Guterstam of Sweden's prestigious Karolinska Institute.

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Puti Unveils $50 bn Drive for Russian Space Supremacy

President Vladimir Putin on Friday unveiled a new $50 billion drive for Russia to preserve its status as a top space power, including the construction of a brand new cosmodrome from where humans will fly to space by the end of the decade.

Fifty-two years to the day since Yuri Gagarin became the Soviet Union's greatest hero by making the first human flight into space, Putin inspected the new Vostochny (Eastern) cosmodrome Russia is building in the Amur region of the Far East.

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