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Musk Escapes the Worst, but Tesla Still Faces a Bumpy Road

Tesla has promised to revolutionize the automobile, but the high-end electric car maker keeps hitting road blocks created by its founder Elon Musk's erratic behavior and considerable ego.

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The Scandals Bedevilling Facebook

Facebook is at the centre of controversy yet again after admitting that up to 50 million accounts were breached by hackers.

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Facebook Says Up to 50 Million Accounts Breached in Attack

Facebook announced Friday that up to 50 million accounts were breached in a security flaw exploited by hackers.

The leading social network said it learned this week of the attack that allowed hackers to steal "access tokens," the equivalent of digital keys that enable them to access their accounts.

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Online Harassment a Problem for Many U.S. Teens

A majority of U.S. teenagers say they have been victims of online harassment or bullying, and that social media companies aren't doing enough to fight the problem, a survey showed Thursday.

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Instagram Co-Founders Resign from Social Media Company

The co-founders of Instagram are resigning their positions with the social media company without explanation.

Chief Executive Kevin Systrom said in a statement late Monday that he and Mike Krieger, Instagram's chief technical officer, plan to leave the company in the next few weeks and take time off "to explore our curiosity and creativity again."

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Google Looking to Future after 20 Years of Search

Google celebrated its 20th birthday Monday, marking two decades in which it has grown from simply a better way to explore the internet to a search engine so woven into daily life its name has become a verb.

The company was set to mark its 20th anniversary with an event in San Francisco devoted to the future of online search, promising a few surprise announcements.

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Facebook Accused of Discrimination with Job Ad Targeting

A complaint has been filed with the US government accusing Facebook and 10 other companies of using the platform's job ad targeting system to discriminate on the basis of gender.

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Russian 'Facebook' Bans Myanmar Army Chief, Hardline Monk

Russian social media site VKontakte (VK) has followed Facebook by banning Myanmar's army chief and a nationalist monk known for stirring up Islamophobia in a country condemned globally for the treatment of its Rohingya Muslims.

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Samsung Sets New Galaxy Device Launch for October

Samsung sent out invitations Friday for an October 11 event to launch a new mobile device under its Galaxy line.

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Amazon's Bezos Unveils $2 Billion Philanthropic Fund

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos announced he was launching a philanthropic fund with a $2 billion initial commitment to help homeless families and launch preschools in low-income communities.

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