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Facebook on Monday began letting members of cozy cliques formed at the social networking service share website links or photo albums without all their friends knowing about it.

A "Send" button that lets people share website links with selected cadres instead of all Facebook friends was among enhancements being rolled out to a "Groups" feature launched in October of last year.

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Sony Unveils Two Tablet Computers in iPad Challenge

Japanese electronics and entertainment giant Sony Corp. unveiled its first tablet computers, codenamed S1 and S2, in a direct but belated challenge to Apple's iPad.

The "Sony Tablet" S1 has a single screen and is for home use while the portable S2 has two screens, Sony told a news conference.

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Emirati Telecom: BlackBerry Limits Next Week

Emirati authorities are pushing ahead with plans to impose tighter government restrictions on the most secure BlackBerry service next week, according to the CEO of one of the Gulf nation's phone companies.

But Osman Sultan, chief executive of the telecommunications firm Du, told reporters Monday he doesn't expect the shift May 1 to cause problems for customers, who will still have access to email, Web browsing and messaging services.

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Apple Slammed Over iPhone, iPad Location Tracking

Privacy watchdogs are demanding answers from Apple Inc. about why iPhones and iPads are secretly collecting location data on users — records that cellular service providers routinely keep but require a court order to disgorge.

It's not clear if other smartphones and tablet computers are logging such information on their users. And this week's revelation that the Apple devices do wasn't even new — some security experts began warning about the issue a year ago.

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Carmakers Look to An Electric Future in China

Major carmakers' high hopes for electric vehicles are on clear display at the Shanghai auto show, but industry leaders say it could be a decade before such eco-friendly cars go mainstream.

Wary over its growing dependence on foreign oil, China plans to become a world leader in clean-energy vehicles, pledging to invest more than $14 billion by 2020 -- and have five million of them on the road by then.

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Plastic, Heal Thyself: Scientists Invent Smart Polymers

Scientists on Thursday unveiled a new kind of plastic that can repair itself when exposed to ordinary light.

The miracle material could extend the lifetime and improve the durability of dozens of polymer-based products, ranging from common household items such a bags and storage bins to inner tires and expensive medical equipment, the researchers said.

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Obama Pokes Facebook Founder Over Necktie

U.S President Barack Obama faces a debt crisis, angry Republicans, and a hard fight to reelection -- but at least, he noted Wednesday, he got Facebook's youthful founder to dress up.

"My name is Barack Obama, and I'm the guy who got Mark to wear a jacket and tie," the president quipped about Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg to open a campaign-style event at the social media titan's headquarters.

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CIA Declassifies Documents For Secret Ink Recipes

The Central Intelligence Agency on Tuesday declassified six World War I-era documents -- the oldest classified documents held by the spy agency -- containing the ingredients used to create invisible ink.

The formulas, which date from 1917 and 1918 and were the CIA's oldest classified documents, were apparently so sensitive that as late as 1976 the agency decided against releasing the information.

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Samsung Vows Counter-Action Over Apple Patent Suit

Samsung Electronics said Tuesday it would take counter-action against Apple after the U.S. firm filed suit alleging that the South Korean giant copied its smartphones and tablet computers.

Apple's lawsuit claims Samsung's mobile phones and Galaxy Tab imitated the iPhone and the iPad.

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Electric cars: Night-Time Charging Better

Charging electric cars at night eases a smog problem caused by fossil-fuel plants which provide the power for these vehicles, researchers reported on Tuesday.

Plug-in cars are viewed as a key tool in the fight for a cleaner planet as they do not emit tailpipe pollution when they run on electricity.

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