The billion-dollar sale of navigation company Waze to Google may finally be putting Israel on the map as a major player in consumer Internet innovation.
Israel's high-tech sector has been dominated by firms that made products for other businesses, like computer chips or communications gear. But in recent years Internet and mobile companies have emerged as the majority of Israeli startups, and many have found success in the global market.

Douglas Engelbart, who revolutionized computing by inventing the mouse, died in California on Tuesday at the age of 88, the institute bearing his name said Wednesday.
Born in Oregon, Engelbart studied electrical engineering and computer sciences in the 1950s before joining the Stanford Research Institute.

A case against US technology giant Apple brought by a Chinese firm for alleged patent infringement in its digital personal assistant "Siri" has begun in a Shanghai court, state media said Wednesday.
Lawyers representing Apple and Zhizhen Network Technology Co. on Tuesday argued over the technical specifications of Siri and the Chinese company's "Xiao i Robot" product, reports said.

Honda Motor Co.'s walking, talking interactive robot is running into glitches in its new job as a museum guide in Tokyo.
The bubble-headed Asimo machine had problems telling the difference between people raising their hands to ask questions and those aiming their smartphones to take photos at the Miraikan science museum.

Yahoo on Tuesday announced it has bought a startup behind a smartphone movie application, extending a shopping spree launched after Marissa Mayer became chief of the Internet pioneer a year ago.
Yahoo did not reveal how much it paid for Qwiki, the New York operation behind an application that converts video and pictures on iPhones into sharable movie clips complete with music soundtracks.

Videogame titan Ubisoft on Tuesday warned that hackers swiped names, email addresses and other information about users of its online gaming community.
"We recently found that one of our websites was exploited to gain unauthorized access to some of our online systems," the France-based company said in a message to members of its Uplay service.

Zynga co-founder Mark Pincus on Monday said he is handing over the helm of the struggling social games company to Microsoft entertainment division chief Don Mattrick.
Word that videogame industry veteran Mattrick would be in command of San Francisco-based Zynga beginning next week sent shares climbing more than 10 percent to $3.21.

Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg joined more than 700 of the leading social network's employees to march in a euphoric San Francisco gay Pride Parade that drew more than a million people.
Zuckerberg and others in the Facebook contingent used ink pads and rubber stamps to temporarily brand 'like' onto people's skin as the 250 official parade entries made their way through the heart of San Francisco on Sunday.

Apple has filed a trademark application for an "iWatch" in Japan, fueling speculation the U.S. tech giant is preparing to introduce a wearable computing device to go up against products on stream from Google and Samsung.
The firm has long been rumored to be working on introducing an "iWatch", which would represent the biggest gadget launch by the firm since the iPad mini last year.

South Korea says personal information was stolen from its presidential website in a cyberattack last week that coincided with a shutdown of North Korean websites.
Yonhap news agency reported Monday that about 100,000 subscribers' accounts were hacked on the presidential website. It cited an unidentified presidential official. The president's office acknowledged the loss of data but couldn't confirm the details.