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Lebanon Hit by New Crisis: Severe Electricity Cuts and Red Diesel Shortage

Energy Minister Jebran Bassil has warned that severe power cuts would become much worse in the future after hundreds of angry citizens protested in Jiyyeh and cut the Beirut airport’s main road.

While refusing to comment on severe electricity cuts, Bassil only told Hizbullah’s al-Manar TV on Saturday that things would become much worse in the future.

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Energy Ministry Blames Poor Weather on Delay in Delivery of Red Diesel

The Energy Ministry revealed that it had delivered 10 million liters of red diesel subsidized by LL 3,000 per jerry can to the Zahrani plants that had witnessed a severe shortage in fuel, reported the daily An Nahar on Friday.

The Ministry said in a statement: “The thunderstorm on January 18 prevented the delivery of diesel to Zahrani, which led to the shortage.”

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Mansour: Libya Promised to Speed up Probe into Fate of Moussa al-Sadr

Libya is probing the mysterious disappearance of revered Lebanese Shiite Imam Moussa al-Sadr who went missing in Tripoli 33 years ago, Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour told reporters on Thursday.

"The investigation is on... there is a commission of inquiry chaired by the Libyan attorney general" which is probing the case, Mansour said after meeting Mustafa Abdel Jalil, the head of Libya's ruling National Transitional Council (NTC).

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Libya Ready to Cooperate with Lebanon to Unveil Fate of Moussa al-Sadr

Libya is ready to work with Lebanon to probe the mysterious disappearance of Shiite Imam Moussa al-Sadr who went missing upon arrival in Tripoli in 1978, an official said Wednesday.

The ruling National Transitional Council was "ready to form a joint commission with the Lebanese to investigate" what happened to Sadr, said Fathi Baja, head of political affairs at the NTC.

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Several Dead as Libya Ex-Rebels Turn on Each Other

Armed clashes erupted in the center of the Libyan capital Tripoli on Tuesday, killing two, as gunmen traded anti-aircraft and heavy machinegun fire, witnesses said.

Meanwhile, Al-Arabiya television reported that six people were killed in the fighting.

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Alloush Accuses Assad Supporters of Opening Fire on his House

Former MP Mustafa Alloush accused supporters of Syrian President Bashar Assad of opening fire on his house in the northern city of Tripoli at dawn Saturday.

In remarks to Voice of Lebanon radio station (93.3), Alloush said that a group of armed men began cursing outside his home and shouting pro-Assad slogans around 1:00 am.

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Rallies, Blood Drives in N. Lebanon to Aid Syria Refugees

Hundreds of protesters hit the streets in north Lebanon Friday to support the revolt against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, organizing blood drives and marching towards the volatile border.

Some 500 Lebanese and Syrians rallied near a border crossing in the Akkar district of Wadi Khaled, which straddles the Syrian border, amid tight security.

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Family Dispute Erupts into Heavy Gunfire in Tripoli Fish Market

A family dispute has erupted into heavy gunfire in the northern city of Tripoli, forcing the army to intervene to contain the situation.

OTV reported that the dispute broke out in the city’s fish market.

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U.N. Ends Sanctions on Libya Central Bank

The U.N. Security Council on Friday lifted sanctions on Libya's central bank and a key investment bank freeing tens of billions of dollars to ease a post-Gadhafi cash crunch.

The United States immediately announced it would unblock more than $30 billion dollars of assets of the Central Bank of Libya and its subsidiary, the Libyan Foreign Bank (LFB). Britain said it would release more than $10 billion.

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Pentagon Chief Panetta Arrives in Libya

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta arrived in Tripoli Saturday on the first visit to Libya by a Pentagon chief to study up close the security needs of the new government.

During the visit, which will last only a few hours, Panetta will meet with Defense Minister Osama Jouili and Prime Minister Abdul Rahim al-Kib, said an AFP correspondent traveling with him.

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