Walid Jumblat
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Jumblat Kicks Off STL Testimony on Monday

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat is expected to travel to The Hague in order to give his testimony before the Special Tribunal for Lebanon that is examining the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, media reports said Friday.

Al-Mustaqbal daily stated that he is scheduled to travel to the Netherlands in 48 hours.

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Jumblat on Anniversary of Syrian Withdrawal: We Look forward to Army that Controls War, Peace Decisions

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat hoped on the tenth anniversary of the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon for the implementation of the Baabda Declaration that would grant the army complete power over decisions of war and peace.

He said in his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa website: “We look forward to the day when we celebrate the existence of a single central authority that oversees all others.”

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Paralysis Further Grips State as Christian Blocs Refuse to Legislate

The fate of a controversial parliamentary session that Speaker Nabih Berri insists on calling for is facing further obstacles as Christian lawmakers are holding onto their decision to boycott it.

Berri warned in comments published in local newspapers that boycotting the session would lead to chaos in the country, accusing “those who are obstructing legislation on the pretext of presidential vacuum are also boycotting the elections sessions.”

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Jumblat Rules out Crisis with Hizbullah over Iran's Role in Region

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat ruled out a dispute between him and Hizbullah over Iran's expansion in the region and its rivalry with Saudi Arabia.

In remarks to An Nahar daily published on Tuesday, Jumblat said Hizbullah should reassess “Iran's absolute support for the Syrian regime, which will destroy Syria.”

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Jumblat Urges Construction of Prison Meeting Human Rights Standards to Avoid New Riots

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat called Monday for building a “modern prison” to replace the run-down, overcrowded Roumieh facility in order to avoid further riots and mutinies.

“It has become very urgent to construct a modern prison that meets the minimum requirements of human rights, seeing as detainees and prisoners are humans and they have the right to spend their jail terms at a facility enjoying the proper standards,” said Jumblat in his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa newspaper.

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Roumieh Inmates Stage Riot Overnight as Mashnouq Vows Situation under Control

A limited riot was staged by inmates in Roumieh's block D overnight on Monday as Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq vowed that the situation will not return to the way it used to be.

Sunday's riot comes two days after a similar incident in the same facility on Friday that was led by the Islamist inmates.

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Jumblat Lashes Out at Nasrallah, Says Strongly Worded Speech to Harm Lebanon

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat slammed on Sunday criticism by Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah against Saudi Arabia, wondering what compelled him to deliver a tensed speech over the offensive in Yemen.

“The strongly worded rhetoric by Nasrallah doesn't benefit anyone,” Jumblat said in comments published in al-Mustaqbal newspaper.

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Lebanese Politicians Say 'Never Again' on Anniversary of Civil War

Lebanese politicians warned on Saturday against the return to war on the 40th anniversary of the start of Lebanon's civil war that killed more than 150,000 people.

“We did not end our civil war to precipitate our country into the furnace of Arab wars,” said al-Mustaqbal Movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri via twitter.

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Kerry's Deputy Meets Lebanese Leaders: Hizbullah Actions in Syria Bad for People of Syria, Lebanon

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned Monday that “Hizbullah's actions” in Syria are “bad for the people of Syria and Lebanon,” as he noted that “those blocking” the presidential vote “should be held to public account.”

“The Prime Minister and I reviewed developments in the region, including the agreement between the P5+1 and Iran on the elements of a comprehensive plan to deal with Iran’s nuclear program that were decided last week in Lausanne, as well as the conflicts in Syria and Yemen and the future of Middle East peace,” said Blinken after meeting PM Tammam Salam in Msaitbeh.

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Jumblat Slams Nasrallah, Considers Latest Speech as Tense

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat criticized on Wednesday Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's latest speech, describing it as “tense and biased.”

“I noticed that the Islamic Republic of Iran didn't comment (on the developments in Yemen) like Nasrallah did,” Jumblat said in comments published in As Safir newspaper.

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