The 1960 parliamentary electoral law will likely be adopted should proportional representation be rejected by parliament, reported the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat on Sunday.
A prominent political source from the majority told the daily that the majority leaderships “have become convinced that the adoption of proportional representation at parliament or cabinet will be difficult because of National Struggle Front leader MP Walid Jumblat’s adamant rejection of it.”

Interior Minister Marwan Charbel rejected on Saturday criticism by certain parties on the adoption of proportional representation for the 2013 parliamentary elections, saying a draft-law proposed by him allows all sides to participate in the polls.
“All those who rejected the proportionality law are explaining it in accordance with their own wishes,” Charbel told Voice of al-Mada.

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat denied on Friday that he informed Prime Minister Najib Miqati or any official that his National Struggle Front ministers would withdraw from the cabinet if it adopted an electoral law based on proportional representation.
“No one proposed the proportional representation except for (Interior Minister) Marwan Charbel… No one tackled the issue with us,” Jumblat told al-Akhbar newspaper.

Sources close to Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat reiterated the rejection of proportionality in the parliamentary elections as his Druze rivals advocated a new draft-law that would end the MP’s ability to create a new parliamentary majority.
The sources told As Safir newspaper published Thursday that the current draft-law proposed by Interior Minister Marwan Charbel on proportionality is rejected because they claim it does not intend to introduce reform.

Several Lebanese leaders on Wednesday contacted Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea to condemn the assassination attempt he escaped earlier in the day, as President Michel Suleiman called for “intensifying the investigations in order to unveil and arrest the perpetrators.”
Former prime minister Saad Hariri telephoned Geagea, deploring the attempt on his life and describing it as the latest in a long series of political assassinations in Lebanon.

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumlat slammed on Wednesday Speaker Nabih Berri’s decision to hold a general discussion parliament to assess the government’s performance.
“It’s an incomplete step,” Jumblat described it.

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat warned Prime Minister Najib Miqati that if the cabinet adopted an electoral law based on proportionality then this would lead to the collapse of the government, al-Liwaa newspaper reported on Wednesday
Al-Liwaa said Jumblat refuses the proposed electoral law, threatening to withdraw his National Struggle Front ministers from the cabinet, if the parliament approved the draft law and the government adopted it.

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun stated on Tuesday that a final agreement with companies on leasing power-generating vessels has not been reached yet.
He said after the Change and Reform bloc’s weekly meeting: “Prime Minister Najib Miqati is responsible for any delay in the electricity file.”

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat praised on Tuesday the residents of the northern region of Akkar for their support of the displaced Syrians who have sought refuge in the area.
He condemned attempts “by some authorities in power” to link terrorism to Akkar.
The March 14 opposition is mulling to withdraw its confidence from the government although it needs the support of MP Walid Jumblat’s National Struggle Front to achieve that objective, parliamentary sources said Tuesday.
The sources told al-Liwaa daily, however, that the lawmakers of the NSF would not join the opposition in its attempt to withdraw its confidence from the cabinet or several ministers given that Jumblat is reiterating his support for the government.