منظمة حظر الأسلحة الكيميائية: سوريا سلمت برنامجها لتدمير الاسلحة خلال المهل المحددة

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أعلنت منظمة حظر الاسلحة الكيميائية اليوم الاحد، أن سوريا سلمت برنامج تدمير الترسانة الكيميائية من قبل سوريا في المهل المحددة.

وقالت المنظمة في بيان انها "تؤكد ان الجمهورية العربية السورية سلمتها الخميس 24 تشرين الاول الاعلان الاولي الرسمي لبرنامجها للاسلحة الكيميائية"، مؤكدة ان سوريا "التزمت بالمهلة المحددة".

واضافت المنظمة ان هذا الاعلان "يتيح وضع الخطط الهادفة الى تدمير منهجي وكامل ويمكن التثبت منه للاسلحة الكيميائية المعلنة اضافة الى منشآت الانتاج والتجميع".

وقالت ان هذه "الخطة العامة تمت احالتها الى المجلس التنفيذي للمنظمة" التي مقرها لاهاي والمكلفة الاشراف على ازالة ترسانة السلاح الكيميائي السوري اثر قرار دولي.

وامر القرار رقم 2118 بازالة ترسانة السلاح الكيميائي السوري بحلول منتصف 2014.

وسيستخدم المجلس التنفيذي للمنظمة الاعلان السوري "الاولي" ليحدد في موعد اقضاه 15 تشرين الثاني مختلف مواعيد تدمير الترسانة السورية.

التعليقات 14
Thumb mckinl 14:07 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

And the reports are that none of Assad's chemical inventory had been weaponized for battlefield use ... It was all still in storage.

Which leads to the question who really used those chemical weapons in Ghouta and Allepo?

UN Representative Carla Del Ponte has already pointed to the terrorists as being responsible for Aleppo.

Was Ghouta staged to keep investigators from their original mandate Aleppo? The Ghouta photos were staged, casualties exaggerated.

So if Assad is not guilty of "gassing" his people who is? The finger points straight at Qaeda and their KSA sponsors ...

Will there be a real investigation into who was behind the chemical attacks in Syria? Doubtful ... the coverups and red lines are already drawn to protect the powerful.

Thumb mckinl 15:17 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

A criminal investigation by Carla Del Ponte would do nicely ...

Thumb cedre 15:52 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

Please dont lie, Del ponte said there was testimony accusing the rebels, not that they did it. There are as well testimony saying the opposite.
She was denied by the UN, US, EU (why are not my references). To this day she did not produce real proofs. Btw, she did the same kind of unfunded allegations when she was working for the international tribunal for ex yugoslavia...

Thumb cedre 15:53 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

* which are not my references
** unfounded allegations

Missing people-power 21:00 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

McKidiot.... stop lying. Del Ponte had no proof that the rebels ever used chemical weapons. Ever. Her statements referred only to testimony by pro-Assad citizens, and her statements were immediately denounced by the UN investigative committee that she was a member of.

You are also lying that none of the chemical inventory had been weaponized. The UN investigative team gave an exhaustive report clearly showing that the chemical weapons in Ghouta were fired from pro-Assad controlled areas, based on the trajectory of the missiles that carried the chemical payload.

You are a liar and a failed propagandist.

Missing peace 21:07 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

don't worry people power: typical complex of superiority of M8ers... they know who killed hariri, they know who fired the CW, they know everything better than any experts in the world!!!
they know how to drill oil, they know how to rule a state, they know that half lebanon are zionists canibals...

so let them bark it flatters their oversized ego!

Missing people-power 21:28 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

You are exactly right peace. I should just ignore him, but sometimes I feel the need to correct his false statements.

Thumb eli-g 14:23 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

@mckinl who would you like to do the "real" investigation?

Thumb mckinl 14:36 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

The OPCW could do the investigation if Russia were allowed to participate. Overt conflict of interests like that of Sellstrom would need to be taken care of.

Russia has already issued a one hundred page report compliant with OPCW standards about the chemical attack in Ghouta which identified the Terrorists as the likely suspects.

The US has pulled about all the strings it can at the moment. They have their hands full from the reports of spying on their allies. Other countries are not about to yield too much in the way of influence.

Thumb cedre 18:54 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

coz bashar, like his father, is israel borderguard.
Bashar's grand father was a supporter of french occupation and israel creation, he did not consider himself muslim or syrian and was begging for partition, aka alawistan...


Missing peace 20:35 ,2013 تشرين الأول 27

but since 1973 the assads have faithfully protected the quietness of the golan heights for the security of israel while exporting the war in lebanon so that syria is sheltered from any conflict and lebanon take all the sh... thanks to hezbis and their faithful puppets from M8....

Thumb Mystic 01:57 ,2013 تشرين الأول 28

Fun how everytime something is spoken about Syria, you are talking secterian just like the rest of the KSA.

Thumb cedre 00:01 ,2013 تشرين الأول 28

@ history_idiot : Assads family betrayed egyptians, lebaneses, turks, iraqi, jordanians and even moroccan soldiers come to help them on the Golan's slope.
It is well documented, stop listening to Assad's historiography and almanar BS.

abdelnasser and saddam about assads betrayal :

Default-user-icon Winto (ضيف) 12:43 ,2013 تشرين الأول 28

The so called jordanians did enough betraying on their own to cover 10 assad's. But yeah the assads betrayed the resistance, no doubt.