نتانياهو يعرب عن قلقه أمام هولاند من احتمال توقيع الاتفاق مع ايران والرئيس الفرنسي يحدد "اربعة شروط" للإتفاق

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اعلن رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو مساء الاحد انه "قلق للغاية" من احتمال توصل القوى الكبرى الى ابرام اتفاق مع ايران حول ملفها النووي المثير للجدل.

وقال نتانياهو في مؤتمر صحافي مع الرئيس الفرنسي فرنسوا هولاند "انا قلق، قلق للغاية من ان يتم ابرام هذا الاتفاق، وبجرة قلم سيتم خفض العقوبات على ايران--عقوبات استغرق فرضها سنوات- وفي المقابل فان ايران لن تكون قدمت عمليا اي شيء".

من جهته قال هولاند ان فرنسا مع التوصل الى اتفاق انتقالي مع ايران في حال تلبية "اربعة شروط هي التي وضعناها معا، دول 5+1" (الولايات المتحدة وروسيا والصين وفرنسا وبريطانيا والمانيا). وهي "الشرط الاول : وضع كامل المنشآت النووية الايرانية تحت رقابة دولية منذ الان. النقطة الثانية تعليق التخصيب (اليورانيوم) بنسبة 20%. الشرط الثالث : خفض المخزون الموجود حاليا. واخيرا وقف بناء مفاعل اراك. هذه هي النقاط التي نعتبرها اساسية كضمان للتوصل الى اتفاق".

وتأتي تصريحات نتانياهو قبل ايام من جولة جديدة من المحادثات في جنيف بين ايران ودول 5+1 للوصول الى اتفاق حول برنامج طهران النووي المثير للجدل.

ولكن اسرائيل انتقدت الاتفاق مشيرة الى انه يعرض "اتفاق القرن" على الجمهورية الاسلامية.

واضاف نتانياهو "من الواضح ان هذا الاتفاق جيد فقط بالنسبة لايران وسيء للغاية لباقي العالم" مشيرا الى ان "اتفاق الحلم بالنسبة لايران هو كابوس للعالم".

وتجتمع دول مجموعة 5+1 (الصين والولايات المتحدة وفرنسا وبريطانيا وروسيا والمانيا) الاربعاء في جنيف للمرة الثالثة خلال شهر تقريبا في محاولة للتوصل الى اتفاق حول البرنامج النووي الايراني الذي يشتبه الغربيون في انه لاغراض عسكرية تحت ستار برنامج نووي مدني رغم نفي طهران المتكرر.

وسيتوجه نتانياهو الاربعاء الى موسكو لاجراء محادثات حول الملف الايراني مع الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين بينما سيلتقي الجمعة مع وزير الخارجية جون كيري في القدس.

التعليقات 17
Missing --karim_m1-- 09:53 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

LOL, Hollande is getting very nervous. His project of arming and financing FSA-Al Qaeda (even when France is broke) is being torn apart, he's being destroyed in the presidency polls, and here he is trying to stay relevant in the negotiations, at least until he realizes he doesn't have a say in anything.

Thumb benzona 10:29 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

Tu peux rire autant que tu veux coco. Rira bien qui rira le dernier et je peux te garantir que le Liban en sortira perdant!

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:05 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

maybe hollande was talking about israel's nuclear weapons? that or he's a big hypocrite on zionist payroll

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 05:10 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

Crazy Israel is complaining about crazy Iran. From one sectarian state to another.

Thumb benzona 16:24 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

Jiddo kiddo looks more like a Nazi, whilst Holland is more Ashkenazi :-P

Thumb benzona 10:45 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

Not even Holland is on his way out.... In 3 years everyone will have forgotten His name just like Sarkozy's. You grant France too much power, unfortunately today Europe is in Merkel and Cameron's control.

Thumb mckinl 10:50 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

France has the ability through its permanent seat on the UN Security Council to veto any deal that the rest of the P5+1 agrees upon.

Thumb benzona 11:00 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

You're talking about the right Russia and China keep abusing of for Syria? Or the one USA keeps abusing in favour of Israel.

Yes, France should play that game with Iran .... So one day this veto system gets abolished.

Thumb mckinl 11:19 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

@ benzona

"Yes, France should play that game with Iran .... So one day this veto system gets abolished."

And a regional war or WWIII whereby large countries would begin to ignore the UN and international law altogether as international chaos ensues ...

Thumb benzona 16:22 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

That is why the veto none sense must go. There's no better way to achieve this goal than by crippling the UN bs.

Thumb mckinl 11:48 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

No nukes were used in Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Sudan or Syria yet the region is in tatters. While the goal of a nuclear free MENA is a noble one there are many "goals" that need to be addressed first ...

Thumb mckinl 13:30 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

@ speakfreely

"Leave Lebanon alone that's all we want."

And that is what I advocate. Unfortunately Lebanon's political elites have strong ties to foreign interests. In this case Mustaqbal with the Saudis that are waging terrorism in next door Syria while using Lebanon as a weapons and terrorist corridor and punishing all of Lebanon for their Fatwa against the Shia, specifically Hezbollah that has been a decisive force in their losing battle in Syria.

Missing phillipo 14:29 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

If you really and truly wanted Israel do disarm from the nuclear weapons that everyone claims she has, don't you think that a positive and highly productive first step would be to sign peace treaties with that country.
Whilst Arab states are threatening Israel there is no way that she would agree to this step but peace with all its neighbours might actually change the line of thought of the Israeli government.
You just can't have disarmament without peace.

Missing phillipo 14:32 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

You state "Israel is the only country in the Middle East with nukes".
Whether that statement is correct or not is irrelevent.
Has Israel EVER threatened to wipe another State of the face of the map ? - No.
Has Israel EVER been threatened to be wiped off off the face of the map ? - Yes.
So, without a full and meaningful peace would you give up your nuclear deterent? I know I wouldn't.

Missing phillipo 19:37 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

Southern, just a couple of questions for you.
1. How many innocent Lebanese civilians have been killed by Hizballah? How many by the then occupying Syrian forces? How many by Israel?
2. If you were the PM of Lebanon, had a nuclear weapon, and an enemy country threatened day after day to "wipe you off the face of the earth", would you turn round and give up your nuclear weapon? I very much doubt it.
3. If what you say about their not hesitating to Nuke countries is true, why didn't they do so during the Yom Kippur War?

Thumb chrisrushlau 19:45 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 17

He is Peter Sellars reincarnated. Inspector Clueless.

Missing phillipo 08:22 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 18

"The ONLY country that was "wiped off the map" was Palestine by the invading terrorist zionists."
Bigjohn - could you please give us a geography / history lesson as to exact when there was a Palestine country.
Until 1918 it was part of the Ottoman Empire, from 1918 to 1948 it was part of the British Mandate.
In November 1947 the UN votes for the establishment of an independent Palestinian State, beside Israel, all the Arab States refused to accept it.
From 1948 - 1967 the West Bank was occupied by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Gaza Strip was occupied by the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Only after these two countries declared war on Israel in the Six Day war was the occupation taken over by Israel.
So, please, tell us exactly when there was a Palestine country.