الجربا يتهم النظام السوري بتسليح المجموعات المتطرفة: ذبح حزب الله للآلاف أغضبها

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اتهم رئيس الائتلاف الوطني السوري المعارض احمد الجربا الثلاثاء النظام السوري بتسليح المجموعات المتطرفة في سوريا مجددا معارضته لا دور للرئيس السوري بشار الاسد في مستقبل سوريا.

وقال الجربا في كلمة القاها امام القادة الخليجيين خلال افتتاح قمتهم في الكويت ان النظام السوري "وجد ضالته في الجماعات المتطرفة فاخرج من اخرج من السجون وسلح من سلح منهم".

واشار الجربا بشكل خاص الى تنظيم القاعدة في العراق وبلاد الشام (داعش).

كما اعتبر الجربا ان مشاركة حزب الله تحت شعارات "طائفية" في الحرب سوريا وقيام مقاتليه مع مقاتلي النظام ب"ذبح الاف السوريين"، ادى الى اشتداد "غضب غلاة المتطرفين من الجهة الاخرى".

قال "اصبحت السيطرة عليهم صعبة بعد ان صار استيعابهم مستحيلا"، في اشارة الى الجماعات الاسلامية السنية المتطرفة.

وجدد التاكيد على دعم الائتلاف للحل السياسي وعلى ان المشاركة في مؤتمر جنيف 2 ... "تعني اننا ذاهبون لتخليص بلدنا من الدماء والاجرام".

واضاف "نعم لجنيف 2 وفق الاسس التي حددناها" ولاسيما ان "لا مكان للنظام السوري في مستقبل سوريا".

التعليقات 17
Thumb BeautifulMind 21:09 ,2013 كانون الأول 10

So Jarba What is it:
You said,
1. the Assad regime is arming the extremists.
2. Then at the and of article, you said, “the slaughter of thousands of Syrians” at the hands of the regime and its allies aggravated “the anger of the extremists in the other camp.”
So now, I am really confused: Is the regime arming the anger or aggravating the extremists? Please text me the answer: 1800 confused.

Thumb cedre 21:50 ,2013 كانون الأول 10

ISIL is manipulated and infiltrated since 2003, like most terrorist groups. I'll quote few that Assads supported in the past :
ISIS, PKK, fath al islam ,asala, fplp gc, carlos, abu nidal, HA, amal militia...
Feel free to complete the list.

Thumb BeautifulMind 22:16 ,2013 كانون الأول 10

Let me quote you what was documented in every history book:
17 Saudi men killed 3,300 work-goers on September 11, 2001
Saudi inspired and financed men bomb London 2005 killing 157 people
Saudi financed and inspired men bombed Madrid 2006 killing 102 people
Saudi financed and inspired men are suicide attacking Shiaa and Christians every freaking day killing millions since 2004
Saudi and M14 financed and inspired men are suicide bombing Syrians innocent every freaking day killing thousands.
Conclusion: every terrorists is Saudi-M14 not every Saudi-M14 is terrorist.

Missing voiceofreason 03:25 ,2013 كانون الأول 11

You reveal your bias and prove that you are only here for propaganda after saying every terrorist is from a single ethnic group of people or place. How foolish would someone have to be to believe what you have just said? Do you think your audience are 5-year-olds? Actually i truly believe a 5 year-old would still question your "conclusion", so where might that put you on the spectrum of intelligence? Alas, we live in time of truth versus clear falsehood, yet people believe the false because of their wicked desires.

Missing peace 11:53 ,2013 كانون الأول 11

perfect sense... so that you d never believe it and support assad...and it works on simple minded people like you . set up the fire and come and play the brave firefighter! that is the baath way of doing things... does he care for his people? no, he cares for his power only ... poor naive FT...

Default-user-icon Habib Tbrizian (ضيف) 22:04 ,2013 كانون الأول 10

Mr, Jarba express somthing that I have said för almost one year ego, namely Syrian supporting of the al-Qaida-linked Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL). I as an Iranian political analyser repeatedly have said that: Russian, Iran, Hezbolah and even Noor almaleki, clandestinely support Al-Qaida to oblige the oposition and the west to take side either withe Asad,s Regime or AL-Qaida. This is their strategi

Thumb BeautifulMind 22:26 ,2013 كانون الأول 10

And the same man: Nuri Almaliki said, these terrorist went to Syria in 2001 from Iraq. and the same man said, "all of these terrorists are inspired, financed by Saudi Arabia."

Thumb LebCynic 09:24 ,2013 كانون الأول 11

Why does this guy even bother? Zabra, no ones listening!

Thumb mckinl 11:16 ,2013 كانون الأول 11

""Jarba, head of the mainstream opposition National Coalition, accused President Bashar Assad's regime of "supplying arms" to the al-Qaida-linked Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL) in a bid to defeat the uprising.""

How do you negotiate with one who promotes delusional lies ???

Missing peace 11:50 ,2013 كانون الأول 11

that is the plan: manipulate extremists to make people back you up under the pretext of fighting against terrorism...
syrian always played that game and M8ers are quick to forget it! what a surrise!

"Syria starts fires in order to give itself a pretext to extinguish them"

"One cannot rationally dissociate the Syrian regime from terrorism. Syria provides safe haven for a myriad of terrorist organizations, directs their operations..."

"the Syrian regime uses these terrorist organizations as instruments of pressure in a foreign policy strategy that has earned for Syria a "no questions asked" attitude from the free world"
michel aoun 2003!!

could M8ers say how present assad regime is now different from the assad regime before? how can he manipulated terrorist organizations before and not now? LOL

Missing peace 11:55 ,2013 كانون الأول 11

talking about the syrian regime : "Terrorist organizations do not stand on their own in terms of identity; instead, they are proxies to regimes that provide them with financial means and an operational framework for their terrorist activities. The suggestion heard in some circles that these regimes can be charged with the task of dismantling terrorist organizations is the height of naiveté and folly."

"Any perceived cooperation in the war on terrorism does not represent a strategic choice on the part of the Syrian regime to combat terrorism; it is only a tactical and temporary ploy to dodge responsibility for the central role that Syria has had in sponsoring terrorism during the last three decades"
aoun 2003 US senate! LOL

Missing peace 11:57 ,2013 كانون الأول 11

" Furthermore, let's not forget that the clandestine nature of these regimes and organizations would allow them to quickly and easily restructure and reemerge under completely new aliases, ready to resume operations in full capacity...."

Thumb mckinl 11:57 ,2013 كانون الأول 11

LOL ... Assad arms the terrorists he fights ...

LOL ... Iran supports Qaeda ...

What have you and geha been smoking? This new propaganda you and he are pushing is ridiculous and everyone knows it. You should fire whatever idiot thought up this charade ...

Missing peace 11:59 ,2013 كانون الأول 11

"This new propaganda you and he are pushing is ridiculous and everyone knows it. "

no just brainwahed syrian bootlickers knows it... syria has always acted that way ... just read what aoun said about it... he was a liar? LOL

Thumb mckinl 12:19 ,2013 كانون الأول 11

@ peace

I don't care what Aoun said about it ...

Assad is not arming ISIL and Iran absolutely does not support Qaeda.

You are delusional, past the point of rational discourse ...

Missing peace 15:04 ,2013 كانون الأول 11

who said iran supports qaeda apart you? i don' t say that... i just say assad is manipulating for his own benefits islamist terrorists, he did that in the past , why not do it again?
you cannot deny that he was a safe haven for all kinds of islamists groups which he manipulated financed and trained, no? and all of a sudden he doesn't anymore? LOL

Missing peace 12:08 ,2013 كانون الأول 11

sure thing! so that the baath regime stays in place and continues to rule lebanon via its proxies.... yeehaa!