التعاون الخليجي يرحب بالتوجهات الجديدة لايران ويقر تشكيل قيادة عسكرية مشتركة
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رحب مجلس التعاون الخليجي في ختام قمته في الكويت الاربعاء ب"التوجهات الجديدة" للقيادة الايرانية تجاهه كما دعا الى انسحاب "كافة القوات الاجنبية" من سوريا واقر انشاء قيادة عسكرية مشتركة لدوله الاعضاء.
ورحب قادة المجلس في ختام قمتهم ال34 بالاتفاق النووي بين ايران والدول الكبرى وانما دعوا الى تنفيذ "دقيق" للاتفاق .
وجاء في البيان الختامي للقمة الذي تلاه الامين العام للمجلس عبد اللطيف الزياني ان المجلس الاعلى لدول مجلس التعاون "رحب بالتوجهات الجديدة للقيادة الايرانية تجاه دول مجلس التعاون آملا ان تتبع هذه التوجهات بخطوات ملموسة وبما ينعكس ايجابا على السلم الاقليمي".
كما رحب مجلس التعاون "بالاتفاق التمهيدي الذي وقعته مجموعة 5+1 مع ايران باعتباره خطوة اولية نحو اتفاق شامل ودائم بشان البرنامج النووي الايراني ينهي القلق الدولي والاقليمي".
وشدد المجلس على "اهمية التنفيذ الدقيق والكامل (للاتفاق) باشراف الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية".
واكد البيان الختامي لقمة الكويت تاييد دول المجلس ل"توثيق علاقات التعاون بين دول المجلس وايران على اسس حسن الجوار وعدم التدخل في الشؤون الداخلية واحترام سيادة دول المنطقة".
ويأتي هذا الموقف بعد اسبوع على زيارة قام بها وزير الخارجية الايرانية محمد جواد ظريف الى اربع دول خليجية بهدف طمأنة المجموعة ازاء الاتفاق الذي توصلت اليه طهران مع القوى الكبرى حول مشروعها النووي.
الا ان ظريف لم يزر السعودية بالرغم من تاكيده مرارا رغبته في زيارة المملكة.
الى ذلك، دعا قادة دول مجلس التعاون الى انسحاب "كافة القوات الاجنبية" من سوريا في اشارة ضمنية الى حزب الله وايران، مشددين على ضرورة الا يحظى اركان النظام السوري باي دور في مستقبل سوريا.
وقال البيان الختامي ان المجلس الاعلى لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي "دان بشدة استمرار نظام الاسد في شن عملية ابادة جماعية ضد الشعب السوري مستخدما الاسلحة الثقيلة والكيماوية داعيا الى انسحاب كافة القوات الاجنبية من سوريا".
كما اكد مجلس "دعمه لقرار الائتلاف الوطني لقوى الثورة والمعارضة السورية باعتباره الممثل الشرعي للشعب السوري، المشاركة في مؤتمر جنيف 2 بما يؤدي الى تشكيل حكومة انتقالية سورية ذات صلاحيات تنفيذية كاملة وفقا لبيان جنيف 1".
وشدد المجلس على ان "اركان النظام السوري الذي تلطخت ايديه بدماء الشعب السوري يجب الا يكون لهم اي دور في الحكومة الانتقالية او مستقبل سوريا السياسي".
الى ذلك، اقر مجلس التعاون انشاء "قيادة عسكرية موحدة" لدول المجلس، وذلك بالرغم من الخلافات بين الدول الاعضاء حول مشروع اقامة اتحاد بين دول المجلس.
وقال البيان الختامي للقمة انه "استكمالا للخطوات والجهود الهادفة لتعزيز أمن واستقرار دول المجلس، وبناء منظومة دفاعية مشتركة لتحقيق الأمن الجماعي، وافق المجلس الأعلى على إنشاء القيادة العسكرية الموحدة لدول المجلس". كما "كلف مجلس الدفاع المشترك باتخاذ ما يلزم من إجراءات للبدء في تفعيلها وفق الدراسات الخاصة بذلك".
وتحاول دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي منذ سنوات تفعيل منظومة الدفاع المشتركة بينها والمتمثلة خصوصا بقوات "درع الجزيرة".
وقد اتجهت دول المجلس بدفع من السعودية خصوصا الى توحيد قيادة الدفاع، خصوصا على ضوء المخاوف من تراجع الالتزام الاميركي في المنطقة ومع التقارب مؤخرا بين واشنطن وايران.
الى ذلك، وافق مجلس التعاون "على انشاء أكاديمية خليجية للدراسات الإستراتيجية والأمنية لدول المجلس" على ان تكون الامارات مقرا لهذه الاكاديمية.
وتاتي هذه القرارات بالرغم من الاختلاف بين دول المجلس حول المشروع السعودي لاقامة اتحاد بين دول المجلس.
وفي هذا الاطار، وجه قادة الدول الاعضاء "باستمرار المشاورات واستكمال دراسة" موضوع الوحدة في دليل على عدم تحقيق اي اختراق في هذا الشأن.
وكانت سلطنة عمان فجرت قنبلة من العيار الثقيل السبت باعلانها رفضها لمشروع الاتحاد كما هددت بالانسحاب من المجموعة في حال اعلان الاتحاد.
وقال وزير الشؤون الخارجية العماني يوسف بن علوي السبت خلال مؤتمر للامن الاقليمي في المنامة "نحن ضد الاتحاد". واضاف ردا على سؤال لوكالة فرانس برس "لن نمنع الاتحاد لكن اذا حصل لن نكون جزءا منه".

"calling for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Syria"
does that mean they're calling back their wahhabi/salafi/takfiri mercenaries?

To the GCC "foreign" means non-Wahabbi ... They want all non-Wahabbi forces to leave Syria ...

they didn't send anybody, unless u're stupid enough to believe almanar/SANA...

they released rapists, murderers and drug traffickers from their prison and gave them amnesty if they agreed to go fight in syria. that was in march 2012.
now 18 months later that mufti says this? a bit late and not very convincing

'they released rapists, murderers and drug traffickers from their prison and gave them amnesty if they agreed to go fight in syria.'
taqiya and BS is defo 9 tenth of ur posts.
Any proof ? Evidence ?

cedre ask and ye shall receive:

mowaten, this is BS.
Why send rapists when they can send commandos.
They're stopping saudi youth...

apparently they tried to kill him
note the sentence (40 lashes and a travel ban, for attempted murder!)
as for the leaked document call it BS as much as you want, it's what they're doing. i guess it's cheaper to send prisoners, and they can deny responsibility since it's not from their army. especially when it's foreign prisoners.

apparently i missed the 16 year prison sentence.. still a pretty light sentence for a country like saudi where heads roll for just thinking about defying authorities.

@ cedre, you wrote, and I quote, "they didn't send anybody, unless u're stupid enough to believe almanar/SANA..."
So if this is an official stand by M14 and Saudi terrorist backers then the following,
1. Abducting bishops.
2. Abducting Nuns,
3. Eating human hearts.
4. Killing who over no observe Shari'a Islam at gun point.
5. Destroying the infrastructure of the country.
were all committed by FSA and local criminals and terrorists.
Based on that, my president, with the support of 99% of True-Syrian, you should eliminate this new culture of savages once and for all.

and the trap is closed on jihadists
president georges bush plan is doing wonders

to the stupid m8 who have not understood yet:
these are the terms of the deal with the US.
hizbushaitan has to withdraw from Syria and be disbanded in Lebanon, otherwise the deal between iran and the world falls short.
live with it :)

hahaha ...
The deal is that the US, EU, Russia and many other countries will not stand for a terrorist state in Syria and that is what will happen if the GCC proxies prevail ... That means the terrorists will have to go.

come on Geha... I hate HA as much as anybody.. but to think that Iran will let go of their ace just like that is downright crazy...
if indeed this was part of the deal you would have seen some measures leading up to it.. not the GCC calling for it and HA obliging.. let us be realistic..

the US and now England have announced they are stopping their support. this is in accordance with the agreement made with iran.
now iran has to comply too on their part :)
this is happening now :)
if they do not comply the whole deal falls apart for iran.

The beliefs of the secular and progresist gardian of the islamic revolution is so better... Nevertheless rouhani seems promissing, we'll have to see...

@Southern : "Stone age" retarder wahabi's ? I won't contradict you because you're right. Speaking of "stones", how wonderful is it that Iranians stone women and men to death ? Isn't this the stone age too ? Isn't this retarded also ?
You are the King of Double Standards. In fact, we should update the Wikipedia definition of Double Standard and simply link the page to your profile...

there was a moratorium in 2002 against stoning in iran, and since it hasent been applied.
can i link your profile on the wikipedia definition of "outdated" ?

@Mowaten : your comment should be marked as UNTRUE : http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/special-report-the-punishment-was-death-by-stoning-the-crime-having-a-mobile-phone-8846585.html
This shows how your 2002 ban was never applied : http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2013/05/30/Iran-amends-law-on-stoning-for-adultery-.html
Irrespective of the date, the mere fact that they still use "archaic" methods shows they are no more advanced than Saudis when it comes to Human Rights. And don't try and use the "women can drive" stupid argument ...

2002 eh, well 11 years isnt enough to change a barbaric stone throwing murderer into a civilized being. the pro khomenei are the same as the head chopping wahabis. however, i recognize not all iranian people fall into this category, while most saudis do.

FC: your link about the stoning is in Pakistan. at least read your own articles before posting them.
i maintain what i said.

kanaandian: i was answering FC who was saying iranians were stoning people while it has been suspended 11 years ago. i was pointing out he was a bit late.
I personally dont care much how death sentences are carried out, electric chair, hanging, lethal injection, beheading or stoning. very little difference.
what i care about is why they are applied. i think it's unacceptable for adultery, blasphemy and things like that NO MATTER WHERE. whereas for sadistic murderers, pedophiles, rapists and the like i dont care if they rot in jail or are put to death. as long as they're taken out of the streets.

Yes you're right. I copied the wrong link.
And the second link shows stoning is still applicable in Iran... maintain what you said. Hide your head in the ground. Fine by me. This doesn't make it any truer. There was stonings in 2013 !!!
Now I love your point about "why death sentences are applied" rather than "how". Any research will show you Iranians can sentence men and women to death for reasons as stupid as "looking at another man" or "suspicion of...". THis is your stone age patron no more advanced than Saudi Arabia.

@Southern : don't you dare talk about the rights of women in Iran. Or the rights of Shiite women in Lebanon after the Iranian Islamist doctrine was imported to Lebanon. (No Comment on Saudi and Sunni extemists as they are indeed worst).
Just because they can drive doesn't mean they have more rights ! They are still treated as second class citizens. You have nothing to pride yourself with !
Look at Shiite women anytime before the Iranian revolution. They had infinitely more rights and freedoms than today.
At least they weren't veiled ! Unveil your women and then we can talk about how you respect their rights.
And by the way, there is no such thing as the "rights of women" vs "men". Human beings have the same rights!

anonyme: the guy saying women not wearing niqab caused earthquakes is as moronic as the US pastor who said gays caused hurricane katrina or smtg like this..
iran is certainly conservative and backward to a certain extent, but to compare it to saudi is a clear sign that you have no idea what you're talking about.

@SOuthern :
"the work force of women is higher than men within HA party"
1- This has nothing to do with Human Rights
2- A political party is NOT an employer ! This shows you know nothing about the economy. if you spend your funds on building companies rather than war, you would be the #1 economical force in Lebanon !
3- Your workforce numbers does not include your fighters. This is where all the men are.
4- Giving "jobs" to women doesn't mean you treat them equally. Nothing to be proud of. Saudis also employ women ...

@Southern :
How about you tell me if "Hezbollah" women can go out on dates with men before marrying them? Can drink alcohol without repercussions? Can study abroad ? Can move out of home before getting married ?
Who gets to keep the children in a divorce ? How is the inheritance shared between female and male heirs (better than sunnis for sure). Not equally!
How do you consider and treat women who aren't veiled ?
Why did Hezbollah women start wearing the veil ? By pressure or conviction ? They weren't wearing them before HA came along... and they were not committing more sins either.
Why "Mot3a" when sex is free ? God won't mind, he knows all, sees all and forgives all so why do you need to sign a contract with a Sheikh (Charlatan just like priests)?
Are women free to choose who to marry ?

Ok were biased please leave and go to an Al Manar forum where everyone will agree with you...

Ok ill learn to spell biased before I give "advise",my advice is use a spell checker, heres some more advice it's time you decided if youre an Iranian/Syrian second class citizen or a Lebanese citizen who puts his country first.

ah, they are trying to play a trick. thinking that hezbollah and khomenei fighters will go home, while their mujahideen terrorist wahabis can then have a free realm- very berry clever.

But it's spelt advice!!!!! Dont tell me you want to change the facts with dictionary as well, Biased is spelt biased, how else is it spelt?
And please dont "condemn" me'

Please do that! Its always good to meet fellow patriots!

@Mowaten: Irrefutable proof that women in Iran cause earthquakes: http://www.theglobaledition.com/iranian-women-to-ahmadinejad-step-down-or-we-will-unleash-our-earthquake-machine/
But besides that, I do concur that Saudi has a far, far worse record on Women's Rights. From the same über-reliable source: http://www.theglobaledition.com/saudi-arabia-allows-women-to-ride-unicycles/