الاسد هنأ جيش سوريا بذكرى تأسيسه: قطعتم الطريق على الأعداء ومنعتم الفتنة
Read this story in English![W460](http://images0.naharnet.com/images/11352/w460.jpg?1312186722)
اعلن مصدر رسمي ان الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد هنأ في كلمة اليوم الاثنين الجيش السوري "الوطني" في الذكرى السادسة والستين لتأسيسه، معتبراً أن "دماءكم الطاهرة قطعت الطريق على اعداء الوطن واسقطت الفتنة".
وقال الاسد بحسب ما نقلت وكالة الانباء السورية (سانا) "اقدم لكم اطيب الامنيات واحر التهاني بمناسبة الذكرى السادسة والستين لتأسيس جيشنا العربي السوري الذي كان منذ اللحظات الاولى لولادته رمز الجيش الوطني الملتزم بقضايا الامة".
واضاف "احييكم جميعا تحية المحبة والتقدير وأنتم تجسدون مواقف الشمم والكبرياء والانتماء الخالص لبلدنا المفدى سوريا العربية".
وتطرق الاسد في كلمته الى المؤامرة التي تتعرض لها سوريا.
وقال "اذا كان قدر سوريا ان تكون في موقع القلب لهذه المنطقة الجيوستراتيجية من العالم فان ارادة ابنائها تأبى الا ان تكون قلب الامة النابض بكل مقومات العزة والسيادة والكرامة والاباء".
واعتبر ان "تمسكنا بثوابتنا الوطنية والقومية يزيد حقد الاعداء علينا".
واعرب عن "ثقة مطلقة" بقدرة "شعبنا وبوحدتنا الوطنية أن نسقط هذا الفصل الجديد من المؤامرة التي نسجت خيوطها بدقة وإحكام بهدف تفتيت سوريا".
واكد الاسد ان "سوريا العربية شعبا وجيشا وقيادة اعتادت ان تشيد الانتصارات وتلحق الهزائم بأعداء الوطن والامة".
واضاف "سنبقى احرارا في قرارنا الوطني واسيادا في علاقاتنا الدولية ونهجنا المقاوم لاحلال السلام العادل والشامل وفق قرارات الشرعية الدولية التي تؤكد على الانسحاب الاسرائيلي من الاراضي العربية المحتلة حتى خطوط الرابع من حزيران 1967".
وتابع "من يراهن على غير ذلك يكن واهما فالشدائد تزيدنا صلابة والمؤامرات تزيدنا قوة والضغوط تدفعنا للتمسك أكثر بثوابتنا وحقوقنا العصية على التذويب او التهميش".
وثمن الاسد دور الجيش الذي "أثبتم للعالم أجمع بأنكم الأوفياء لشعبكم ووطنكم وعقيدتكم العسكرية".
واضاف "اقدر عاليا جهودكم وتضحياتكم وانضباطكم وحرصكم على تمثل الاخلاق النبيلة والمعاني السامية التي تجسدها المؤسسة العسكرية وهي تعيد البسمة للوطن والامل لأبنائه".
واعتبر الاسد ان "دماءكم الطاهرة وجراحكم النازفة وصبركم وإقدامكم وتصميمكم على تنفيذ مهامكم المقدسة قد ازهر واثمر وقطع الطريق على اعداء الوطن واسقط الفتنة وحافظ على سوريا وطنا ابيا عزيزا يحتضن جميع ابنائه".
DO the supporters of this so called assad ever question why was it after about 2 weeks of the Libyan uprising the U.S and Europe imposed a no fly zone, and started bombing Libya, while in the case of Syria and now 5 months into the uprising with thousands killed, tortured, and arrested these countries just offer verbal actions and nothing more? Is it coz Qaddafi is not as bad as they say or is it coz assad is their undisputed ally and he implements what they want?
I said it when they were in Lebanon protecting it from the in3izaliyeen in the seventies , eighties , nineties , and until 2005 and i was devastated when they left and now I say it again !
naharnet should once and for all ban this worm posting under "le phenicien" he is a deranged,spiteful,hateful,uncivilized representative of all the forces of evil on this website !!
Alfakih... This guy posting under "le phenician" is an imposter, that is aiming for division and trying to incite hatred.
I donno about that ado, but it looks like it's Le Phenicien posting. He's been regularly unashamedly posting in support of the Syrian regime and it's army you'd think he's a Syrian moukhabarat left behind in 2005 or a Qawmi Souri like our friend Qawmi John.
Also I couldn't help but remark how quick you were in your reply to alfakih so another possibility would be that this was an imposter and that you and Le Phenicien are one and same, notice how when he posts crazy things that are pro-Israel you never reply to him, how come..
Russia urged Syria on Monday to immediately stop the use of force and repression against civilian protesters
So it's about time, you as well stopped labeling Sunnis with Fanatical / Extremists.
Agree, they are shelling Qaddafi with bombs and Syria with words. No wonder!
Ado and Alfakih, I think the comments of Le Phenicien are so primary, and without substance, that it is only there as a provocation.Simply ignore him.
As simple as that.
Phoenicienne... I do not label all Sunnis as such. I believe that many Sunnis do not agree with this cold war between Iran (Shiite) and ksa (sunni) which they are trying hard to have Lebanon as their battle field (chessboard). Just as all Shiites are not Iranian, so too, the Sunnis are not all wahabi. if Hezbollah is Iranian, Persian, fahiki, so too, with the same logic is mustaqbul, Saudi, wahabi.
re: Phoenicienne to be fair ado's personae is of a leftist secular that never uses the sects name, ie Sunni for example, to attack some of it's practitioners.
His alter ego Le Phenicien on the other hand would.
Today he seems to confuse the two, poor fellow.
incredible.. praising an Army for killing the countries citizens, the countries political opposition. and a weak regime that has to resort to killing its people, its fabric..
other countries and other presidents are busy building schools and hospitals, our murdering assad is sending tanks to kill his people.
Just to tell you how disgusting is to see people like you tag (Mustaqbul) to fanatical/ extremist, BTY may I bring to your attention that a new Maronite extremist party has emerged not that long, where the likes of you and your cohort will fit the ticket. Open your mind up, grab a bit of education and for goodness sake enroll in a grammar school, they are plentiful in Australia.
Asaad ur days are numbered & your end will not be pretty. As for those supporting this murderer, they must be either ignorant or psychopaths. You choose.
Much praise to the mighty Syrian army that has heroically fought against unarmed civilians, women and children and incited terrorism in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.
Such a heroic army that has not since the early 80s ever confronted Israel (the supposed enemy) in a single battle but apparently is resisting the schoolchildren of Syria by killing them because they are Israeli spies.
The majority of the army (so far) has proven its loyalty to the Assad murdering regime, corruption and the Alawite Mafia and their disdain for the Syrian people and democracy.
to Le Phenicien, log out and go back to your own propaganda machine SANA, alakhbar , manar etc
Hey Phoenician, why don't you join the shabi7a in Syria and start killing sunnis in 7ama..? i really think you enjoy sunni blood, it seems to me that your dream is to have a mass murder genocide against every sunni in the middle east, you sound like a hardcore nazi, seriously.. why dont u nuke all the sunnis? convert to persian she3a religion an join najad, he is trying to develop a nuke to do just that.
I think that Assad should thank cheikh Saad and his pocket pickers for screwing up in Syria like they did in Lebanon. No wonder they call him cheikh Imbecile.