الشرطة الاسرائيلية تفرق متظاهرين في باحة المسجد الاقصى

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دخلت الشرطة الاسرائيلية صباح الثلاثاء الى باحة المسجد الاقصى في القدس القديمة لتفريق متظاهرين فلسطينيين كما اعلن ناطق باسم الشرطة لوكالة فرانس برس.

وقال الناطق ميكي روزنفيلد ان "قواتنا دخلت الى الموقع واستخدمت وسائل تفريق التظاهرات اثر رشق فلسطينيين حجارة على زوار".

واوضح ان الشرطة استخدمت قنابل صوتية وليس الغاز المسيل للدموع فيما تم توقيف ثلاثة متظاهرين مشيرا الى ان قوات الشرطة بقيت منتشرة في المكان و"ان زيارات السياح تواصلت".

واكد ان قوات الشرطة "مستعدة لمواجهة" اي تظاهرة جديدة تنظم خلال النهار.

واضاف ان "توترا شديدا" يسود قبل مناقشات مرتقبة في الكنيست مساء حول مشروع تقدم به نائب لنقل الاشراف على الاقصى من الاردن و"بسط السيادة الاسرائيلية" الكاملة عليه.

وسيبحث الكنيست الاسرائيلي مساء الثلاثاء مشروع قانون تقدم به النائب موشي فيغلين، العضو المتشدد في حزب الليكود الذي يرئسه رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو، ينص على "بسط السيادة الاسرائيلية" على المسجد الاقصى.

واعلن نتانياهو انه يعارض كليا هذا الاقتراح الذي يقول المعلقون ان ليس له اي فرصة في ان يعتمد بسبب عدم وجود تاييد كاف له.

ويتولى الاردن الاشراف على المقدسات الاسلامية في مدينة القدس.

ويستغل يهود متطرفون سماح الشرطة الاسرائيلية بدخول السياح الاجانب لزيارة الاقصى عبر باب المغاربة الذي تسيطر عليه، للدخول الى المسجد الاقصى لممارسة شعائر دينية والاجهار بانهم ينوون بناء الهيكل مكانه.

والحرم القدسي الذي يضم المسجد الاقصى وقبة الصخرة، هو اولى القبلتين وثالث الحرمين الشريفين لدى المسلمين.

ويعتبر اليهود حائط المبكى الذي يقع اسفل باحة الاقصى اخر بقايا المعبد اليهودي (الهيكل) الذي دمره الرومان في العام 70 وهو اقدس الاماكن لديهم.

التعليقات 23
Missing watan-libnan 11:21 ,2014 شباط 25

Nothing in palestine is rightfully theirs you fool!

Missing watan-libnan 13:12 ,2014 شباط 25

Whether you like it or not @the_roar islam will reign over all humanity and all other religions will perish in the sea of islam so it is you who does not know what reality is the jews are cursed by Allah they are lost they killed all the prophets Allah sent them and Allah turn his back on them they are promised nothing as they reject Allah they think they are chosen but they are not , go look at all the old texts of history it has always been called palestine you fool Roar

Missing watan-libnan 13:40 ,2014 شباط 25

Who is talking about elimination southern stop talking crap i said islam will reign over all religions go and look at the churches around the world and see how many empty ones there are on sunday people profess to be christian out of convenience but in reality theres more atheist than believers in christianity go and ask a christian who christ was you will be surprised at their response besides the true christ is one of the most revered in islam not the fake christ that the zionist created

Missing lebcan 17:56 ,2014 شباط 25

Correct watan... and this is not eliminating any other faith as southern says... some non muslims think this because they again lack knowledge of history... but islam in a span of 80 years conquered more land than the roman empire conquered in 900 years ... why because they broke down hearts not doors ... they allowed the local faiths to continue in their faith... and prosperity was long lived TILL ...the muslims them selves no longer governed well ...till they became corrupt ...and now we have modern day muslim rulers who some are tyrants like the jewish and christian and atheist tyrants they are all the same they FORGOT their faith... Some, only Allah knows who.
ISLAM is the only one true faith, Allah's message has always been one message but man Kept corrupting it...but not the message of Islam... Alhamdullah.

Missing lebcan 18:53 ,2014 شباط 25

Southern, once I got asked by a Shia guy if i was Shia or Sunni... he couldn't figure me out, so i told him that i was muslim like he was and left it at that...
During Mohamad's time (sws) there was no Sunni or Shia thing... so ill say the same to you i don't believe in Sunni or Shia SECTs... but only in Allah (most high) who sent down to us the final message to mankind the Quran and the Sunna of the Prophet. Peace Southern...

Missing watan-libnan 13:21 ,2014 شباط 25

What are you smoking Roar?

Missing watan-libnan 13:23 ,2014 شباط 25

Roar is a zionist go and take you zionist ideals and go to hell with your fellow zionist phil

Missing watan-libnan 13:30 ,2014 شباط 25

You have yet to prove your trinity actually existed theres no evidence you are following a fake entity zionist

Missing watan-libnan 13:32 ,2014 شباط 25

At least islam has proof the prophet of prophets existed Roar the zionist racist facist!

Missing watan-libnan 13:48 ,2014 شباط 25

When the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was first mentioned you fool Roar he was named by Isa al masih or who you may call jesus go and look at the original texts in hebrew and he names him as the prophet who will guide all to the truth so you and you papcy theory are just that a crap theory

Missing watan-libnan 13:55 ,2014 شباط 25

Please explain takfiri to me Roar

Missing lebcan 18:56 ,2014 شباط 25

Watan-Libnan some youtube video to back you up...

Missing watan-libnan 13:51 ,2014 شباط 25

@southern you call yourself southern why because you are a shia am i right?

Missing watan-libnan 14:01 ,2014 شباط 25

Not takfiri so you are a shia or not?

Missing phillipo 16:17 ,2014 شباط 25

"why U.N resolution 242 which oblige Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories?"
1. If you read Resolution 242 it clearly states specifically and on purpose "from occupied territories" not "from THE occupied Territories"
Israel has in fact withdrawn from occupied territories (Gaza, Ramallah, Jericho etc).
By the way who/what is a Palestinian. Did you know that anyone born in the British Mandate has a Birth Certificate which states that the child born is a Palestinian, makes no difference if that child is a Moslem, a Christian, or a Jew.
By the way is there any reason that on most of your comments there is no symbol enabling people to reply.
2. If you knew what happened in 1967 Israel occupied the West Bank from Jordan, and Gaza from Egypt. It was the Jordanian and Egyptian goverments who withdrew their claims to the territory leaving it to the local population, who just happen to be mostly Palestinians.

Missing lebcan 17:41 ,2014 شباط 25

Southern ... Well Said!
and to the Roar & Phil.... WOW you guys have no idea what happened within the last century to Palestine... mmmm Let me see... I know! go to the local library and look up the history of Palestine ... then come back to this form and then put your 2 cents forward...
ALMOST 900 years the Muslims, Jews and Christians lived sided by side as neighbours and friends till the Zionists Came... Like Southern Said they never seem to stop crying holocaust but at the same time the commit it!!!

Missing lebcan 17:43 ,2014 شباط 25

10 thumbs up sambousik

Missing youssefhaddad 17:49 ,2014 شباط 25

Southern repeats as many do that " Israel is an apartheid state ".
A question, what is Syria? An Arab in Israel can wake up in the morning , go about his day, knowing that his children are in school getting a good education, go pray in the Mosque and come back to his family safe and sound.
A Syrian could be sleeping in his wretched house with his family when the barrels of hell are dropped on his neighborhood, he could be randomly selected at any time by the intelligence services or the Regime's thugs for a brutal and deadly investigation.
This Syrian would wish he was under the Israeli "apartheid".

Missing lebcan 18:01 ,2014 شباط 25

@the_roar "...papacy is who created islam..." My Allah (most high) guide you to the truth.

Default-user-icon Abo Khodor (ضيف) 18:29 ,2014 شباط 25

zionists have committed many crimes against humanity in their process of occupying PALESTINE . DEIR YASSINE was one episode among many.
What they call Temple Mount is a holy place for Islam and what Zionists are trying to do is to remove all Islamic shrines from Palestine to prove that the land is theirs . The tunnels they dig below the Al Aqsa Site aims to destroy it while they claim searching for Abraham(alayh al salam)

Missing peace 20:39 ,2014 شباط 25

i advise the boar to read the crusades seen by arabs by amin maalouf.... it ll shut his mouth and teach him things he lacks... but a child cannot know everything....

Missing peace 20:41 ,2014 شباط 25

jews have no more right to a land than any other religions...

Missing peace 23:48 ,2014 شباط 25
