مقتل 175 من مقاتلي المعارضة في كمين نصبه الجيش السوري وقوات حزب الله في الغوطة الشرقية

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قتل اكثر من 175 مقاتلا من المعارضة السورية الاربعاء في كمين نصبته القوات النظامية على مدخل احد معاقل المعارضة في ريف دمشق.

وذكرت وكالة الانباء السورية الرسمية "سانا"أنه "بناء على معلومات استخباراتية أردت وحدة من جيشنا الباسل أفراد مجموعة ارهابية مسلحة قتلى بينهم جنسيات سعودية وقطرية وشيشانية في الغوطة الشرقية بريف دمشق" ونقلت عن قائد ميداني القول ان الكمين اوقع "اكثر من 175 قتيلا".

وتعد الغوطة الشرقية التي تقع الى الشرق من العاصمة السورية معقلا اساسيا للمعارضة المسلحة ضد النظام السوري الذي يصف المقاتلين بانهم "ارهابيون".

وتعد جبهة النصرة الذراع الرسمية لتنظيم القاعدة في سوريا، وتقاتل قوات نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد. وظهر اسم الجبهة الى العلن مطلع العام 2012، ويعتقد انها كانت ناشطة في الميدان السوري منذ صيف 2011.

من جانبه تحدث المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان عن "استشهاد وجرح عشرات المقاتلين من الكتائب الاسلامية المقاتلة في كمين نفذته لهم القوات النظامية مدعمة بمقاتلين من حزب الله اللبناني قرب بلدة العتيبة في الغوطة الشرقية".

وقال مصدر امني ان المجموعة التي يشكل اغلبها عناصر اردنية وسعودية اتت من الاردن وتسللت الاربعاء عبر الحدود. واضاف ان المعركة جرت حوالى الساعة الخامسة فجرا (03،00 تغ).

واشار القائد الميداني للوكالة السورية الرسمية الى ان "هذه العملية تأتى نتيجة تضييق الخناق على المجموعات الارهابية المسلحة في الغوطة الشرقية واستعداد وحدات الجيش لمنع الارهابيين من التسلل باتجاه الغوطة الشرقية".

واوضح ان "المجموعة الارهابية كانت تحاول تخفيف الضغط عن الارهابيين الذين يتلقون ضربات قاصمة من جيشنا الباسل في منطقة القلمون عبر استقدام ارهابيين مدعومين من دول عربية واقليمية عبر الحدود الاردنية".

وتقع العتيبة على المدخل الشرقي من الغوطة التي تعد الى جانب منطقة القلمون الواقعة كذلك في ريف العاصمة احد مسارح القتال بين مقاتلي المعارضة والقوات النظامية.

وعقدت اتفاقيات هدنة بين طرفي النزاع السوري، الذي اودى منذ اذار/مارس 2011 بحياة 140 الف شخص، في عدد من البلدات الواقعة في الريف الدمشقي التي تشهد اقتتالا داميا منذ اكثر من عام.

وكانت الغوطة الشرقية شهدت هجوما بالسلاح الكيميائي اودى بحياة مئات الاشخاص في صيف 2013 ، هدد على اثره الغرب والولايات المتحدة بشن ضربة عسكرية ضد النظام السوري الا ان اتفاقا يقضي بتسليم دمشق لترسانتها الكيميائية ابعد شبح هذه الضربة.

التعليقات 51
Thumb sajad 14:55 ,2014 شباط 26

Great job. Long Live Resistance

Thumb popeye 14:59 ,2014 شباط 26

what resistance? in Syrai ya Shaater?!

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:47 ,2014 شباط 26

but popeye! i thought the SAA was finished and all combat was being done by HA's few hundred men!

obviously your theory is wrong (which is quite usual, the opposite would have been surprising), but at least have the decency to be coherent is your daily rantings.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:47 ,2014 شباط 26

in* your daily rantings.

Thumb popeye 16:20 ,2014 شباط 26

mowaten of iran, you keep attributing things to me) are you bored and you want to post for the sake of posting?) Show me where I said that or refrain from lying!

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:52 ,2014 شباط 26

popeye please ask geha, he will find it with his crystal ball.

Thumb popeye 15:00 ,2014 شباط 26

I do not respect a man who breaks his promises!

Default-user-icon Jihad (ضيف) 15:08 ,2014 شباط 26

Guys, the subject is bad news, how can we practice Saudi democratic ideals now? ? who will teach our generations that every non Muslim is not a human being now? Believe me its a loss for cannibalism and stone age human like creatures and their masters. And as usual Nahar net net will delete my comment as a part of the same democracy.

Thumb cedre 15:14 ,2014 شباط 26

says a man from a kebab shop in Australia.
Here knacker:

Thumb cedre 15:25 ,2014 شباط 26

Nobody trust sana but if they say 175 that means far less so not 575 like u stupidly pretended.

We all know u're billionnaire, Cronulla boy...
U just love to spend ur day on naharnet instead of attending Chairman of the Boards of ur multinational companies. LOL

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 15:33 ,2014 شباط 26

They knew the dead guys were Saudi, Qatari and Chechen because they all had foreign IDs on them and big signs to declare their nationalities I'm sure...

Thumb cedre 16:14 ,2014 شباط 26

dont mind ft, he doesn't believe half the stuff he posted, he's just doing his job...

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:42 ,2014 شباط 26

yes, lol, i shed a tear too :)

Thumb geha 16:10 ,2014 شباط 26


your title is wrong! it should have read:
The murderer Syrian regime and the evil terrorist Iranian militia have killed 175 Syrian.

these are baby killers!

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:06 ,2014 شباط 26

hahaha jerry this is so desperate it is actually endearing. baby civilians in military fatigues and tactical jackets. i suggest you refer it to the STL.

Missing theobserver 00:00 ,2014 شباط 27

"The murderer Syrian regime and the evil terrorist Iranian militia have killed 175 Syrian."

yea, if u consider that Saudis, Qataris and Chechens are Syrians

Default-user-icon cowbell (ضيف) 16:00 ,2014 شباط 26

Most excellent news. A response to the bombings, magnified at least 30 fold! Impressive stuff, perhaps now they'll buzz off and stick to Syria lest they really get the taste of the Hizbullah hammer they so rightly deserve.

This is made even more satisfactory given the fact that the observatory undermines and under-reports rebel loss, casualty, and defeat, and does the opposite for the heroes who are for the destruction of takfiri terror. Meaning basically it's much more than 175, and also ammo, weapons, and possibly saudi-sanctioned missiles were captured as well. I shall drink to this.

Default-user-icon Leston Kazmij (ضيف) 16:14 ,2014 شباط 26

gabby14, geha, flamecatcher, primesuspect, please let us know if you survived this one. We need you to bring about the end of the "ASSad" regime AGAIN!!! PLEASE!

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:53 ,2014 شباط 26


Thumb ice-man 18:38 ,2014 شباط 26


Thumb cedre 16:22 ,2014 شباط 26

Europeanized sunni, domesticated takfiri, what next ?
Get over ft, lebanese and syrian sunnis wont bow to assad and khamenei. We only bow to Allah...

Default-user-icon Bersone Garmay (ضيف) 16:23 ,2014 شباط 26

Armed opposition from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Chechnya... fighting in Syria and Naharnet? has an issue with these "armed groups" (wlak ya friggin 3ein) being called terrorists! PEOPLE!!!!

Thumb popeye 16:27 ,2014 شباط 26

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you,-_Flamethrower_- , but alas!

Thumb kanaanljdid 16:29 ,2014 شباط 26

Now for Hizbullah even babies and women are rebels. Maybe the figure includes the animals who were killed as well.

Missing peace 16:37 ,2014 شباط 26

funny to see children praising bashar when they kept saying his regime was a terrorist regime for decades... so it only means they are siding with a terrorist regime against other terrorists! LOL

no better than those they criticize even worse as they have no principles nor dignity...

as for their propaganda that M14 are sad at this news then again it shows how childish they can be... and how ignorant they are... but keeping spreading this lie makes them beleive it in the end... typical trait of fanatics...

no better than the takfiris, same bunch, different side that s all....

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:55 ,2014 شباط 26

lol roar dont bother with peace, he snapped a few days ago. the only words he knows now are "3aw 3aw" and "chiwawa". just give him a bone and let him be.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:03 ,2014 شباط 26

lol i've been enjoying you barking the same word over and over, and not even knowing how to spell it right :)
didnt want to tell you to see how long you would take, but it seems you never will. it's chihuahua dumbo.

Thumb ice-man 16:43 ,2014 شباط 26

Allah Yihmeek Ya Rabb Ya Flamethrower for exposing their lies. I enjoy your comments more than the articles on naharnet!

Thumb ice-man 16:45 ,2014 شباط 26

leb_roar: please, tell us the "banker and the umbrella" story.

Missing peace 17:06 ,2014 شباط 26

southern : stop using the word "so called revolt" as you perfectly know the reasons of the popular uprising at the beginning... if not then go and learn your facts...

people started peaceful protests, then the army repressed those demonstrations using live ammunition, not tear gas or water like in any civilized country...
you wanted the people to stay idle at these massacres and thanking bashar for killing innocent people? LOL
then we know how it unfold little by little because of the stubborness of this regime you support....
normal then after chaos that some fanatics would come in the picture encouraged by this regime...

as you do not know what this regime is capable of! forgot what they did in 30 years in Lebanon? LOL

Missing peace 17:32 ,2014 شباط 26

1. political repression
2.uneven economy: privatization has favored families with personal links to Assad, leaving provincial Syria, later the hotbed of the uprising
3. Drought: To make matters worse, a persistent drought has devastated farming communities in north-eastern Syria, affecting more than a million people since 2008.
4.population growth
5. state violence
6. corruption
7. minority rule....

all the ingredients to encourage people to revolt encouraged by the arab spring effect...

and you still believe it was done by evil islamists? LOL

Missing peace 17:34 ,2014 شباط 26

and you are naive to compare bahrein with syria.. two very different problems... plus the ruling gvt did not massacre hundreds of innocent people... just compare the figures :)

Thumb geha 17:39 ,2014 شباط 26

hahahahahaha good one :)

Thumb geha 17:43 ,2014 شباط 26

while we mourn each and every Lebanese who dies in the useless Syrian fighting, we cannot accept killing and assassinations of the Syrian people, and have m8 stupid guys gloat about it as an achievement.

during attacks usually the attacking force has at least double the casualties of the attacked. so do your math stupid m8.

Default-user-icon cowbell (ضيف) 17:51 ,2014 شباط 26

It's not a rate, it's an event. Thanks for trying though. And really it makes sense as a rate too, but it makes this eveny special because instead of killing this much throughout Syria in one day, they killed them in only one day in one place. So a big bonus basically. Just rememver that dozens of mercenaries enter the country daily too, so please consider this in your predictable post where try to calculate stuff lol.

Missing --karim_m2--- 18:04 ,2014 شباط 26

Yes! Excellent news! Burn in hell, terrorists!

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:05 ,2014 شباط 26

they did kill hundreds, only the people didnt take up arms and did not form terrorist groups, which prevented the casualties from skyrocketing.

Missing peace 19:45 ,2014 شباط 26

seems hezbis and the mighty syrian army are afraid of a few people carrying plastic bags so they killed them... LOL

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:09 ,2014 شباط 26

so funny!

Thumb cedre 20:08 ,2014 شباط 26

1- there are no chechens, saudis, qataris in ghouta. Those nationalities are mainly in ISIS and JAN and both are not present in Ghouta. I didn't see vids of those people in Damascus area.

2- I hope those people killed are fighters. Coz few weeks ago wheh Assad lost Adra, he took people off the jail, executed them and brought the cameras to show how he had killed foreign fighters.

Default-user-icon JCWilliams (ضيف) 20:15 ,2014 شباط 26

I guess their visas weren't in order. Good thing Hezbollah fighters have all gone through customs.

Thumb cedre 20:20 ,2014 شباط 26

@ ft : domesticated takfiri ? europeanized sunni ?

lik lik la reponse de la bouche meme du professeur : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2gIohVKLqQ&feature=youtu.be&t=6m35s

Assma3 l'eloquence et la repartie, t3alem...

@ boar : nothing about kebab shop, was just answering to u talking about suit shop.

Thumb cedre 22:37 ,2014 شباط 26

give us that link me mocking fajr ya kadab...

Thumb shab 23:01 ,2014 شباط 26

Who cares? Anyone goes to Syria to fight must be prepared to die. Even the filthy militia.

Thumb kanaandian 23:51 ,2014 شباط 26

excellent news. may allah bless the hands of those who pulled the trigger.

Default-user-icon ghassan (ضيف) 23:54 ,2014 شباط 26

"A well organised ambush" as reported by the state news agency SANA.
I saw the pictures and the video that was posted by Mowaten. I was not able to see one single weapon among the bodies nor any damaged vehicles.
Knowing how good the Syrian regime is with propaganda, it seems that these dead Takfiri fighters were prisoners of war at one time and ended up being executed.
Hizballah usually is very secretive about its operations in Syria. For SANA to mention Hizballah in its report could only mean one thing, agitate the Takfiris to seek revenge from the Hizb.
Two birds in one stone: Show the world that the Takfiris are mostly foreigners, and give reason for more suicide bombing to keep Lebanon burning as promised by Bashar.

Default-user-icon Assaad (ضيف) 08:05 ,2014 شباط 27

J'ai regardé la video diffusé sur Almanar, ça ressemble plutot à une execution massive de prisonniers. comme un scenario monté à la façon sirienne . regardez le et donnez moi votre avis..

Thumb sophia_angle 08:37 ,2014 شباط 27

yes for democracy no for takfiries .

Missing hammouds 08:40 ,2014 شباط 27

I don't understand how anyone can be sad about this or mistake the dead for civilians. There is video proof. It's explicit. There is no controversy here.

Default-user-icon sami (ضيف) 13:27 ,2014 شباط 27


Thumb cedre 13:28 ,2014 شباط 27

ok, so if I ask u if u pray fajr, that means I mock my own religion?
Same level of logic than jews that call u antisemitic when u criticize Israel. But then for u again, a sunni that refuses Iranian hegemony is a takfiri.

U know urself that u're a liar, and a bad one with that...
U're fooling no one...