اصابة جنود اسرائيليين بانفجار في هضبة الجولان ونتانياهو يتوعد برد "قوي"
Read this story in Englishأصيب عدة جنود اسرائيليين الثلاثاء اثر انفجار عبوة ناسفة في الجزء الذي تحتله اسرائيل من هضبة الجولان، فيما توعد رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو برد "قوي".
وقال متحدث باسم الجيش الاسرائيلي بان "عبوة ناسفة انفجرت عند مرور الجنود في دورية على طول الحدود الاسرائيلية-السورية"، في اشارة الى خط وقف اطلاق النار.
واضاف: "اصيب عدة جنود في الانفجار".
وقالت الاذاعة العامة الاسرائيلية بان ثلاثة جنود اصيبوا في الانفجار دون الادلاء بمزيد من التفاصيل.
وفي الخامس من اذار الماضي، اعلن الجيش الاسرائيلي اطلاق النار على عنصرين من حزب الله الشيعي اللبناني واصابتهما فيما كانا يضعان عبوة ناسفة قرب الحدود الاسرائيلية-السورية.
وعليه، قال نتانياهو في تصريحات امام حزب الليكود الذي يتزعمه والتي بثتها اذاعة الجيش الاسرائيلي: "سنتصرف بقوة لضمان امن اسرائيل".
يشار الى انه في شباط الماضي، سقط صاروخان اطلقا من سوريا في الجزء المحتل من هضبة الجولان بعد وقت قصير من زيارة قام بها رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو للمنطقة.
وتشهد مرتفعات الجولان توترا منذ بدء النزاع في سوريا في 2011، الا ان الحوادث فيها بقيت طفيفة واقتصرت على اطلاق نار بالاسلحة الخفيفة او الهاون على اهداف للجيش الاسرائيلي الذي رد عليها في غالب الاحيان.
وتعد اسرائيل وسوريا في حالة حرب رسميا.
وتحتل اسرائيل منذ 1967 حوالى 1200 كلم مربع من هضبة الجولان التي ضمتها في قرار لم تعترف به الاسرة الدولية.
the terror party keeps poking at Israel and will drag us into another cycle of death and destruction.
at this stage of things: both hizbushaitan and Israel need a small war to delay issues they are having.
for the Israelis: peace with Palestinians. they just preder to at least delay it stopping the US pressure on them.
for hizbushaitan: a war would justify its weapons.
what do you mean "ever heard of the legal principle"??? He is a living proof of its existence
Having temporary common interests on some issues (both Israel and Hizbullah are opposed to Sunni terrorism and Al Qaida) doesn't mean they are allies. This is a non-sense to say that, as it is a non-sense to consider that Al-Qaida is allied with Israel.
ibinharithreik the sunnis have Jawaz Mizyar (short term) and Misyaf (long term summer length). The christians have selling themselves to the khalijis for the summer.
I suggest you choose another topic because moral decay exists everywhere.
Arent you the gimps that have been complaining all this time that Israel has never been attacked in the Golan?? Now you are getting your wish and you still cry like a little girl with a skinned knee...
27 minutes ago Israeli PM Netanyahu said Israel will act "forcefully" to protect itself after the Golan blast.
I have no doubt there will be some serious retaliation.....
I did some background checks on him already. Apparently, he has been refused entry into the United States for security reasons. His IP indicates he is posting from an underground bunker 10 miles northwest of Qom.
Southern is a lebanese patriot who wants to fight to liberate the Golan Heights and Jerusalem to the last drop of lebanese blood
Southern. So what is Hezb's job? isn't the south liberated? shouldn't we start focusing on jobs and economic growth instead of endless resistance?
so southern, you basically want to keep HA to compensate for the weakness of the state IN CASE israel attacks.
I would like to do another resistance against Assad, in case he returns and bombs us again. By the way, isn't he bombing us now? Since the state is weak, and we cant trust it, I want to do this resistance. It will be called Hezballah2, be financed by the KSA. It will be exclusively sunni. It will have its own little army, telecommunication system. We will open international airport of Ryak for it to control. Plus a port. I forgot. If anyone messes with it, we will send its members killing shias and christians (May 7)
How do you feel about that now?
@Southern and the KEZB want to keep the LAF WEAK as an excuse to hold onto their weapons. A strong LAF goes against Hezbollah. They cannot claim they want a strong LAF and be the main force in the country preventing the LAF from exerting its power on the entire lebanese territory !
what southern is saying the terror party will not lay down its arms until a comprehensive solution to the Middle East, Ukranian, Central African, Darfur conflicts is reached, and the palestinians return home. In others words NEVER.
it cannot be assad forces as they are here to protect golan for the israelis as good resistants they are....
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