روسيا: واشنطن تخلت عن دورالراعي للسلام عبر اغلاق السفارة السورية

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أعلنت روسيا الاربعاء أن الولايات المتحدة تخلت عن الدور "الراعي" لمفاوضات السلام في سوريا عبر اغلاقها للسفارة السورية.

وقالت وزارة الخارجية في بيان نقلته وكالة انترفاكس، ان "شركاءنا الاميركيين يحرمون انفسهم عمليا من دور الراعي لعملية التسوية السياسية في سوريا، وهم اصبحوا طوعا او اكراها لعبة في يد المعارضة السورية الراديكالية والتي تضم في صفوفها ارهابيين يرتبطون بتنظيم القاعدة".

واغلقت الولايات المتحدة الثلاثاء السفارة السورية، وابلغت دمشق انها لن تكون قادرة بعد الان على تشغيل قنصليتيها في تروي بولاية ميشغين وهيوستن بولاية تكساس، مشيرة الى عدم شرعية حكم نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد.

واشارت موسكو الى انها نظرت الى هذه الخطوة بـ"قلق وخيبة امل"، واعتبرت انها تعارض الاتفاق الذي توصلت اليه الدول الكبرى في مؤتمر جنيف الاول في حزيران 2012 حول مرحلة انتقالية لا تحدد مستقبل الاسد.

واتهمت موسكو واشنطن باعطاء الاولوية لتغيير النظام على حساب مهمة تدمير اسلحة سوريا الكيميائية ومساعدة شعبها.

وجاء في البيان "ان التوصل الى حل من دون تنسيق مباشر مع الحكومة السورية مستحيل".

وكان وزير الخارجية الاميركي جون كيري قال انه تم اتخاذ القرار بسبب "عدم شرعية نظام الاسد".

التعليقات 3
Thumb mckinl 15:50 ,2014 آذار 19

Once again the USA is trying to dictate to other countries through aggression and hubris rather than negotiation. The entire world is sick and tired of this tyrannic behavior.

Once again the USA lashes out as their plans in the Ukraine, Venezuela and Syria are falling to pieces. Th Ukraine strategy of NATO membership and taking the Crimea is defeated. Venezuela and Syria have fought off this aggression for now.

So here we are again with an angry spoiled brat taking childish and dangerous decisions that will impact the innocent once again. That they can not see the stupidity and arrogance of the behavior is worrisome indeed.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 18:23 ,2014 آذار 19

USA closes an embassy and it is trying to dictate to countries through aggression and hubris. Rather than negotiations.
Russia annexes part of a sovereign country against agreements IT signed through military force and they are peaceful loving nightingales.
Your double standards and incomprehensible and illogical rants show you for what you truly are.
Why don't you leave Australia if you are so blindly against the west? Move to Russia and deal a deathly blow to the western economies while simultaneously single handedly doubling the value of the ruble? You are a hypocrite living in the luxuries of the west under the freedoms they guarantee you (yes even to criticize them) and you bark at them with such zeal. While if you were to do the same in the countries you laud you would be stuck in black hole and tenderized.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 08:10 ,2014 آذار 20

hahaha.. you are comparing what was done in the 1860s to something being done now? would you like me to list all the areas that russia has annexed in all of its history? besides, Hawaii for one was not part of a sovereign country, nor did America give Hawaii in agreement it signed and then took it back.
if russia wants to protect its russian speaking people, then let them move to russia...
and one other difference is that Hawaii is recognized by EVERY country as being part of the USA, while Crimea being Russian is only recognized by Russia, Syria, and, ummmm i think thats it so far.
you must have been a front line soldier in sab3a-ayar, the damage is all too obvious.