مقتل 11 معارضا بكمين للجيش السوري خلال فرارهم من الحصن باتجاه لبنان

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قتل 11 مقاتلا معارضا الخميس في كمين نصبته لهم القوات النظامية خلال فرارهم من بلدة الحصن في ريف حمص في وسط سوريا باتجاه الاراضي اللبنانية، حسبما افاد مصدر عسكري وكالة فرانس برس.

واكد مصدر امني لبناني تعرض نازحين من سوريا لقصف ووقوع عشرات الاصابات. كما اشار المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان الى "عشرات القتلى والجرحى" نتيجة استهدافهم بالقصف من القوات النظامية بين الحصن والحدود اللبنانية.

وقال المصدر العسكري السوري "خلال العمليات الجارية في قطاع الحصن، كانت هناك محاولة لهروب المسلحين من المنطقة باتجاه الاراضي اللبنانية ووقعوا في كمين نصبه الجيش وقتل فيه 11 مسلحا".

واشار المصدر الى ان "العمليات ما تزال جارية في القطاع وان قلعة الحصن بحكم المطوقة بالنيران".

وكانت القوات النظامية شنت يوم امس الاربعاء هجوما على بلدة الحصن التي توجد فيها قلعة الحصن الاثرية والتي تعتبر آخر معقل لمقاتلي المعارضة في ريف حمص الغربي. واوضح مصدر امني ان الجيش "سيطر على حيين" في البلدة.

وذكر المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ان "معارك عنيفة" تجري في محيط القلعة وفي البلدة، مشيرا الى "استشهاد وجرح العشرات من المواطنين بينهم نازحون مدنيون ومقاتلون، إثر استهدافهم من القوات النظامية وقوات الدفاع الوطني الموالية لها، في مناطق عدة على الطريق بين بلدة الحصن والحدود السورية - اللبنانية".

واشار المرصد الى قيام "الطيران الحربي بقصف مناطق في بلدة الحصن بالتزامن مع استمرار القصف والاشتباكات بين مقاتلي الكتائب الإسلامية المقاتلة وتنظيم جند الشام من طرف والقوات النظامية مدعمة بقوات الدفاع الوطني من طرف آخر على أطراف البلدة".

التعليقات 35
Thumb Mystic 13:08 ,2014 آذار 20

This is the Syrian National Army not Bashar al assads are, as Naharnet sometimes mention, just like we have the Lebanese Armed Forces we do not call them President Sulaimans forces now do we? These two armies should join forces, against the common threat, Al Nusra front and the rest of the takfiris.

Missing helicopter 14:23 ,2014 آذار 20

President Suleiman did not become President by Coup like Assad did in 1970. He will serve only 6 years, not 50+ years like Assads do. So the answer to your post is: Yes the LAF are the Lebanese National army while the Syrian army is Assad army. If you still can not see the difference it is only because you are HA man to the bone.

Thumb Mystic 15:47 ,2014 آذار 20

helicopter, you are talking about an episode, that happend more than 40 years ago, coups were happening all over the Arab world at that time, even in Europe, the Royal family of Greece was ousted in the 70's. Bashar Al Assad was voted in by polls, and if those takfiris didn't interfeer, then the Syrian people could've voted for a new President, after all the government promised reforms, but the salafis didn't care. All they wanted was to create a Wahabi Caliphate, without caring about the Syrian peoples wishes.

Thumb Mystic 15:49 ,2014 آذار 20

Soon there will be free and democratic elections, and then everyone must accept and respect, the choice of the Syrian people. The Takfiris wont accept it, since it is against their views to seek peaceful elections.

Thumb Mystic 15:50 ,2014 آذار 20

The Syrian Arab Army, was and will always be the real army consisting of Syrians. They are the ones that will uphold order, when this conflict is finished.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:13 ,2014 آذار 20

Mystic - you are delusional. Assad is a dictator and has not been voted at the polls. Elections in Syria, like those in North Korea, are farces put up for show. Your inability to understand this show how brainwashed you are and show the readers the credibility of "information" you have been so generous in spouting. And no the Syrian people do not want to see Assad or a Caliphate. They want to rid of both.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:10 ,2014 آذار 20

Right Mystic ... We believe you and a national army drops barrels of explosive on their own citizens.

Default-user-icon Le Dude (ضيف) 13:27 ,2014 آذار 20

syrians dumping their trash to lebanon so that later on they can come up with an excuse to occupy it.. use the same excuse as Israelis "protecting its borders" hizb will be happy with this cause the syrians will be back and they can control the local scene without using their weapon (cause the syrians will be their front)

Thumb thepatriot 15:57 ,2014 آذار 20

Akhhh ya Mystic... "Bashar Al Assad was voted in by polls"... yeah... and got 97.6% of the votes... that makes him super legit! Are you for real Missy??

Thumb Mystic 16:58 ,2014 آذار 20

Maybe not, compared to your American propaganda. If the people didn't want Al Assad, he would've been gone a long time ago.

Thumb popeye 17:27 ,2014 آذار 20

what he meant to say is simple: 20 million sunnis in syria if given the chance in a real free elections, they would elect alawi president and from the assad family.

Thumb ice-man 17:50 ,2014 آذار 20

yep, @popeye, lisen to patience! The USA elected a moslem President:)

Default-user-icon Someguy (ضيف) 13:34 ,2014 آذار 20

Takfiri this, takfiri that. The reality is that Bashar's useful idiots will call anyone opposed to the butcher a 'takfiri.'

If I'm a takfiri because I want the rebels to eat Bashar's tiny scrotum- then hey- so be it!

Thumb kanaandian 14:16 ,2014 آذار 20

I fear Naharnet is on Saudi payroll.
EVerytime I insult those terrorists my post gets removed.

Thumb ice-man 16:08 ,2014 آذار 20

joseph-irani is the most respected and level headed poster on this forum. He speaks with one voice and one voice only. He may use different aliases but the voice is the same.

Thumb ice-man 16:10 ,2014 آذار 20

@-.-@wolf...: When are you up for parole?

Thumb ice-man 16:12 ,2014 آذار 20

@Jaafar: why do you think MH370's transponder kept emitting signals 7 hours after its disappearance?

Thumb popeye 17:25 ,2014 آذار 20

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, Flamethrower..... , but alas!

Missing coolmec 17:44 ,2014 آذار 20

hello popeye
I read in one of your comment that you visited So calif Disneyland etc...
I live like 20 minutes from Disneyland

Thumb ice-man 18:00 ,2014 آذار 20

you will be reported for that:)))!

Thumb cedre 17:51 ,2014 آذار 20

mayadeen is linked to rami makhlouf

Thumb ice-man 17:52 ,2014 آذار 20

@foreclosure: are you still a practicing attorney? I read somewhere Flamethrower was looking for one:)

Missing coolmec 17:53 ,2014 آذار 20

No Terrorist
The real Disney is Disney land in Anaheim Calif
Then came Disney world in Orlando, Florida
kissimee (without Lebanese translation...lol) is way down in Southern Florida

Missing coolmec 17:57 ,2014 آذار 20

BTW both calif and Florida operations were and continue to be popular and profitable
whilst the paris joint is a financial disaster as well as the Asian one

Thumb ice-man 17:58 ,2014 آذار 20

@patience.: Do you spend your summer holidays in Jabal Mohsen exclusively?

Missing coolmec 18:01 ,2014 آذار 20

ice man
who will be reported?

Missing peace 18:01 ,2014 آذار 20

M8ers are getting a hard on! LOL

Missing coolmec 18:04 ,2014 آذار 20

ha ha ha I hope not on Aoun...lol

Missing coolmec 18:08 ,2014 آذار 20

ooops my comment was deleted

Thumb ice-man 18:28 ,2014 آذار 20

@samy: were you referring to Flamethrower?

Default-user-icon Syrian (ضيف) 18:32 ,2014 آذار 20

Whoever justifying Takfiries in Lebanon because of Hizballah fighting in Syria, did not accept Osama bin Laden same claim.

Osama said after September 11 attack that the WTC bombing was in response to the American fighting Muslims in the ME. Yet, Saniora, Geagea, Gemayel, Harriri all denounce the attack and said, "No Justification for Terror." Oh, Ok, that was USA

Thumb ice-man 18:49 ,2014 آذار 20

do you think they will find MH370 soon?

Thumb ex-fpm 19:33 ,2014 آذار 20

hahahaha ice-man))))

Thumb liberty 19:45 ,2014 آذار 20

hi iceman!!! always makes me laugh;-)

Thumb liberty 19:48 ,2014 آذار 20
