القوات النظامية تستعيد السيطرة على مدينة معلولا في ريف دمشق

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استعادت القوات النظامية اليوم الاثنين السيطرة على مدينة معلولا في ريف دمشق بعد اربعة اشهر من الانسحاب منها بعد دخول مقاتلي المعارضة المسلحة اليها في كانون الاول 2013، حسبما افاد مصدر امني وكالة فرانس برس.

وقال المصدر للوكالة "اعيد الامن والامان الى مدينة معلولا في سياق السيطرة على منطقة القلمون" الاستراتيجية شمال العاصمة، مضيفا ان "الارهاب انهار في القلمون".

واشار المصدر الى ان العملية "اسفرت عن مقتل عدد كبير من الارهابيين فيما فرت اعداد قليلة ستتم ملاحقتهم في البؤر التي لجأوا اليها".

واعتبر المصدر ان استعادة معلولا ومناطق اخرى في القلمون "ستؤدي الى احكام المزيد من السيطرة على المعابر الحدودية بشكل كامل".

وتقع بلدة معلولا على بعد 55 كلم شمال دمشق وغالبية سكانها من المسيحيين الذين يتكلمون الارامية لغة المسيح.

وشهدت بلدة معلولا المسيحية معارك بين القوات النظامية ومجموعات من المعارضة المسلحة في ايلول انتهت بسيطرة المقاتلين المعارضين، قبل ان تستعيد قوات النظام السيطرة عليها.

ثم انسحبت هذه القوات مجددا في كانون الاول ودخلها مقاتلون غالبيتهم اسلاميون احكموا السيطرة عليها.

وبدأت معركة القلمون في نهاية السنة الفائتة، وتمكن خلالها الجيش السوري من التقدم الى بلدات وقرى عديدة طاردا منها المجموعات المسلحة، بينما تسبب الهجوم بحركة نزوح واسعة معظمها الى لبنان المجاور.

وتشكل القلمون صلة وصل بين دمشق ومحافظة حمص في وسط البلاد، ويعتبر هذا الامتداد الجغرافي حيويا بالنسبة الى النظام، على صعيد الامدادات والسيطرة السياسية. كما ان سيطرة النظام على القلمون باكملها من شانها ان تحرم المعارضة في ريف دمشق من قاعدة خلفية مهمة.

التعليقات 45
Default-user-icon Yorgo (ضيف) 12:47 ,2014 نيسان 14

long live the regime who brought back the orthodox church to its rightful owner

Thumb geha 18:16 ,2014 نيسان 14

this phoenix is an clear m8 thug, and he was uncovered long time ago.

Thumb geha 18:19 ,2014 نيسان 14

before saying mabrouk Syria, I would advise these m8 thugs that this taking back of maaloula has no military meaning and soon it will fall again.

however, go check how many of hizbushaitan were killed first before congratulating each other :)

the stupidity of m8 thugs never stops to amaze me :)

Thumb .mowaten. 12:52 ,2014 نيسان 14

mabrouk Syria

Thumb Mystic 13:58 ,2014 نيسان 14

About time Maloula was freed again. Lets hope Nusra stays out this time.

Missing cedars 14:02 ,2014 نيسان 14

Yeah mabroub until those driven out receive anti missiles and the game changes back and forth such as the Lebanese 30 year of war that you and your boyfriend FT have not learned from at which point this time they will massacre this poor town. The language you only understand is force therefore for every single action you will receive an opposite and equal reaction that will cost an entire nation the cost of your convoluted racist equation, otherwise you launch the mafia assisination war games on the political frontier if you can't win the battle by force.

Thumb .mowaten. 15:05 ,2014 نيسان 14

since yabroud fell how many car bombs in lebanon?
who ended up being right? who did what it takes to defend this country? always the same, while all the others ever do is whine and stall.

Thumb ex-fpm 15:56 ,2014 نيسان 14

mowaten: the question to be asked is " How many car bombs and lost Lebanese lives since HA involvement in Syria".

Thumb EagleDawn 13:06 ,2014 نيسان 14


Missing samy.. 13:10 ,2014 نيسان 14

the day i see your head chopped ya ft/movaten, is the day i will be dancing in the streets

Thumb .mowaten. 13:37 ,2014 نيسان 14

big talk, small man:)
in the mean time, keep eating your heart out habboub.

Thumb .mowaten. 15:05 ,2014 نيسان 14

you two losers urgently need to get a life.

Thumb ice-man 14:06 ,2014 نيسان 14

@Jaafar: Let it be known Any attack and I mean Any attack on samy(..) is considered a personal attack on ice-man and vice versa. Samy and I are bound by a brotherly treaty of mutual defense similar to the one that ties Lebanon and Syria. Samy is one of the most respected posters on this forum and I will not stand idle when I see you unjustifiably take jabs at him. Enough is Enough!

Thumb .mowaten. 15:06 ,2014 نيسان 14

you two losers urgently need to get a life.

Thumb ice-man 16:02 ,2014 نيسان 14

@mowaten: I am consciously de-friending you!

Thumb popeye 16:20 ,2014 نيسان 14

see what i mean? mowaten is here all day every day, posting absolutely nothing of substance. no opinions, no arguments, no factual input, nothing. only disruption attempts. how could he possibly be a genuine reader? 
he's probably the least dangerous (because he's so obvious and shallow) but there are many others who are certainly way above his pay grade.

Thumb popeye 17:12 ,2014 نيسان 14

SPEAK only when you feel that your words are better than your SILENCE, and that mowaten in Farsi means Zip it.

Default-user-icon Rambo (ضيف) 13:17 ,2014 نيسان 14

That's nice, but the reality is that Syria will never go back to what it was. The regime will never get it all back.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:21 ,2014 نيسان 14

Now let its original inhabitant return. But there's one thing that this article omitted, a fact that some already know, that Syrian Christians are now engaged in fighting alongside Regime forces, so not all credits should go to the regime, but also for these brave people who have taken their courage with both hands and are fighting to return what is theirs. let our church bells ring high for Good Friday and Easter, Christ is risen, Maaloula is risen.

Thumb zahle1 13:51 ,2014 نيسان 14

True but it's a team effort right? I mean without Assad help this wouldn't happen. Too bad Assad doesn't have love for Lebanese Christians.

Thumb zahle1 13:56 ,2014 نيسان 14

This is why can't get along with some Syrians because they deny any crimes Assad has committed against Lebanese especially Christians. You know I support the Syrian Christians against their slaughter. However, I understand my LF friends point of view when they say where were the millions of strain Christians when we were getting slaughtered by Assad? I understand this point but am still thrilled Maaloula is free.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:10 ,2014 نيسان 14

Yes Zahle, I agree, it is team work for sure, but I am also trilled to see Maaloula freed from the clutches of the Takfiris. In fact, there are now many Syrian Christian , militias wearing regular army attire that have formed and have decided NOT to sit and get slaughtered. NB: Here we are focusing purely on the Syrian context and I look forward to see TVs cover the masses of Good Friday and Easter in Maaloula, and in the original language of Christ (yetmajjad esmak ya Yesou3). May also the clerics be freed.

Thumb Mystic 22:12 ,2014 نيسان 14

Phoenix my friend, don't listen to the takfiri bloodlusters. You are right that the Christian people of Maloula has the right to live without oppression. The christians of Syria are very close to the government and Resistance forces, because we are all targeted for extermination, all minorities are. I hope all Christians in Lebanon will take example of their brothers in Syria, let go off Geagea,Israel and USAs games. Move closer to Russia for instance. The west doesn't care about you Phoenix, all they see you as, are collateral damages.

Thumb zahle1 13:49 ,2014 نيسان 14

I agree

Missing peace 13:55 ,2014 نيسان 14

what is soooo happy about this news? oh! of course, each time the syrian regime wins a battle M8ers have a hard on... so proud that this very same regime killed thousands of lebanese.... i bet they also had hard ons when the assad regime killed lebanese, as faithful collaborators they were and even thankful for it!

personnally i do not care... i only await the day this evil regime will be down, no matter how , as long as this regime that harmed thousands of lebanese gets the same fate as saddam hussein or moubarrak or khadaffi!

unlike M8ers traitors, i still think of the tortures killings kidnappings stealing this regime brought to lebanon... i do not suffer from alzheimer like those low traitors.....

Thumb zahle1 14:01 ,2014 نيسان 14

I agree with that concept and agree with that point. It's not the real word though. Otherwise we all would be kahmeeyay.

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 14:13 ,2014 نيسان 14

mabrouk and 3a2bel el moutranein to be freed and to punish the perpetrators and their funders

Thumb Abubakr 15:19 ,2014 نيسان 14

Only Zionists want their annihilation

Missing samy.. 16:23 ,2014 نيسان 14

zionists have a lot more honour than arabs

Thumb .mowaten. 18:49 ,2014 نيسان 14

yea, according to a zionist. lol

Thumb kanaandian 16:27 ,2014 نيسان 14

i guess the saudi linked wahabis are going to have to celebrate easter in a different part of syria.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:25 ,2014 نيسان 14

They will celebrate with the liar Bani Maarouf, in the Shouf.

Thumb cedre 01:51 ,2014 نيسان 15

maloula nuns as well wont celebrate in maloula, coz under house arrest...

Missing ssnp4life 12:23 ,2014 نيسان 15

phoenix you seem to me like typical LF looser .

Missing peace 17:46 ,2014 نيسان 14

true, but he also needs to step down and handle power otherwise this war will last years....he cannot be credible anymore in front of the people he massacred.

Thumb ex-fpm 17:58 ,2014 نيسان 14

22 minutes ago OTV: The reporter Hamza al-Hajj Hassan and three other al-Manar journalists were killed in Maalula.

Thumb EagleDawn 18:00 ,2014 نيسان 14

good riddance

Thumb skeletor 19:07 ,2014 نيسان 14

Finally, I got an in-house full TV crew.

Thumb geha 18:23 ,2014 نيسان 14

Actually, it seems there has been over a 100 dead from hizbushaitan just the past few days

Thumb .mowaten. 18:50 ,2014 نيسان 14

lol, must be ten million casualties from HA in the last year, according to your count :)

Thumb skeletor 19:05 ,2014 نيسان 14

Actually, I have been busy this past week. They are coming in by the truckloads.

Missing --karim-- 18:47 ,2014 نيسان 14

Good to see the FSA-Al Qaeda jihadist terrorists driven out.

Thumb Mystic 22:07 ,2014 نيسان 14

Morpheus you can can put your 5alifah desires in the ashes, Maloula have every right to resist takfirism. These takfiris entered the ancient city just to massacre everyone inside.

Thumb cedre 01:51 ,2014 نيسان 15

yeah right, we'll have khomeynist khalifa...

Missing VINCENT 02:59 ,2014 نيسان 15

Who here is smart enough to realize that, currently, there is no legitimate rebellion in Syria having its spirit, which existed for a short time, undermined and hijacked by religious extremists. Funny, these grieving Syrians did not complaint during Syria's 30-year hegemony over Lebanon. After exiting Lebanon, couples with the drought the Syrians were facing, did it really become a true rebellion?