اطلاق نار كثيف من قوات الأمن السورية على مدينة اللاذقية

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أعلنت منظمة حقوقية الثلاثاء نقلا عن شهود عيان، أن عددا من أحياء مدينة اللاذقية الساحلية في غرب سوريا شهدت صباح الثلاثاء لاكثر من ثلاث ساعات اطلاق نار كثيف من رشاشات ثقيلة وخفيفة.

وقال المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان في بيان تلقت وكالة "فرانس برس" نسخة منه: "سمعت أصوات رشاشات ثقيلة واطلاق رصاص كثيف في أحياء الرمل الجنوبي، ومسبح الشعب وعين التمرة" في اللاذقية.

وأفاد أن اطلاق النار استمر من الساعة الخامسة فجرا (02,00 تغ) وحتى الساعة الثامنة والنصف (05,30 تغ)، مشيرا الى أنه "لم ترد أي أنباء حتى الان عن سقوط شهداء".

وكانت اللاذقية شهدت الاثنين مقتل أربعة مدنيين على الاقل برصاص القوات السورية، وذلك غداة تعرضها لقصف بحري وبري غير مسبوق، أسفر الاحد عن مقتل 26 مدنيا على الاقل خلال عملية عسكرية واسعة النطاق شاركت فيها زوارق حربية قصفت بعض أحياء هذه المدينة، بحسب ناشطين.

وأدى الهجوم الواسع لقوات الامن السورية على اللاذقية الى نزوح أكثر من خمسة الاف لاجئ فلسطيني من مخيم الرمل الجنوبي، هم أكثر من نصف سكانه، بحسب وكالة غوث وتشغيل اللاجئين الفلسطينيين (الاونروا) التي طالبت دمشق بالسماح لها بدخوله.

التعليقات 7
Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 16:13 ,2011 آب 16

This is a black mark on the entire civilized world that this barbarity is allowed to continue unabated and unsanctioned. The whole world will pay for sitting silent while innocent blood is being shed. We are all degraded as human beings for allowing it.

As Dr. Martin Luther King said, "Injustice allowed to persist anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere".

The West, the civilized world and all who live by and rely upon the rule of law risk everything by allowing the brutality of the Assad Regime against its own citizens to persist.

Default-user-icon an (ضيف) 18:09 ,2011 آب 16

ageed with what mowaten said, I will also add that its a shame you bring up Martin Luther king in all of this, for he is turning in his grave right now for what his country has become, the so called "civilized world " you are talkin about,

this media campaign on syria is the largest and some of the most ruthless and most hypocriticall campaign laucnhed against any country, for someone who has been to Syria recently I can tell you what you see on your teli is far from the truth, theres some chaos, however the majority of the people in Syria SUPPORT their president and this oppsoition movement if you wish to call it is mostly made up of fanatics, spies and all the incredibly dirty people you can imagine, some of the poeple in there are inhuman let alone "democratic", Lybia is in civil war and will be for years to come, iraq is gone in the wind, tunisia in deep economic trouble, egypt stepped back 20 years, rest assured Syria will not fall this is the last stronghold, its finished..

Thumb bashir 18:10 ,2011 آب 16


The world is not blind to events in Syria despite regime attempts to stiffle press coverage.Hundreds of thousand are protesting and will continue to for freedom and true democracy. Soldiers are ordered to kill unarmed citizens and those who don't are executed (with joyful help of Hezbollah). Your propaganda has no traction here...
Even this story betrays the lie, yes the Navy is shelling a city because of 'an armed gang' .

Default-user-icon Christopher Rushlau (ضيف) 18:15 ,2011 آب 16

When we learn that the US, EU, Nato, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and/or Israel have been "supporting" the armed groups either with diplomatic cover or active assistance, those Syrians who accepted this "support" will feel regret that they trusted such kindness. Such promises as they have accepted only look good in the darkness of secrecy. I hope money is not involved. I'll bet money is involved.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 18:16 ,2011 آب 16

@Mowaten: Yes, I'm sure when the Syrian navy shells Latakia randomly they are hitting armed terrorists every time... Obviously the Syrian government doesn't give a damn if they kill civilians because the targets of attack are the civilians.

Default-user-icon an (ضيف) 18:32 ,2011 آب 16

@bashir: hundreds of thousands against 26 million,

among those thousands, up to 90 percent don't know the meaning of the word "democracy" in the dictionary, among whom hundreds of thousands are fanatics armed to the teeth, the reason why around 600 police officers/soldiers have been killed and cut to pieces while being shoved into a lake and had their heads cut off in public demonstrations, i'm really impressed by this "democracy" movement who have been living underground all this time coupled with the immense lies and actual footage fabrications by so many news channels and I give myself a pause and say: hey something fishy is going on here..

while halfway around the globe you've got a few teenagers and hippies throwing rocks and sticks at police in London and all hell breaks lose heck even the army is called in to put down these savages in brutal beatings and hundreds of imprisonments, the timing couldn't have been better to show the world the hypocracies we are in today.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 18:34 ,2011 آب 16

@mowatan the most significant purchaser of the BS you sell is Barak Obama and the United States Government which is #1 when it comes to sitting idly by while this carnage goes on. And we all know that the US is guided in its policies toward the Middle East, first and foremost by the interests of the State of Israel.

So when we see that Saudi Arabia, the emirates of the GCC and other Arab States as well as Turkey has condemned the atrocities being conducted by the Assad Regime, but that the United States and by extension Israel and ironically Hezbollah and Iran all seem to support Assad, does this not clarify matters for you and all other Hezbolli? Do not curse the US anymore or Israel. You are fellow travelers and bedfellows with them in your support of the repression and atrocities being executed by their agent, the Assad Regime of Syria, against the Syrian people.