بريطانيا: على الأسد أن ينهي العنف فورا وهو يفقد آخر ما تبقى من شرعيته
Read this story in Englishاعلن وزير الخارجية البريطاني ويليام هيغ الثلاثاء ان الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد "يفقد بسرعة ما تبقى من شرعيته" في وقت صعد النظام السوري حملة القمع ضد الحركة الاحتجاجية المطالبة بسقوطه.
وقال هيغ في بيان "حان الوقت ليتحرك الرئيس الاسد" استجابة للدعوات الى وقف العنف، مضيفا "انه يفقد بسرعة آخر ما تبقى من شرعيته، عليه وقف العنف فورا".
كما اعرب هيغ عن شعوره ب"الصدمة ازاء القمع الحالي الذي يتعرض له المدنيون من قبل الحكومة"، فيما تجري حاليا حملة عسكرية واسعة تستهدف مدينة اللاذقية الساحلية.
وختم هيغ قائلا "ان الشعب السوري يطالب بتغيير سلمي والمجتمع الدولي يطالب بوقف فوري لاعمال العنف".
وكان البيت الابيض اعتبر الاثنين ان بشار الاسد فقد شرعيته في السلطة وان سوريا "ستكون افضل من دونه".
I believe he lost his last shreds of legitimacy four months ago... at least from an international perspective. For us, Lebanese, he never was.
It is unbelievable how many chances Bashar has been given by the international community.... And he is still at it; of course, seeing Mubarak in Court does not help and his other option! hmmm, may be move to Iran
I don't know why, but the brits, US, and others keep giving the guy time, and warning after warning, while he goes crushing and killing his people in most savage way, and breaking every international law there is.
Only one side is not buying Assad, and is not giving him any chance to breath, and won't trust his words for a minute - that is his own people, and it is THEY who had pushed him to the edge, and he is only now one kick away from succumbing to his own misfortune...
Correction: Assad is not "losing" the last shreds of legitimacy. Assad has "lost" already the last shreds of legitimacy.
When will this guy understand and comprehend that "calls" for Assad to stop are useless. The threashold is much higher. Assad will not stop until he is made to stop, not by "calls by the international community" but by rocket attacks launched against his command and control center in the Presidential Palace that sits on that hill in Damascus.
Assad is betting that no one from the "international community" would want to pay that price to force him to stop and so far his bet on the spineless West is being won at the expense of the blood of the Syrian people.