"التغيير والإصلاح": لن نحضر إلى مجلس النواب إلا إذا تغيرت الظروف "باتجاه الوفاق"
Read this story in English![W460](http://images1.naharnet.com/images/121625/w460.jpg?1400595672)
أعلن تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" الثلاثاء أن نوابه لن يحضروا إلى جلسة الخميس المقبل لانتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية "إذا بقيت الظروف نفسها" ولم يتم التوصل إلى اتفاق حول شخص "وفاقي".
وقال الوزير السابق سليم جريصاتي بعد اجتماع التكتل عصر الثلاثاء "في حال استمرار الظروف ذاتها سوف لن نحضر إلى مجلس النواب وإذا تغيرت الظروف باتجاه الوفاق الذي نسعى إليه أي مفاوضات لن تنقطع أوصالها بين الطرفين وصولا إلى رئيس وفاقي سنذهب إلى الجلسة".
وردا على سؤال أجاب جريصاتي أن "الرئيس الوفاقي هو القادر على جمع مكونات الوطن وتمثيلهم خير تمثيل وتتوافر فيه المادة 49 من الدستور".
ويسعى التكتل إلى طرح إسم رئيسه النائب ميشال عون كرئيس "وفاقي" عبر مفاوضات مع تيار "المستقبل"، لكن الأخير أعلن اليوم على لسان الكتلة التابعة له أنه مستمر بترشيح رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، الذي كان قد التقى رئيس التيار في باريس وأعلن رفض تسمية عون مرشحا توافقيا.
وتداول التكتل "النقاش حول ما يسمى تعطيل نصاب جلسات انتخاب الرئيس" فأعلن جريصاتي "أن الرأي العام بات متيقنا أن ليس في الأمر تعطيلا بل تمسكا تاما وصارما بالميثاق".
وأضاف "نرفض الإستحقاقات النارية التي تمس بميثاقنا وبصيغتنا وبالتأكيد نرفض تعطيل المؤسسات وكنا أول من رفض تعطيل المجلس الدستوري وأول من رفض التمديد غير الدستوري لمجلس النواب".
إلى ذلك شدد جريصاتي أنه "تقرر عملا بالحق السياسي حضور جلسة الغد (الأربعاء) المتعلقة برسالة رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان إلى مجلس النواب للإستماع إلى كلمته".
لكن التكتل سجّل أن "الرسالة أتت متأخرة وغابت عن أوضاع دستورية سابقة افترست العهد الرئاسي وغابت أيضا عن تعطيل المجلس الدستوري لذلك بالرغم من هذه الملاحظات تقرر ممارسة الحق السياسي بالحضور".
وكان سليمان قد وجه رسالة لمجلس النواب طلب فيها "العمل بما يفرضه الدستور وتجيزه القوانين لإتمام الاستحقاق". وشدد على ضرورة"عقد جلسات انتخابية متتالية، عملا بالدستور اللبناني، ريثما ينتخب رئيس جديد".
وأشار جريصاتي إلى أن "مذكرة بكركي الوطنية دعت إلى "الصيغة والميثاق ودونهما كل استحقاق" كاشفا أن نهج التكتل "حول الإستحقاق هو نهج نستمده من النهج الحكومي الراهن ونرغب في تزخيمه".
كما ذكّر خاتما أن "التكتل عمل وعماده على نقلة نوعية في صناعة الحكومة واستخراج البيان ما أمن للبنان في شهرين استقرار أمنيا شمالا وبقاعا ووقفا للتفجيرات في عمق الضاحية الجنوبية وملء الشواغر الإدارية وإطاحة السلاح الناري والمتشنج بين مكونات الوطن وأيضا في ما يختص بالجبهة السورية".
cedre is not insulting the christians but you are indeed insulting the sunnis, who by the way, share the same prophet together with the shia.
By treating aoun of a judas, cedre is just saying that aoun is a traitor whose acts and stances are weakening the lebanese christians in particular and allowing the hegemony of hizbullah, syria and iran on lebanon.
Phil has a picture of Jesus as his avatar?
I've never seen a picture of Jesus before, I look forward to seeing that. I wonder where he did get this picture, since there were no iphones back then?
If you are really a Christian, you would know that Christians don't object to displays or symbols depicting Jesus or Mary. It is Muslims who object to displays of their prophet.
Come on people, this is silly, you did this and I did that, let's all stop being so flippin righteous, enough with the insults, everyone, it doesn't matter who started, enough already, acting like 8 year olds!!!
Can you actually post a link to anyone that actually made an offensive remark against christians using an offensive avatar? Or the other way around, and I will join you in bashing them and belittling them
Roar, what's the matter with you man? Can you actually have a conversation with someone without insulting them? Let's take this a step back, I'm agreeing with you, nobody should insult any religion, all I'm saying is that I, personally, humbly, have not seen it by anyone yet on this forum. Are you going to bring down your aggressive style a notch or maybe you would rather I do not address you at all? Whatever you feel man, no hard feelings
Mr Bore.... try a little honesty. I know you have trouble with that.
1. The 2 posters you refer to are not "using these avatars to insult Christians". I haven't seen a post from either of them insulting Christians.
2. Their avatars are not mocking Christianity in any way.
3. You object to Phil's political viewpoint because it is different than yours, not because of his avatar.
4. Regarding the person you refer to as Bani... also known as Ibin..., I believe he uses a picture of former Patriarch Sfeir as his avatar. Sfeir was known for being anti-Syrian and pro-Lebanese. As far as I can tell, Ibin uses this avatar as a sign of respect for Sfeir because of his anti-Syrian views, not disrespect.
My suggestion for you Mr Bore is that you should try to be more honest with yourself, and try to embrace some Christian values. This will help you sleep better at night.
ya asad inta, he didn't insult Christians, however you insulted his religion, people like you are what's wrong with Lebanon, just because you like Aoun does not mean that he is Jesus Christ! Not just because someone insults him you start saying despicable religious insults. In the end so long as people are as tolerant as you are, we will never have a country and please don't call yourself Christian!
Very childish. They will obstruct the entire government if their party wishes are not met. Very childish, not worthy of national leadership.
They should perform their duty as Deputies, attend the sessions, place their candidate, Aoun, into nomination, engage the electoral process and if he wins he wins and if he loses, he loses. But either way Lebanon wins because the democratic processes would have been used to elect the President.
Only the Sheeple know that this is not obstruction. The people know much better.
Can an M8 supporter please explain to me why does their party not go to the parliament and vote against Geagea? I swear I just want to understand what is the reason behind this obstruction, call it whatever you want to call it, why can't they just do what every respectable parliamentary does and go vote for whoever they believe should be president!!! I though they're the ones that had the majority, or am I wrong in assuming this? Please refrain from insults, this is an objective question that does not endorse anyone, other than Chuck Norris
roar what's with the aggression man? Thank you for your reply, I'm just asking a question, relax
Ok, let's bring this conversation up a level. What are your thoughts on Nelson Mandela? A convicted murderer and gang member, who fought for what he thought was right. I am not in any way or form making a comparison between two individuals, but rather following your logic of a convicted criminal should not be allowed to be a candidate. Is there an actual law against what you claim? These are the lawmakers, they should know
My apologies roar, I just seen your remark that you would rather I do not address you, nevermind.
PB.... when you say something bad about Hezbollah, you will get attacked by "Christian" and "atheist" Hezbollah supporters like Mr Bore.
This is the reason why "Kumbaya" philosophy doesn't work when people like Mr Bore pollutes this website.
Haha, where did u see kumbaya philiosophy man??? I felt sorry for him at the start being attacked by everyone, but I see why now. I'm a realist buddy, and a big fan of Dostoevsky and Sartre and Nietzsche, but definitely not kumbaya.
Again roar, why are you claiming that I claimed to be a neutral? How am I a fake? Fake what man? What are you talking about like, seriously, u need a hug, some education, and lots of love
I'm gonna entertain you just for the sake of it, just in case it might help you out or clarify things for other conspiracy theorists and lowlives like yourself. Not supporting M8 does not mean supporting M14. Why on earth would I risk the wrath of the whole lot of you? I have had on this forum more heated debates with M14ers than M8ers. And what agenda? You think you're a very intelligent person anyway so you don't have to worry about that. Now roar let's move on, you think very lowly of me and I think you are a proof of devolution
What is it that you are a fan of flame? His racial cleansing? The fact that he would have made you into soap or some medical experiment? Or do you think you're from a superior race? Oh wait, I see, you're a fan of his jewish genocide are you? Please enlighten me man, at least this will bring us away from the boredom of lebanese politics.
roar you are a religious extremist and a racist, it does not matter what religion or what race, you have lost your right to be respected, you are the scum of the earth because of your extremist beliefs. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when an opinion becomes a message of hatred, they lose that right. I have never claimed to be a nice guy by the way.
When you see such a cheap conference room, you can't take these people seriously.....and I mean it.
So back to things that matter, can anybody see yet that there's no way out of this debacle with the two M candidates? What happens after sleiman leaves and there's no president elected btw? What's the legal process?
I meant legally, not politically, anyone knows what the constitution says?
"Consensual" for M8 and their supporters = "My way or the Highway at gunpoint". M8 folks do not understand innon de3ssen 3ala ra2bit half the citizens at gunpoint. They will never understand that whether they call us takfiri, zionists, saudi lap dogs, cannibals or battikh emasmar that I will never stop resisting the "Resistance". I don't care what they say or do or how they justify their oppression, I am oppressed by their HA weapons and I will never surrender. Without your weapons you have no power over me. La ghaleb, wala maghloub is the fabric of our beloved Lebanon maheik? but M8 seems to have forgotten this and as long as I am maghloub, I will RESIST lies, propaganda and subjugation by a group of mercenary terrorist militia that is as foreign from our Lebanese society as an elephant on Mars. Point final! Enjoy your oppression M8, nothing is forever!
I will never ever accept oppression and tyranny Mr. the_roar...enjoy supporting terrorist holding us hostages while it lasts. I cannot believe you are proud to be a member of the group that oppresses half the citizen of the country at gunpoint. I will try and live with it until I can change it. You will never know when I will rise, how I will rise and what I will achieve...my dream is alive: 10,452 of free sovereign territory under one government elected by free people to serve their best interests, dreams and prosperity. No surrender, not by a long shot. Your day will come.
the_roar has posted over 40 comments on this article, yet he constantly
tells others to get a life :-)
Mr. Snore your pompous comments are nothing new, but today you have outdone
yourself with these blatantly racist posts.
Hopefully Naharnet will ban you... Start thinking about adding wings to
your handle, maybe something like this ~the_Roar!~
If you say so flamethrower--, after all you are the expert in diving into sewers.
As long as there are people supporting aoun and geagea for no other reason than supporting them we will never have a country. Can u not see that there is no solution with them two? How can you sincerely love your country yet hate your countrymen so passionately? I still think this is out of our hands, but Iwill keep believing that all of you will wake up one day and see how foolish it is to follow these men after what they've done to the country, and what they haven't done.
As much as I disagree with HA, at least they don't hide behind their little finger like these two men that so many worship like gods. It is fascinating how you can believe they have the solution, or that any if them is "made in Lebanon" president material
Wolf u serious? Do u actually endorse roar's views posted above? All of them? You are well capable of a civilized debate man
Yeah thx for the heads up on that. Still though, you don't come across as racist sectarian, and that's what some of roar's post were, I can copy and paste if you like but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I can debate and argue all day long in a civilised manner, and you honestly seemed like that type of person, therefore my surprise. Otherwise I will take your advice and be more patient until I understand the dynamic of this forum, for the sole reason of not being mistakenly associated with anyone I wouldn't like to be associated with. I thank you for your reply.
I don't know who FT is but I doubt there is anything worse than a racist religious extremist sectarian, I mean can there be? I hope I am wrong about him.
FT is flamethrower, he has similar views to the roar. They defend the Hezbollah alliance like no tomorrow.
By the way wolf, daniel never fought any lions in any arenas, he was condemned to the lions' den where he prayed for his god and his god shut the lions' mouths. Great read actually, quite entertaining.