جنبلاط: لم أقرأ مبادرة جعجع وسأبلغ الحريري بأننا لن ننتخبه لا هو ولا عون

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أعلن رئيس الحزب "التقدمي الإشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط الثلاثاء أنه سيبلغ رئيس تيار "المستقبل" النائب سعد الحريري إذا التقاه أنه لن ينتخب لا رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون ولا رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع لمنصب الرئاسة الأولى، مشيرا إلى سوريا "العربية" انتهت وأصبحت تابعة لإيران.

وقال جنبلاط في مقابلة مع قناة "الحدث" عصر الثلاثاء "نحن معترضون على وصول عون إلى رئاسة الجمهورية وسوف أبلغ سعد الحريري إذا التقيته أننا لن ننتخب لا عون ولا جعجع ".

وشدد جنبلاط على أن "تأييد هنري حلو لرئاسة الجمهورية هو تأييد للاعتدال"، قائلا "اللاعبون (في الملف الرئاسي) هم الحريري ونصرالله والإقليميون أما أنا فأحاول أن أصل بحلو إلى الرئاسة".

وتابع "لم أقرأ مبادرة جعجع وأميل إلى الموافقة مع السيد حسن على ألا ننتظر المعادلات الإقليمية وما من أحد حاليا يهمه مصير لبنان".

وكان قد اقترح جعجع مساء الإثنين طرح اسمين جديدين من 8 و14 آذار غيره وغير عون لانتخاب أحدهما رئيسا.

وإذ تمنى جنبلاط أن يكمل الرئيس القادم نهج الرئيس المنتهية ولايته ميشال سليمان، تابع " الرئيس سليمان وضع أسساَ لمرجعية الدولة حول سلاح حزب الله من خلال اتفاق بعبدا".

وإذ أبدى اعتقاده أن "نظرية الرئيس القوي غلطة" لأن "لبنان بحاجة الى رئيس دولة قوية"، تابع ردا على سؤال أنه لا يرى مثالثة في لبنان "والمناصفة تم التأكيد عليها من رئيس المجلس النيابي نبيه بري والامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله".

وشرح أن إجراء انتخابات نيابية في ظل شغور بموقع الرئاسة هو "سابقة" في تاريخ لبنان.

أما عن الوضع السوري كشف جنبلاط أن "هناك وصلة استراتيجية جديدة تهدف لوصول إيران إلى البحر وهي لن تتخلى عن مكسب وصولها إلى البحر المتوسط من خلال السيطرة على حمص".

وأضاف "النظام السوري لا يملك سوى القدرة على الاغتيال (..) كان هناك دولة في سوريا وحوّلها بشار الأسد إلى عصابة تتحكم بالشعب".

وجدد القول أن "النظام السوري يقتل شعبه وعار على دروزسوريا الوقوف إلى جانب من يقتل شعبه"، مكررا أن "الانتخابات مسخرة وكان ينقصها أصوات القتلى والمخطوفين".

أما عن حزب الله فقال أن نداء وزير الخارجية الأميركية جون كيري له ولإيران ولروسيا لوضع حد للحرب في سوريا "مزحة".

وأضاف "لا يستطيع نصرالله أخلاقياً أن يعتبر نصف الشعب السوري من التكفيريين".

وردا على سؤال أجاب "ربما ستأتي لحظة تاريخية يقبل فيها حزب الله بأن ينضم إلى الدولة والدولة هي من تقرر الحرب والسلم وعلينا التعايش مع هذا الأمر بدون تحريض".

ورأى رئيس "الإشتراكي" أن "حزب الله منظومة تابعة لإيران قدمت الكثير في مواجهة العدو لكن أنا كعربي حقي أن أعترض على سياسة إيران تجاه الشعب السوري".

وختم جنبلاط قائلا "حافظ الأسد حافظ على سوريا العربية ولم تكن تابعة لإيران أما مع بشار انتهت سوريا العربية".

التعليقات 36
Thumb Mystic 19:38 ,2014 حزيران 10

Mr. Jumblat you are the joke, supporting the same salafi/zionist that killed dozens of Druze people in Golan and Suweida. Your personal hatred to the Syrian government, makes you blind to your own sects suffering in Syria, just like Mr. Geagea neglect of the Syrian Christians.

Thumb Mystic 20:26 ,2014 حزيران 10

That is the past, are you going to dwell on the past forever? While the Nusra comes to your home and slit your throat? Even the Resistance had ther encounters with the Syrian Army during the Civil war, I do not dwell on that, it was chaos back then, and we also killed each other all of us Lebanese. The Future of Lebanon now is securing the borders and look for the real threats, Salafis and the Zionist.

Thumb Mystic 20:29 ,2014 حزيران 10

Because the takfiris wont stop in Syria, they will continue all over the region.

Missing forces 22:52 ,2014 حزيران 10

Mystic my friend why do you insist little old Lebanon play superpower and take up arms against the oppression of minorities? When you claim the LAF are not capable of securing our borders and need HA arms? You prefer lebanon acts like your beloved USA and invades Syria, Israel and Nigeria to assist minorities yet we cannot sort our affairs.

Thumb Mystic 01:11 ,2014 حزيران 11

Beloved USA? Speak for yourself forces.

Thumb Mystic 01:11 ,2014 حزيران 11

Yes, I claim LAF needs the help of the Resistance to secure Lebanon for sure.

Missing forces 22:56 ,2014 حزيران 10

In the past? So was every thread of insults you have rained on certain peoples wrong doings. As for securing our borders? Please explain what securing means? HA has been violating our borders with Israel and Syria for decades, weapons from one side and out the other yet when the consequences of their actions come to fruition and is hurting only the Shiites, we must now secure them.

Thumb Mystic 23:30 ,2014 حزيران 10

Yes ofcourse you zionist minions, will open our borders to Israel, if your Kataeb had the chance. But guess what, you don't so live with it. Lebanon will not be part of Israel gentlemen, and USA wont be allowed to control Lebanon neither.

Thumb FlameCatcher 00:32 ,2014 حزيران 11

@Mystic : the joke is you idiot accusing anyone who doesn't align with your views of being Salafi Zionist supporters. This is how you treat people who disagree with you ? With insults, violence, murder or utterly stupid accusations such as above ?

You talk about democracy ? In Lebanon, Syria or Iran ? Your concept of democracy is calling whoever doesn't agree with your immoral, theocratic and tyranic views as traitors. Democracy is the right to have a different opinion than yours and exercice it if its the will of the majority !

Hatred of the Syrian government is justified by any Lebanese patriot who lived and paid for a 30 year Syrian occupation. The only occupation by the way which was ended by a LIBERATION. Unlike your fake pseudo-liberation of the south with "Israeli soldiers running for their lives"...

Thumb Mystic 01:10 ,2014 حزيران 11

Flamecandle, everyone even Israel knows that 2000 retreat of Lebanon, and the 2006 war, was a strategic failure for them. Only moron minions such as yourself, will keep spreading this fake victory they never archieved. Their goal in 2006 was to eradicate Hezbollah, it didn't succeed, even though all you guys in M14 wanted it to happen. You lost, along with Israel. And you will continue to loose, because you are the traitors of Lebanon. You were the ones to support the enemies of Lebanon, when they attacked. Syria is gone since 2005 they left peacefully, I worry more about the Takfiris and zionists on both borders.

But ofcourse zionists like yourself, embraces Israels occupation, and condemn Syrias, which is not surprising me what so ever.

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:43 ,2014 حزيران 11

@Mystic : Remind me again how Hezbollah liberated the south. How Israel fled. I don't recall the name of the battle or how many Israeli or Hezbollah casualties led to Israel evacuating the south. What you call "Liberation".

Israel abandonned the South just as it stopped fighting in 2006. Had it wanted to continue, it would have ... Hezbollah has no merit.

In fact, Nasrallah apologized to the Lebanese people in 2006. If it was indeed a victory, why would he apologize ?

Missing people-power 19:55 ,2014 حزيران 10

What an idiot. You have a wild imagination, and wishful thinking.

Only an idiot thinks he can "read between the lines" with such inaccuracy

Missing people-power 20:45 ,2014 حزيران 10

I read it idiot, and Jumblatt said he wouldn't support Aoun or Geagea. He didn't stomp on anyone's head, and he rejected voting for Aoun as much as Geagea.

You are just an arrogant propagandist, who spends his pitiful life posting dribble on the internet, acting tough, Mr Know-it-all, and you are just BORING.

Missing lebcan 19:58 ,2014 حزيران 10

I think Jumblat is trying to say "I don't want to be a king maker this time"

Missing truth_exposed 20:25 ,2014 حزيران 10

Hey guys if u want to blame anyone
in this war and past wars blame the
zionist jews that established the
state of israel over palastinian land,
im talking about the ,rothschilds,
they control every central bank in
the world and loan money to
governments they are that
powerfull, these are the zionist that
funded both sides of every war in
the world since the battle of
waterloo, brits vs france in 1751 u
dont believe me, just look them up
for your self they the worlds only
trillionaires, look up , rothschild
family if u dont believe me i promise
u it will blow ur mind if u didnt all
ready know, truth_exposed

Missing truth_exposed 20:26 ,2014 حزيران 10

Hey guys if u want to blame anyone
in this war and past wars blame the
zionist jews that established the
state of israel over palastinian land,
im talking about the ,rothschilds,
they control every central bank in
the world and loan money to
governments they are that
powerfull, these are the zionist that
funded both sides of every war in
the world since the battle of
waterloo, brits vs france in 1751 u
dont believe me, just look them up
for your self they the worlds only
trillionaires, look up , rothschild
family if u dont believe me i promise
u it will blow ur mind if u didnt all
ready know, truth_exposed

Default-user-icon Excaliber (ضيف) 20:27 ,2014 حزيران 10

I Know it's hard for you to say ,that Jounblat is one who take the big decisions in Lebanon in spite he belongs for minority .Despite of your hate to him still your superiors want him badly to give him the advantage.
Regarding the druze please don't feel this much sad we guarantee you that we are in safe hands with that great leader and not like you, you follow Nasrollah cuz most of you are in hezbillah payroll.
Hezbollah are gone since 2000 ,Jonblat said after 2006 for who hezbollah will offer his victory and Nasrllah didn't read behind the lines.

Missing madhatter 20:35 ,2014 حزيران 10

roar you can read between the line but can you explain this


I think he's talking about you

Missing madhatter 21:05 ,2014 حزيران 10

Oh my god roar what a moron you don't know what the idiot is saying holly shiite what an illiterate cunt you dare come over here preaching like you know something when someone has to spoon feed you everything like a restarted tree year old

one more thing little boy, you do open links from me little ole unwashed me this one was special delivery to you personally you even commented on it and it's still true today


Missing .karim 20:51 ,2014 حزيران 10

I love how Geagea the Khaliji kisses Jumblatt's behind every chance he gets, and Jumblatt responds by spitting in his face LOL.

Missing .karim 22:00 ,2014 حزيران 10


Missing madhatter 21:16 ,2014 حزيران 10

Yeah roar HA has so much trust and respect for the FPM it's coming out the wazoo


lol what an idiot

Default-user-icon Robbie (ضيف) 21:44 ,2014 حزيران 10

well it is quite normal for him and his party to choose a weak president. If Hariri and Aoun agree, Joumblat's role as the pivot party for votes goes down to ashes and he becomes weaker.

Missing politik_buro 22:39 ,2014 حزيران 10

Well said wolf, at last we see that a lot of us agree on our love for Lebanon and our hope that one day it will be the country we all dream of. Let's start here, the fact that we agree that we all want a strong Lebanon and a strong Lebanese army, let's start electing people who believe in this not Pricks who want to carry on filling the family's treasure room. Amen to your wish wolf, that's a cause I'm ready to die for.

Missing politik_buro 22:43 ,2014 حزيران 10

Indeed, the situation is that dire, and only a radical solution would work. That's why I've been on this forum asking and wondering why on earth are people still following this and that and not everyone under the wings of the Lebanese army. That's who we should all support and only them, they're the only true Lebanese who don't give a damn what color or creed you are. Bless the LAF and I swear on my kids I would be back in Lebanon in a heart beat to support them even by filling bottles of water or shining their military shoes that have more honor in them than the.lot of these politicians

Missing forces 22:45 ,2014 حزيران 10

Jumblot is mixing his words again. For no where in Geagea's initiative does it mention foreign interference on the contrary it was Geagea who insisted on holding elections on time without waiting for regional circumstances to " become ripe" as Berri put it.
As for wanting a strong country without a strong president I think jumblot is loosing his marbles trying to sell Helou as a weak president.
Anyway you twist this and who ever becomes president will eventually have to deal with HA's arms. Be it Geagea aoun or helou, and if Jumblot wants a president to continue Suleman's work then this president clearly is at a juncture where Suleiman left that is HA. Therefore mr jumblot you too are not taking the situation seriously enough to realise this and your opinion is no more credible than most.

Default-user-icon bgerda (ضيف) 22:47 ,2014 حزيران 10

tel7as ti...

Missing forces 23:03 ,2014 حزيران 10

Wolf when you make a patriotic non sectarian and non divisive statement like this I am happy to speak for 75% of the Lebanese and say we are in agreeance. This however only brings us full circle to the critical point we as M14 have been arguing. Where do you see HA in this equation as you correctly stated all arms under the LAF. For this is the very point that has lead to HA rejecting both Geagea and aoun.

Missing politik_buro 23:11 ,2014 حزيران 10

Forces HA is only strong because the country is divided and the LAF is not as strong and backed as it should be. When the LAF, theoretically that is, takes over and the people are behind it then HA will have no other options but to be assimilated, and who knows, maybe some of them might actually long for that. Anyway, they would be fighting a losing battle I'm the scenario above, and they wouldn't have the support they need from their base.

Missing politik_buro 23:27 ,2014 حزيران 10

Sorry, not fourth, lol, I wish, I meant forty years...

Missing politik_buro 23:28 ,2014 حزيران 10

For some reason I doubt the LAF will have to fire many bullets against Lebanese people, I mean Lebanese as in those who want the Lebanon we want. Once the LAF starts, the tide of support would too strong for anyone to oppose, and all those who cry victim will join. This is not science fiction, of course it can be done. I do not doubt the patriotism of Lebanese officers for one second, and I do not doubt the reach of the Lebanese army intelligence bureau. If and only if they see and feel this true support, I do not see what would stop them. Again, this is not being naive, au contraire, this is being realistic, as realistic as a true Lebanese can be. There are no other solutions, it's been almost fourth years now, every sect had the upper hand at one stage or the other, and.look at the result!!

Missing politik_buro 23:33 ,2014 حزيران 10

This is a start, lets stop insulting one another on this forum and start spreading this message, who knows, if we assimilated some of those hardline M8 ers and M14ers then everything is possible!!

Missing forces 00:11 ,2014 حزيران 11

Well said wolf this is our dream. The dream that is a totally unified non bias non sectarian based on the dignity of its citizens and respect of its people first and foremost. We have the capability to make this a reality! We always did now as you put it, the time has come to voice our rejection of the current and past and demand our own future.

Thumb Chupachups 01:09 ,2014 حزيران 11

It's great we can talk about it here. But how can we see this on the ground? That's what needs to happen

Thumb thepatriot 11:59 ,2014 حزيران 11

First time I agree with the wolf!

Thumb sophia_angle 14:35 ,2014 حزيران 11

he is the most clever leader knows that this void time is large enough to get all his bids together n take his time deciding why the rush ?! now he will bargain to get the biggest Samsonite ;)