الحكومة العراقية تحمل السعودية مسؤولية الدعم المادي "للجماعات الارهابية"

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حملت الحكومة العراقية السعودية الثلاثاء مسؤولية الدعم المادي الذي تحصل عليه "الجماعات الارهابية" وجرائهما التي رات انها تصل الى حد "الابادة الجماعية" في العراق، معتبرة ان موقفها من الاحداث الاخيرة "نوع من المهادنة  للارهاب".

وقال مجلس الوزراء العراقي في بيان انه لاحظ "موقفا وحيدا مستغربا يصدر من مجلس الوزراء السعودي واننا (...) ندين بشدة هذا الموقف  الذي نعتبره ليس فقط تدخلا في الشأن الداخلي وانما يدل على نوع  من المهادنة  للارهاب".

وكانت السعودية اتهمت امس الاثنين وفي اول تعليق رسمي على الاحداث الامنية الاخيرة في العراق، رئيس الوزراء العراقي نوري المالكي بدفع بلده نحو الهاوية بسبب اعتماده سياسة "اقصاء" العرب السنة، مطالبة ب"الاسراع" في تشكيل حكومة وفاق وطني.

وحملت الحكومة العراقية في بيانها اليوم السعودية "مسؤولية ما تحصل عليه هذه الجماعات من دعم مادي ومعنوي وما ينتج عن ذلك من جرائم تصل الى حد الابادة الجماعية وسفك دماء العراقيين وتدمير مؤسسات الدولة والآثار والمواقع التاريخية والمقدسات الاسلامية".

ورات الحكومة العراقية ان "على الحكومة السعودية ان تتحمل مسؤولية ما يحصل من جرائم خطيرة من قبل هذه الجماعات الارهابية، وعلى المجتمع الدولي تحمل مسؤولياته في هذا المجال، وستتابع الحكومة العراقية ذلك بما يتوافق مع قواعد القانون الدولي".

واعتبرت كذلك "ان محاولة إضفاء صفة الثوار على هذه الجماعات من قبل وسائل إعلام تابعة للحكومة السعودية،  تعد اساءة بالغة لكل ما هو ثوري ومحاولة لشرعنة الجرائم التي تقوم بهما هذه المجموعات والتي هي ليست خافية على احد في كل مكان حلت به".

كما دعت بغداد الحكومة السعودية الى "ضرورة التركيز على وضعها الداخلي ومراعاة عدم التهميش والاقصاء في بلدها فهي احرى بهذه النصيحة من العراق الذي تدور فيه عملية ديموقراطية وانتخابات حرة شهد العالم بنزاهتها".

ويسيطر مسلحون ينتمون الى تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام" الجهادي المتطرف وتنظيمات اخرى وعناصر من حزب البعث المنحل على مناطق واسعة من شمال العراق منذ اسبوع  في اطار هجوم كاسح بدا في محافظة نينوى واحتلال عاصمتها الموصل، ثاني مدن العراق.

التعليقات 48
Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 15:39 ,2014 حزيران 17

qui seme le vent recolte la tempete

Thumb geha 15:45 ,2014 حزيران 17

is there anything strange about a possible Saudi involvement? why is it OK to have Iranians and hizbushaitan involved but not others?
terrorism is terrorism, and both sides can play the same game.

while iran is discussing the region with the US, the Iranians advised they want Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, as well as Pakistan and Afghanistan.

what is going on is a reminder to iran they have nothing, not even Iraq which has been invaded by a terrorist group in just a few days, nearly breaking the line between iran and Syria.

Thumb geha 20:09 ,2014 حزيران 17

the only najas are you, your family and the like. a terrorist thug you are and a terrorist thug you will die.

Thumb geha 15:50 ,2014 حزيران 17

the same way iran is not just funding but sending its own terrorists to Iraq and Syria :)
today another Iranian general died in Syria.

Thumb EagleDawn 16:24 ,2014 حزيران 17

Maliki is a sectarian terrorist and he met his match in ISIL.

Missing kingsfool 16:30 ,2014 حزيران 17

Holocaust replica 100%. See 40s pics in europe.
Gas chambers next. Hitler used chambers cause he could not find enough mass shooters. Most lost it due to ptsd.

Missing georgeskyp 16:30 ,2014 حزيران 17

Malaki & Co. deflecting. Trying to shift the blame for their secterian policies.

When they decided to sideline the Sunni community and remove the Sunni leaders who successfully fought Al Qaeda between 2006-2008; what did they expect? The US was only successful in defeating these animals when they enlisted local support.

Missing peace 16:48 ,2014 حزيران 17

while assad and iran NEVER sponsored any islamist terrorist groups ma hek? LOL they are just poor victims of a zionist plot LOL

Thumb lebpatriot2323 17:03 ,2014 حزيران 17

The cannibal so called KSA will soon be brought to justice and Mecca will be in the hands of the righteous

Thumb Machia 17:06 ,2014 حزيران 17

lol @ bigfatwar

Thumb lebpatriot2323 18:21 ,2014 حزيران 17

Go play with your doll gomp

Thumb lebpatriot2323 18:22 ,2014 حزيران 17

Gimp but you know it alredady

Thumb lebpatriot2323 18:23 ,2014 حزيران 17

Iceman the gimp lol at your pathetic existence

Thumb Machia 17:03 ,2014 حزيران 17

In general I agree with your analysis save for the following. I don't think you need a stronger leader to stand against those crazies. What you need is a unified front.
It worked to an extent in Lebanon where the cabinet is a uniformed front.
In Syria there is no united front. The Assad regime is a dictatorship that cannot unify the country.
As for Iraq Maliki has decided to rule alone and fill his pockets. Not only did he alienate the Sunnis and the Kurds but he even pushed away Al Sadr and Al Hakim.
What those country need is a social contract between the main components of the country.
The way things are heading in Lebanon. But the moment one party wants to dominate the other, extremism will come back running.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:04 ,2014 حزيران 17

So Saudi funds Sunni terrorists, Iran funds Shia terrorists ... what's the difference ! Just nuke both countries already and get rid of the leadership.

Same filth, different "sect" !

Thumb Machia 17:15 ,2014 حزيران 17

Wahabism and Khomeinism are to Islam, what Fascism and Nazism are to European humanism.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:44 ,2014 حزيران 17

I guess we need our own World War 3, Arab version then to put an end to it and mature.

Seriously, how many wars do idiots have to fight before they realise religion, fanatism, radicalism, terrorism and extremism have no possible future in this world ?

Thumb lebpatriot2323 18:21 ,2014 حزيران 17

Go fetch something gimp

Thumb FlameCatcher 19:27 ,2014 حزيران 17

@Iranipatriot : you must be mistaking me for Aoun... Now blow yourself up in the name of KalashAllah !

Thumb lebpatriot2323 19:35 ,2014 حزيران 17

No, not mistaken cannibal

Thumb cedre 04:11 ,2014 حزيران 18

machia, wahabism does not exist.
If it does, define it.

Missing .karim 18:51 ,2014 حزيران 17

Raise your hand if you're surprised that Saudi Arabia is financing terrorism? Anybody? Anybody?

Thumb lebpatriot2323 19:38 ,2014 حزيران 17

Lol @ stupid remarks. The Sunnis have dominated Islam for centuries and look where it got them. Now they claim being terrorized by the 10 percent minority. That is the problem with you people. You have failed and now fall behind even the African continent. It's time to let go cannibals!

Thumb lebpatriot2323 20:09 ,2014 حزيران 17

Just stick to your own kind. This is not for you.

Missing .karim 23:53 ,2014 حزيران 17

Actually it is for him. He's a Salafist terrorist and the issue concerns him.

Missing .karim 20:10 ,2014 حزيران 17

Great input, Salafist terrorist. How many human hearts have you feasted on recently?

Thumb Machia 20:18 ,2014 حزيران 17


On this forum, most of us are obviously educated and can express ourselves in a clear way.None of us is happy with what is happening in the Middle East today. I am sure we all love our country Lebanon in our ways. And we want the best for Syria and Iraq. We also want a just solution in Palestine.
We are all disgusted with ISIL's extremism, massacres and takfirism. We want justice in Palestine and we think that US policies in the Middle East were, to say the least, not fair.
We are also great believers in freedom of expression, cultural and social freedoms and democracy.
Where we differ is in how to tackle the immense problems we are facing. If this is the case then what I suggest on this particular story's comments is to try to find together a workable plan that could get us to the sort of Lebanon that we all aspire to live in.
Happy to read your point of view.

Thumb Machia 20:30 ,2014 حزيران 17

It would be great if we can be positive, put our emotions aside and prove to ourselves that we are not only sarcastic and insulting but also constructive citizens. I know that our avatars permit us to "n'fesh khelekna" but for once only this once, let's write something that will leave us with something to think about for the night.

Thumb Machia 21:52 ,2014 حزيران 17

But at times like now, I stop the blame game, and I wonder if Lebanon can still regain this political, economic and social stability. And this is why I am asking the anonymous contributor to this forum for their views. I want to believe that there is still hope.

Thumb Machia 20:56 ,2014 حزيران 17

Thank you anonymetexasusa for this. But let me try and go beyond the quandary we are in today.
I want to be an advocate of those on the forum that support Hezbollah, Iran and Assad.

I would say that they are literate and have a good command of English. They are disgusted by ISIL not because ISIL are Sunnis but because ISIL is committing massacres and are behaving in inhumane ways and also their takfiri ideology condemns other human beings to death just because they are not supporters of their ideology.
I would say that they respect, embrace and enjoy life, (Wolves mention of Freddy Mercury up there, the avatar of lebpatriot2323, etc.).
They do not condemn Western culture, political and economic systems but condemn Western policies towards the Middle East.

Thumb Machia 20:58 ,2014 حزيران 17

They are not Hezbollah members but admire Hezbollah's actions and policies. They are sure that Hezbollah and Syria did not murder Rafic Hariri but that it was a Zionist plot to destabilize the resistance against Israel.

Thumb Machia 21:01 ,2014 حزيران 17

This is why I am asking myself, you and everyone here to go beyond our differences and post an opinion, a paragraph, a road map on what kind of Lebanon she or he wants and how do we get there together.

Thumb theresistance4.0 21:33 ,2014 حزيران 17

@ TEXY Bahahahahaha! Taqiya again! Yes Yes Taqiya everywhere! MUAHAHAHA....Ur such a douche your ULTIMATE FAIL agreement because of your swiss cheese logic always lands back on TAQIYA! Lmaooooo


have a nice day Scarcrow :)

Thumb Machia 21:37 ,2014 حزيران 17

Thank you for this contribution but I am more optimistic about people in general and about Lebanese and Iraqis in particular.
All Iraqis I have met are truly patriotic and non-sectarian. They all love their country and hate to identify themselves by their sect, unlike us Lebanese.
They have a lot of pride in their history, their land and their professions, like the Lebanese.
Generalization is dangerous but that is the first thing that comes to my mind.

Thumb Machia 21:49 ,2014 حزيران 17

One more thing and to be totally frank with everyone on this forum, in 2000 when our land was liberated, I was proud and I thought Hezbollah were heros.
Moreover, when the Syrian army occupied Lebanon, with the world's consent, Lebanon enjoyed a few years of stability and economic growth. Yes I did not enjoy the occupation but I greatly enjoyed the stability, rediscovered my country and went about my work.
Then after 2006, hope to build a new country evaporated and everything imploded.

Thumb Machia 21:54 ,2014 حزيران 17

But at times like now, I stop the blame game, and I wonder if Lebanon can still regain this political, economic and social stability. And this is why I am asking the anonymous contributor to this forum for their views. I want to believe that there is still hope.

Thumb theresistance4.0 22:02 ,2014 حزيران 17

@ Machia with well thoughtful individuals like yourself their is always hope my friend. The Phoenix will raise again and Lebanon will be the envy of the world! Even though we may differ on some political stance I respect you and the manner of your discourse. Have a nice day Machia

BTW Texy will not doubt call what I just stated Shia Taqiya LOL ;)

Thumb theresistance4.0 22:20 ,2014 حزيران 17

Whatever u say my democratic Wahhabi princess. Bye Bye Sexy Texy :)

Thumb iamymasterscard 20:58 ,2014 حزيران 17

Funny statement this, because Muqtadā al-Ṣadr, Sayed Ammar Al Hakim and Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani were all blaming Maliki's dictatorship for the deteriorating security situation in Iraq shortly before ISIL seized Mosel, I guess they also are to blame. It's a happy coincidence for Maliki that this happened when everyone especially the Shiite leaders were looking to replace him as PM after he failed to secure a clear majority in the election.

Thumb theresistance4.0 21:34 ,2014 حزيران 17

Lemme guess Shia TAQIYA right? LOL

Have a nice day Einstein :)

Thumb iamymasterscard 22:42 ,2014 حزيران 17

Lemme guess TATBIR brain trauma right? LOL

Have a nice day retard :)

Thumb theresistance4.0 22:52 ,2014 حزيران 17

Says the guy with head chopper syndrome ;)

Thumb theresistance4.0 21:36 ,2014 حزيران 17

LOL! Roar you're awesome!

Thumb cedre 22:19 ,2014 حزيران 17

Loads of taqiya BS like usual, every iraqis know that ksa actually financed since 2009 the sahawat fighting isis.
Bashar was financing and training isis since 2003 in irak while Iran was training and helping shia terrorist militias.

This is the real reason of the chaos in Iraq :


Thumb theresistance4.0 22:23 ,2014 حزيران 17

Duhhhh Cedre everyone knows Taqiya is EVERYWHERE!!

Thumb cedre 00:48 ,2014 حزيران 18

i love iranian lackeys' logic : KSA finances FSA that fights ISIS but finance ISIS as well, they financed sahawat that fought ISIS but ksa finance ISIS as well, they finance alqaeda but is at war with the terrorism at the same time...
Dahieh boys really believe all the BS that their baba Nasrana give them...

Missing .karim 01:01 ,2014 حزيران 18

Jihadist terrorist fight over loot to steal and women to rape all the time. It's not that hard for you radical Salafists to imagine.

Thumb cedre 01:57 ,2014 حزيران 18

lot of loot in alanbar desert...