الائتلاف السوري لباسيل: لينسحب حزب الله "الارهابي" من سوريا كي يعود السوريين الى بلادهم

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رد الائتلاف السوري المعارض الجمعة على كلام وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل فيما يتعلق باللاجئين السوريين، داعيا اياه بدعوة حزب الله "الارهابي" بالانسحاب من سوريا "كي يتمكن السوريون من العودة الى بلادهم".

وقالت عضو الهيئة السياسية في الائتلاف الوطني السوري عالية منصور "مرة جديدة يطالعنا وزير الخارجية اللبناني جبران باسيل بمجموعة من المغالطات، التي تخالف الواقع الذي يعيشه اللاجئون السوريون في لبنان، و الأمر وصل به إلى انتقاد ولادة نساء سوريات في مستشفيات لبنان، والخوف من تعلّم الأطفال السوريين الهاربين من أحكام الموت، التي أصدرها نظام الأسد الذي يتحالف معه باسيل ضد كل الشعب السوري".

وطالبت منصور باسيل "بالضغط على حليفه حزب الله الإرهابي كي يسحب ميليشياته من سورية، وكي يتمكن السوريون من العودة إلى وطنهم بحق"، داعية اياه الى ان "ألا يطلق أحكامه على النازحين السوريين مطالباً بعدم مساعدتهم."

وأوضحت أنه " بالرغم من الفاتورة التي يدفعها الشعب اللبناني، فإننا نذكر أن الشعب السوري يموت يومياً على يد نظام الأسد، متسائلة :"هل من المعقول حرمان هذا الشعب من حقه الطبيعي بالهرب من هذا الموت؟".

عليه، أكدت عضو الهيئة السياسية أن "السوريين لا يرغبون في الاستيطان في لبنان، فلديهم وطنهم ومتمسكون بالعودة إليه لإعادة بنائه بعد أن دمره نظام الأسد، وبناء علاقات جيدة مع أشقائنا اللبنانيين بطريقة مختلفة عمّا فعلها نظام الأسد حليف باسيل".

وحول موضوع إقامة مخيمات على الحدود اللبنانية- و"الذي بدأنا نحن بطرحه" بحسب ما قالت منصور فكان "من أجل تخفيف أعباء النزوح عن اللبنانيين، ومن أجل تنظيم المساعدات والحصول على مساعدات أكبر"، مشددة على أن "هناك عدة جهات مستعدة لهذا الأمر، لا يريد باسيل الاعتراف بها، فقط من أجل المزايدات التي هي في غالبيتها من أجل الكسب السياسي على حساب من يهرب من إجرام نظام الأسد".

وكان باسيل قال الجمعة أن "أي شكل من أشكال شرعنة المخيمات السورية هو شكل من أشكال التوطين"، مشددا على ضرورة الانقاص من عدد اللاجئين السوريين من خلال إقامة مشاريع مشتركة وخطوات لازمة مع المجتمع الدولي، وذلك ضمن إطار حقوق الإنسان والمواثيق الدولية.

وأضافت منصور: "في الوقت الذي طرح فيه باسيل معالجة قضية اللاجئين كقضية تتعلق بالسيادة اللبنانية، عوضاً عن كونها قضية إنسانية أممية، فإنه وقف صامتا أمام انتهاكات نظام الأسد لسيادة لبنان والتي كان آخرها اليوم بشنه غارات على الأراضي اللبنانية راح ضحيتها نازحان سوريان".

كما دانت "ممارسات بشار الأسد وميليشيا حزب الله الإرهابي ضد الشعب السوري"، مطالبة "المجتمع الدولي والحكومة اللبنانية بحماية السوريين الذين التجؤوا إلى لبنان هربا من الموت المحتم".

وإذ توجهت بالشكر الى "الشعب اللبناني الشقيق على استضافة السوريين"؛ طالب الائتلاف عبر منصور المجتمع الدولي بكافة هيئاته ومؤسساته بضرورة تقديم المساعدة للنازحين السوريين في لبنان.

يشار الى ان الامم المتحدة قدرت في تقرير صدر عنها الخميس، بأن يتجاوز عدد اللاجئين السوريين في لبنان مع نهاية العام الحالي المليون ونصف المليون، اي اكثر من ثلث السكان، محذرة من العبء الثقيل المتزايد الذي يعاني منه اقتصاد البلاد نتيجة ذلك.


التعليقات 31
Thumb ex-fpm 19:52 ,2014 تموز 04

Bassil is a shameful incompetent person and an embarrassment to humanity.

Missing imagine_1979 19:58 ,2014 تموز 04

Well bassilo and friends keept saying that there was nothing in syria and the guys are coming for vaccation during more than a year after syrian uprising started just that they can back up their saying in front of the international comunity..
Now that we have let the syrian refugies with no assistance, now that they r leaving on the streets seeking sheltter, food, medicine..he is still against making camps, but what does he really wants, we send them by force to get killed by assad or hezbos/iraki/iranian mercenaries? We throw them in the sea?
U are a shame bassilo, a shame that has got so much wealthier than some time ago when tayyar flag was bearing the omega sign of resistance, resistance against the sme regime that u r now supporting, the same regime that has oppressed syrian and lebanese (and palestinian), just a disgrace..
Chupachups bassilo, chupachups...

Default-user-icon Sanaa (ضيف) 22:39 ,2014 تموز 04

ur so quick to talk about iran, well why doesnt saudi arabia or jordan take them? cant u see lebanon is poor and has its own problems, but u want to brinnig syrians on top of that? they keep reproducing in this land and we are supposed to take care of them? go put them in ur house in that case

Missing imagine_1979 19:58 ,2014 تموز 04

And by the way, she looks like a true terrorist like hariri, alouch... They could hv chose better:like m8 alternatives:hachem minkara, saiid chaaban...
Yalla chupachups for all...

Missing imagine_1979 20:07 ,2014 تموز 04

I hope u will never have to be displaced defacto, that ur house will never be distroyed, than ur familly wont be hurt , that u wont have to seek shelter -and if u do i hope the country u will be in will treat u better than we are treating those poor people oppressed by the same regime that has oppressed us for decades...
Now go have some chupachups man, really..

Missing imagine_1979 20:18 ,2014 تموز 04

And of course have some chupachups...

Missing imagine_1979 20:18 ,2014 تموز 04

First thank you for u respect..
Now with all due respect if u have lived all this (like most of us including myself) if u have suffered the loss of all u had, if u have asked for refuge for u and ur famillu and u still keep this unhuman ideas u must seek couceling bro..

Missing imagine_1979 20:56 ,2014 تموز 04

First i'm not muslim so don't asssume things
Second i'm with palstinian right of palestinian state (not at the expences of lebanon but i'm fir sure fir they right to hv a state)
Third if u suffer so much, and i might be wrong but i assume u suffered from assad or his likes bc u had to live abroad, so how can u wish so much bad for people tuning away from the same regime that has percecuted our country for decades?????
U don't even deserve a chupachups john.....

Missing imagine_1979 20:58 ,2014 تموز 04

Defacto... But same ideas... Anyway bigjohn desrve a lot of chupachups...

Missing imagine_1979 21:13 ,2014 تموز 04

Ok no more chupachups for u today..

Missing imagine_1979 20:33 ,2014 تموز 04

U came with all this by urself?
Well u r right, nassrallah defenetly look nicer, and of course all takfiri/qaida/da3ech.. Like hariri, alouch, all march 14, in fact like all who doesnot think like u...and thank u for ur alternatives; hachem minkarar, saiid chaaban..the real modern/secular/democratic guys (just like nassralah, khomaini..)
Bravo john, now go gave some chupachups...

Missing imagine_1979 21:00 ,2014 تموز 04

Uff u were talking about only syria with no thinking about lebanon at all...
Sorry big john.. Anyway then try to extend ur imagination a litle more, maybe u will see the all picture better...
And go ahead, have a chupachups..

Missing imagine_1979 21:18 ,2014 تموز 04

Ur a leftist and u support hezbollah islamic reistance u support a religious military force taking over lebanon after taking the resistance executing leftists, taking over southlebanon, u support resistance??
U support assad resistant regime who split palestinian resistantss(fateh/fateh el intifada, fplp/fplp-general comand...) a regime that has put opoosants in general leftists (riad el turk for exemple..)
U support the guys accused to be behind hawi/kassir... Death???
U r truely a great rleftist resistant..
Now really go have some chupachups gevara would be proud of u...

Missing imagine_1979 21:44 ,2014 تموز 04

Wouw what a reply..
firs the march 8 resistant guys were not petrodolar ksa hariri style, they are so clean, so poor, so transparant and democratic..
Second: Kassir was not a leftist hawi neither riad al turk neither nor kaim mrouweh nor all who signed el3wen beirut/dimashk all actualy zionist/imperialists/takfiri...
U r right, u r the true lebanese partiotic resistance front; WOU LABAYKA YA NASROULAH...
No more chupachups for u man.. No more chupachups..

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 21:01 ,2014 تموز 04

What Lebanese republic? As if the Hizb took the permission of the republic to take over Lebanon and then go into Syria and support a murderous regime.

Missing imagine_1979 21:05 ,2014 تموز 04

U must be wrong tex, more syrian participated in those very democratic elections than the last time..
Anyway christians at least some of them as well as in lebanon have taken a clear stance against assad regime, i hope all would have donne the same...anyway being a secular person insee no difference sunis fanatics (da3ech nosra..) chiite fanatics (hezbollah...) chistian fanatics (crazy aoun...) all the same..
Yalla chupachups for all..

Missing imagine_1979 21:08 ,2014 تموز 04

Bigjohn fo watch unhcr statistics and get ur head out of newtv and sometimes sana/ov/al manar stuff...
And of course, chupachups...

Missing imagine_1979 21:23 ,2014 تموز 04

The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has estimated that, by the end of 2013, 6.5 million of Syria's 22 million population will be affected and in need of humanitarian assistance, including 4.25 million internally displaced. Of the 4.25 million IDPs, UNHCR will assist up to 3.3 million (660,000 families) in all sectors. Overall planning concerning internal displacement has been made with the assumption that Syrian refugees and IDPs will not return to their home areas in significant numbers in 2014.

Missing imagine_1979 21:24 ,2014 تموز 04

Chupachups bigjohn, chupachups...

Missing imagine_1979 21:35 ,2014 تموز 04

And there is nice graphs if u have a visual memory...
So again UNHCR not SANA...
Or unhcr might also be a takfiri/imperialist/ksa/zionist entity....
Like anyone out of the moumana3a resistant axes...
Really, please, go have some chupachups man..

Thumb Machia 21:14 ,2014 تموز 04

Wow! Am with Alia all the way! Much better looking than Gerban Barteel.

Missing karim.. 22:05 ,2014 تموز 04

I love how the FSA-Al Qaeda jihadist terrorists use a woman here as a way to mask their intentions of establishing a Salafist caliphate and their intense hatred for Christians, Shias, and Alawites. Next thing you know, this woman is beheaded (and her heart eaten, of course).

Nice try terrorists.

Missing coolmec 23:29 ,2014 تموز 04

right on I would too!!

Missing VINCENT 23:38 ,2014 تموز 04

To defacto and imagine, it is not entirely correct to say that "everyone is entitled to his/her opinion." Just as no one has the right to commit an immoral act, similarly, no one has the right to have an immoral belief or opinion. Having said that, the sheer number of Syrian refugees on the shoulders of Lebanon on top of the already existing Palestinian camps, gives every true Lebanese the right to tip the balance of this moral dilemma in favor of Lebanon. May be it would have been easier to justify the argument in favor of the Syrian refugees if their numbers were manageable, and Lebanon was not already burdened by equally serious deadly consequences of the Palestinian threat.

Missing Granpa 00:15 ,2014 تموز 05

Qawmi John losing his paid so called mind again on a Syria story.

Missing cedars 00:21 ,2014 تموز 05

It is a matter of time before the terrorist regime get to her and assassinate her simply for speaking out even if it was a lie. A regime that operated like that for yrs(I.e. Ghazi Ken3an and etc) and a local militia that operates same way in Lebanon (I.e. All anti Syrian political assassinations) cannot coexist with the rest as their only language hey speak of is death and terror which creates extremism similar to Israel story with the Palestinians.

Missing karim.. 03:47 ,2014 تموز 05

Speak for yourself Salafist. The majority of non-Al Qaeda sympathizing Lebanese do not wish to see the FSA-Al Qaeda jihadist terrorists prevail and for a Salafist caliphate to emerge in Syria.

Default-user-icon Venton Dabkhim (ضيف) 04:08 ,2014 تموز 05

How about the SNC pressing themselves to represent somebody in Syria other than their individual nobodies?

Thumb cedre 05:54 ,2014 تموز 05

refugee or not, she's still syrian and her people are victim of ur khomeynist boyfriends with tatoos and dirty teeth...

Thumb cedre 05:55 ,2014 تموز 05

who told u that the coalition is salafi ? almanar ?

Default-user-icon marvin (ضيف) 16:48 ,2014 تموز 05

this woman used to be a repoter at future tv, her name is alia mansoor