زعيم "الدولة الاسلامية" البغدادي يدعو الى طاعته في أول ظهور علني مصور له

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دعا زعيم تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" الجهادي المتطرف الذي اعلن نفسه "خليفة"، في اول ظهور علني مصور له، المسلمين الى طاعته.

وقال ابو بكر البغدادي "الخليفة ابراهيم" بحسب ما جاء في التسجيل المصور الذي ذكر القيمون عليه انه صور في الجامع الكبير في مدينة الموصل العراقية يوم امس الجمعة "اطيعوني ما اطعت الله فيكم".

وفي اول ظهور مصور له، قال زعيم "الدولة الاسلامية" ابو بكر البغدادي "الخليفة ابراهيم" وفقا لما جاء في تسجيل مصور ذكر القيمون عليه انه صور في الجامع الكبير في مدينة الموصل العراقية الجمعة "اطيعوني ما اطعت الله فيكم".

وارتدى البغدادي صاحب اللحية الرمادية الطويلة وهو يخطب بالمصلين في الموصل (350 كلم شمال بغداد) عباءة سوداء، ووضع على راسه عمامة سوداء ايضا.

اووضح البغدادي المتحدر من مدينة سامراء العراقية ان "اخوانكم المجاهدين قد من الله عليهم بنصر وفتح ومكن لهم بعد سنين طويلة من الجهاد والصبر (...) لتحقيق غايتهم، فسارعوا الى اعلان الخلافة وتنصيب امام وهذا واجب على المسلمين قد ضيع لقرون".

واضاف "لقد ابتليت بهذا الامر العظيم، لقد ابتليت بهذه الامانة، امانة ثقيلة، فوليت عليكم ولست بخيركم ولا افضل منكم، فان رايتموني على حق فاعينوني، وان رايتموني على باطل فانصحوني وسددوني، واطيعوني ما اطعت الله فيكم".

وأعلن تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" الاحد الماضي "قيام الخلافة الاسلامية" ومبايعة زعيمه "خليفة للمسلمين".

التعليقات 54
Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:38 ,2014 تموز 05

I will not obey you or obey Khamanei.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:03 ,2014 تموز 05

good and neither will I. just note that khamenei never asked us that.

Missing Granpa 19:19 ,2014 تموز 05

Mere semantics the self styled "emir"is asks, the self styled "Fakih and supreme leader" expects it or else.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:38 ,2014 تموز 05

fascist: the actions and track record of da3esh confirm their words and declared intentions, while on the other hand both words and actions disprove your whimsical propaganda

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:58 ,2014 تموز 05

rafehh made the comparison, and your comment doesnt make any sense.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:01 ,2014 تموز 05

and not a word from baghdadi on the israeli onslaught on gaza and the zionist lynch mobs roaming the streets of palestine looking for palestinians to beat, torture and burn alive.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:44 ,2014 تموز 05

you talk of "shame"? do you even know what word that means? from reading you i am convinced you havent the slightest idea.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:47 ,2014 تموز 05

as for HA they have proven they are true in their fight against zionism and for the arab cause.
da3esh is an israeli tool, created by CIA to divide arabs and have them kill each other, diverting them from their real enemy which is israel. even in their speeches they only speak of killing arabs christians, muslims and others, and "forget" to even mention israel. they are as fake and hypocrite as you paid posters on this forum.

Thumb ex-fpm 20:59 ,2014 تموز 05

thank you mowaten for always trying to include us christians in your defense. In all honesty, we don't need you or your terrorist party or ideology to include us as part of your argument.

Thumb zeinab.ali.jaafar 22:46 ,2014 تموز 05

What a handsome, pious man this Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is. I'd bear his child any time.

Thumb _mowaten_ 23:03 ,2014 تموز 05

you dont get to speak in the name of all christians ex-fpm, and you certainly dont get to tell me what facts i can state or not.

and congrats for exposing yourself by the way. if you really were a christian you would have been outraged at dae3esh's crimes, not at me denouncing them.

Missing saudi 04:10 ,2014 تموز 06

Normally Geagea call in every time a terrorists appointed himself. He did call Sabra, Jerba and all the Syrian-west appointed leaders.
Did he call Baghdadi yet?

Missing cedars 00:15 ,2014 تموز 06

They sent the CIA to get him, it is a matter of time before a bomb is dumped from the sky.

Missing karim- 18:01 ,2014 تموز 05

Oh look a Nasrallah marionette!

Thumb Kalzyturks 00:03 ,2014 تموز 06






now would the real karim please stand up!!!

Missing cedars 18:59 ,2014 تموز 05

Is your name ho 2333 ?

Thumb lebanon_first 19:12 ,2014 تموز 05

lebpatriot. You should kiss the ground that M14 walk on. And thank your God (whichever God you beleive in) that M14 merely exists. Else you would be wearing a black tchador and peeling potatoes in a black armed Hezbiran controlled country.

Thumb lebpatriot2333 20:12 ,2014 تموز 05

Lebanon first. Believe me, March 14 led by Sunni Saudi Harriri did not save Shia in Lebanon. Lebanese Shia by history and Shia in general evolve with time, unlike Sunni unstructured uncoordinated terrorists.

Thumb ice-man 07:56 ,2014 تموز 06

yes yes and you have evolved into a lovely young woman indeed!

Default-user-icon J.C (ضيف) 19:20 ,2014 تموز 05

This man has a spontaneous nystagmus beating to the left it might be a central lesion .he needs an urgent MRI and medical treatment

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:34 ,2014 تموز 05

lebpatriot2333 stop that sectarian incitement, you're doing the same thing as joshbustani and it's disgusting as well as dangerous. falling into sunni-chia hate and strife is what our enemies want

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:59 ,2014 تموز 05

as usual, false claims and accusations from the israeli shills who try to disrupt all debates here.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:11 ,2014 تموز 05

takfiri is not a sect or a religion smartie, it's a sick ideology of intolerance and murder. shame on anyone who does not denounce it, and even more on you for defending them.

Thumb lebpatriot2333 20:14 ,2014 تموز 05

These Sunni terrorists will never accept any other sect. It's time to get rid of them.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:18 ,2014 تموز 05

*as heretics

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:18 ,2014 تموز 05

if you want to eradicate a sect you're no better then them. and these are not sunnis, they are takfiris, which are denounced by sunni scholars are heretics.

Thumb lebpatriot2333 20:51 ,2014 تموز 05

I don't see one Sunni scholar condemn these terrorists and reach out to Shia. Just like they never speak out against terrorism in the West. These Sunni scholars you speak of don't exist. They are waiting for a crazy psychopath like the subject of this article to take real control and they will follow.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:40 ,2014 تموز 05

go advise baghdadi to stop slaughtering people he deems kufars, see if he'll listen. cant believe how naive you are.

Thumb EagleDawn 20:55 ,2014 تموز 05

I agree this is another nasrallah or khamanei with different flavor.

Missing imagine_1979 22:02 ,2014 تموز 05

Shaker el abssi/ abou adass....

Missing imagine_1979 21:20 ,2014 تموز 05

Please bog john try some other sources than SANA and co.....

Missing people-power 21:29 ,2014 تموز 05

It's amazing how all the supporters of the Islamic Resistance on this website are non Shia. It seems the Party of God has a big following of Atheists and Secularists.

Thumb condor 21:35 ,2014 تموز 05

lol @ people-power! don't forget to add christians too.

Missing karim.. 22:02 ,2014 تموز 05

Your time is coming terrorist. You will be eradicated.

Thumb Machia 23:05 ,2014 تموز 05

Khomeinism -700 years
Salafism -1400 years

Khomeinism vs Salafism -100,000 years

Missing karim.. 23:31 ,2014 تموز 05

LOL, the February 14 Al Qaeda sympathizers are tripping over each other in happiness.

Thumb Kalzyturks 00:03 ,2014 تموز 06






now would the real karim please stand up!!!

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 23:38 ,2014 تموز 05

Not everyone has your binary thinking. ISIS (and its predecessors) were supported by the Iranian and Syrian regime because their interests converged. For example when ISIS was fighting the Americans in Iraq and when recently in their fight against rebel groups in Syria.

Thumb kanaandian 00:05 ,2014 تموز 06

well he isn't the caliph for "all" Muslims, not the Shiites at least. He is however, the widely supported leader of the Sunni Muslims in Iraq - they should most definetetly heed his words. If Sunni Muslims want to support ISIL, they must bow to their new caliph, he put his life on the line so you could have an Islamic state. Just like Jesus did for Christians.

Missing VINCENT 01:48 ,2014 تموز 06

There was no Christianity prior to Jesus' death. If we follow your line of reasoning, we would rather bow for the Prophet Muhammad and follow his teachings. Jesus, Son of God, indeed warned us of the consequences of following false gods and prophets.

Missing phillipo 12:48 ,2014 تموز 06

And exactly what Islam was there before Mohammed who just happened to come along over 600 years AFTER Jesus, who himself was 3,000 years after Abraham and Moses.

Missing cedars 00:14 ,2014 تموز 06

Bin laden has raised from the dead, it is a matter of time before they get to you buddy.
Why was he released from the US prison?
They executed Saddam Hussein because he threatened Israel and Iran, two nuclear states with fake stories of chemical weapons.

Thumb kanaandian 01:21 ,2014 تموز 06

but they left the true bin ladems, al saud and other gulf terrorist infrastructures. all they did is wage war on the secularist dictators (qaddafi, assad and saddam). usa has deliberately left the savages in place for future roles, such as what we are now seeing in iraq.

Missing VINCENT 01:43 ,2014 تموز 06

It is about who, whether secular or not, is going against U.S. pecuniary interests in the region.

Missing VINCENT 01:07 ,2014 تموز 06

Nicely said. I am afraid if the Americans take a hold of his brain, the misguided amongst them may say it is a disease and try to find a cure.

Missing VINCENT 01:21 ,2014 تموز 06

Listening to some of you above, being justified in believing a proposition like, every time an Arab thug takes central stage in the Middle East is an Israeli tool and U.S. agenda created by CIA to divide Arabs and have them kill each other, diverting them from their real enemy which is Israel..." no more guarantees the truth than being justified in convincing someone guarantees the truth of such a proposition that the mere or compelling reasons why Arabs kill each other is the existence of agenda and the reasons behind him.

Missing VINCENT 01:32 ,2014 تموز 06

Iran through Maliki together know exactly what they're doing. Just as the 25% or so of so called Sunni Iraqi Security personnel dropped their guns and went along with the self-proclaimed caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi because they knew that the Shiite government in Baghdad and Iran are not acting in their best interests, Malaki, in turn, had already accepted that co-existence with the Sunnis in Iraq with an umbilical cord tied with neighboring Iran is physically and logically impossible. This is what I think.

Missing .karim. 05:22 ,2014 تموز 06

No offense to your parents, but what kind of Salafists call their kid "Vincent"?

Thumb Elemental 06:31 ,2014 تموز 06

You're really that backward?

Thumb ice-man 07:53 ,2014 تموز 06

I personally like the name hussain.

Missing VINCENT 05:58 ,2014 تموز 06

Read carefully. Salafist, Khomeiniest and like minded dirt bags belong in the same place after taking out the garbage.

Thumb ice-man 07:54 ,2014 تموز 06

wolf: are you feeling any better these days? Have you applied for the new IS passport yet?

Missing phillipo 12:43 ,2014 تموز 06

jerry - "why doesn't your nasrallah go defend gaza now and liberate it"
Last time we heard about it, the only people ruling Gaza was Hamas, and as you say Jerry, it's about time someone went and liberated the Gaza Strip from Hamas.

Default-user-icon Alphonso (ضيف) 09:51 ,2014 تموز 14

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