زعيم النصرة يدعو السنة الى الابتعاد عن الجيش اللبناني
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دعا زعيم جبهة النصرة ابو محمد الجولاني في تسجيل صوتي الاحد "اهل السنة في لبنان" الى ابعاد ابنائهم عن الجيش اللبناني، معتبراً ان الاخير "سخّر لخدمة عدوكم".
وفي الشريط الصوتي المسجل الذي بث الاحد، اعتبر الجولاني ان الجيش اللبناني "يخضع لهيمنة حزب الله ويأتمر باوامره".
وتوجه الى "اهل السنة في لبنان"، قائلاً "ابعدوا ابناءكم عن جيش سخر لخدمة عدوكم وعسكروهم في خدمة المجاهدين".
من جهة اخرى، هدد الجولاني بـ"نقل المعركة" الى الدول الغربية التي باشرت قصف مواقع جبهة النصرة وتنظيم الدولة الاسلامية في سوريا والعراق.
وتحت عنوان "لاهل الوفاء يهون العطاء"، قال الجولاني في كلمته "اذكر شعوب الغرب بحماقة قادتهم في اختيارهم الحرب على المسلمين".

enjoying the infidels carpet bomb the savages in syria and inshalla, may it continue to their hideouts in the arsal vicinity

seems like the hasbara goons went full-retards lately. i picture them foaming from the mouth and screaming shia shiaaaa!!!" while running around like headless chicken.

They really sank low, these last couple of months.

I knew you would comment Flamethrower the minute you get a break. Well said

My whole office is in tears at your hilarious comments. My boss wants to register and comment because of you:))

What a silly statement gabby14! I can expect stupidity from a murderous subhuman like Jolani.
It really is surprising seeing a Lebanese citizen write something like that. I am sure you know that the Army does not act withought a political decision to do so. This means the Ministry of Defence with the President's agreement. Without the President the cabinet have to agree on any action the Army does. As you know the cabinet at present is formed by ministers of both M14 and M8. Honestly, you must be kid to come up with such comments. Shame on you and those like you who are blinded by hatred that they don't see what's clearly obvious and believe moronic politicans who brainwash them.

he's either stupid or playing the same game as gogolani: spreading lies and propaganda hoping the lebanese army will disintegrate.

i thought they were all in your bed!

Dighreh from now on I see such stupid comments & I report. Looking at you @terrorist

Not even Hariri, would dare to say that. So what makes you so high and mighty, that you have the guts to spit on the army? You a Nusra minion too?