المؤسسة العسكرية "صامدة" والانشقاقات شأنها "تنظيف المؤسسة"
Read this story in Englishلا تزال المؤسسة العسكرية صامدة على الرغم من حالات الانشقاق التي برزت بشكل متكرر في الآونة الاخيرة، حيث اعتبرت مصادر صحافية ان هذه الامور من شأنها "تنظيف المؤسسة العسكرية".
ونقلت صحيفة "الشرق الاوسط"، الاثنين، عن مصادر عسكرية تأكيدها بأن المؤسسة التي ينتمي إليها نحو 60 ألف عسكري "لا تتأثّر بحالات انشقاق كهذه".
ولفتت الى ان "الجيش اللبناني كما كل جيوش العالم يسجّل فيه دائما حالات فرار لأسباب عدّة، لكن إلقاء الضوء على الحالات الأخيرة جاء بسبب وضع العسكريين الفارين وانتسابهم إلى مجموعات إرهابية".
الى ذلك، اعتبرت المصادر ان "هروب أشخاص كهؤلاء لا يؤثّر سلبا على الجيش أو يؤدي إلى مزيد من الحالات المماثلة بل على العكس من ذلك من شأنه أن ينظف المؤسسة العسكرية من هذه النماذج".
من جهتها، لفتت صحيفة "السفير"، الى ان الانشقاقات المشبوهة لبعض العسكريين في الجيش والتحاقهم بمجموعات إرهابية، "يعزز الخشية من كمين خطير ينصب للجيش عبر محاولة خلخلة بنيته وخلق حالة من الإرباك في صفوف العسكريين".
وفي الآونة الاخيرة أعلن عدد من العسكريين انشقاقهم عن الجيش اللبناني معلنين انضمامهم إلى تنظيمات متشدّدة، وكان آخرها مساء السبت، عندما أعلن الجندي عبد القادر أكومي من منطقة عكار أنه انضم إلى داعش.
I consider every HA member a traitor to his country by fighting for an iranian funded and ideologically aligned terrorist militia.
really, i thought you were neutral in all of this gabby. but ok, thanks for letting us know where you stand. So it's safe to say we wont see you as a friend on HA facebook page.
and you think your comment is productive?
it is actually such behavior from m8 that is driving the country towards total breakup instead of realizing the actual danger we are heading to thanks to hizbushaitan.
the problem is that your comment came exactly in the direction of what is going on wrong these days and pushing the country towards breakup!
such things are the reason we are seeing more extremists in the country.
This is pathetic, truly. All the politicians are saying to support the army, yet they have these radicals defecting in the name of religion. Bottomline is that while everyone should support the LAF, it is an unreliable institution. The army's incompetence gives Hezbollah credibility which is a disgrace.
These soldiers are supposed to be defending their country, not their sect. There needs to be reforms in the LAF. Maybe all soldiers should take a course to test their loyalty. Or a course in which sectarianism is eradicated. The LAF needs to be a purely secular institution. Until it fights this disease, it will never be considered a competent force.
when the army executes the orders of a sectarian militia it drives all its members towards sectarian thinking. this is the result of several years of vexations to the elements of this army.
how do you think a sunni or Christian element of the army thinks when a shia soldier orders his commander from a different secte?
this has been happening for a while now.
Lebanese people as one united nation never existed, and readers be honest to admit it. The reason is simple, the foundation of the building Lebanon, from the start was wrong; I have no doubts that many Lebanese politicians had good intentions but unfortunately the big majority of them had no long terms vision, through their policies they created a greater gap between the ethnics groups of the country. This gap is the disaster we are experiencing since 1975. And the bad news is that the damage is unrepairable.
gabby, that has got to be the least impartial statement i have ever read on the internet. I will give you a thumbs up for the laugh i got. Do you have any more impartial opinions to post. Honestly, i really did have a big laugh, not sure if that was your intention, but thanks.
gabby, get a hold of yourself. one or two defections and already you are talking about formation of a lebanese brigade in syria. easy man.
I was thinking the same @cityboy, exactly the same!!! We both are shia extremists, both sectarians, both pretend to be moderates, and I really hope that readers don't think we are the same poster.
another day, another troll.. one wonders who these people can be, why they lurk on news sites all day everyday to post their empty attempts at diversion.
if these defections continue at this rate we will soon see a breakdown in the army.
supporters of m8 do not realize what is going on and they want to live in their lala land, whereby it is normal that a sectarian militia is superior to the army.
it looks like the actions of hizbushaitan is pushing the army towards breaking up.
Geha: Unless both the Sunni Mufti and Hariri call for defections, these will continue to be isolated incidents. The main stream Lebanese Sunnis support the Army although they have reservations regarding its biases and performance. Should these biases continue, the situation may get more serious.
do not bet your life on it.
the mufti and Hariri have little influence these days especially due to the attacks and behavior of m8 who weakened their position politically.
actually, some people are going towards extremism because of all the vexation to the sunnis done by hizbushaitan and fpm the past few years.
a shia soldier is ordering his superiors these days.
our army is becoming like the Syrian army where a alaoui orders his superiors.
and you think the army will not breakup?
some days I say to myself I should not reply but then again the stupidity of some comments is so flagrant that it compels a comment!
there is an idiot saying that m14 is undermining the army with such comments :)
well it is not going to be the shia following m8 that will be complaining about the situation inside the army these days, especially they are benefitting from it.
m8 people fail to see the obvious and what is driving the whole country into breaking up, and if anyone pinpoints what is wrong they just turn the accusation against you as if you have to see what is wrong but you need to shut up about it otherwise you are doing something wrong.
does this remind you guys of totalitarian regimes? this is exactly what m8 want us to accept.
god bless our LAF these defections will only clean the army from non true Lebanese and as always these non true Lebanese are the same since 75