مقتل 63 بينهم 36 مدنيا في غارات شنها الطيران السوري على الرقة شمال البلاد

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شن طيران الجيش السوري غارات على مدينة الرقة التي يتخذها تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية معقلا له في شمال سوريا، اسفرت عن مقتل 63 على الأقل بينهم 36 مدنيا.

و أعلن المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ارتفاع عدد الذين قضوا بقصف الطيران السوري الثلاثاء على مدينة الرقة في شمال سوريا الى 63 قتيلا على الاقل غالبيتهم من المدنيين.

وقال مدير المرصد رامي عبد الرحمن لوكالة "فرانس برس" "من بين القتلى ال63 هناك 36 مدنيا على الاقل. كما انه لم يتم التعرف بعد على 20 جثة يمكن ان تكون لمدنيين او مقاتلين اضافة الى اشلاء سبع جثث".

واشار المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ايضا الى سقوط "عشرات الجرحى بعضهم بحالة الخطر".

واوضح عبد الرحمن ان "معظم الضحايا سقطوا عندما استهدفت غارتان متتاليتان المنطقة الصناعية في المدينة" مضيفا "ان السكان هرعوا لاسعاف الضحايا بعد الغارة الاولى عندما شن النظام الغارة الثانية".

ويسيطر تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية، الذي برز كاحد اطراف الصراع في سوريا منذ ربيع 2013 على مدينة الرقة، لتكون اول مدينة سورية كبرى تخرج عن سيطرة النظام منذ اندلاع الحركة الاحتجاجية منتصف اذار 2011.

ويستهدف الطيران السوري منذ اسابيع مواقع لتنظيم الدولة الاسلامية في شرق سوريا وشمالها، الا ان هذه الغارات غالبا ما توقع قتلى بين المدنيين. 

التعليقات 28
Thumb megahabib 18:45 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

When Syria bombs Daash, people whine about it. When they don't attack Daash, they whine that Syria is their ally. You can't have it both ways.

Thumb Mystic 19:07 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

And on that note, we didn't hear anyone complain about Americas and "Israels countless attacks on civilians. The U.S killed dozens of civilians in Syria aswell.

Thumb megahabib 19:11 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

When America bombs them, you cheer. Yeah, we get it, double standards.

Thumb Mystic 19:31 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

Barrel bombs texas? The so called barrel bombs you mention, also gets fired from takfiri mortars everyday on residential government held areas.

No excuse, America is the biggest killer of civilians, not only in Syria, do i have to list all the countries?

Thumb Tony.Farris 20:24 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

Without the USA, half of the world civilians will die from hunger. Stop your PS propaganda about America.

Thumb Mystic 20:41 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

Without the U.S, the world would be free from terror, new world orders, and the CIA. The billions of people killed by the U.S would still be living, caring on with their lives and families.

Thumb Tony.Farris 21:05 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

@Musty boy, your brain can't handle anymore bytes, so take a brake and smoke some hizbcocaine hash.

Thumb megahabib 21:08 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

Even Naharnet wrote that the US has killed dozens of civilians in Syria, retards.

Thumb Mystic 21:10 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

Hey @Mcdonalds, you should go feed them with your cheeseburgers once in a while, they will go hungry in bed.

Thumb Mystic 21:23 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

Said the nutjob, with "Cyper Hezbos" on his mind.

They have bigger types of mortars and howitzers, than 120mm
Look it up on google, and I encourage every reader to do the same. The Al Nusra front & ISIS has lots of heavy weaponry.

Thumb Mystic 21:25 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

texas pansy, your beloved American airstrikes are doing so "well"


Thumb Mystic 21:26 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

Note, all these articles are from Western websites, so I dare you say this is Iranian or Hezbollah propaganda.

Thumb Mystic 21:42 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

Republicans and Democrats, never made any difference. Still the same killers, same army, same commanders. Politicians sitting around, doesn't have any say on the matter. It is the Israeli council, you Americans listen to.

Bush administration feared the resistance for a reason, and he was indeed the Republican "hero" you all cheered. All i can say is, bring it on.

It is all being prepared for.

Thumb Tony.Farris 05:56 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 26

@FT do you believe every website? Ebola was discovered in 1976 by a Belgian teams.

Thumb Tony.Farris 06:00 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 26

Also FT I remember Franjeyeh was president when I was living in Beirut, does that answer your silly question?

Thumb Tony.Farris 06:58 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 26

@Texas, Cocaine sniffer author like him. LOL

Thumb Mystic 08:19 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 26

You americans shoyld watch out in your own country, the blacks are having an uprising right this minute, soon the hispanics will follow, I see a new civil war in the U.Sæ, in the foreseeble future.

Thumb freedomarch 20:19 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

PEOPLE. were the intended in the first place.

Thumb freedomarch 20:42 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

As a Canaian Lebanese I say God Bless The USA, stop applying to come here if you show such emotions. Your propaganda is pure rev . guard infused.

Thumb freedomarch 20:43 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25


Thumb freedomarch 20:48 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

@ MY Stick: what you say have nothing to do with poor lebanese suffering from iranian rev guards intervention in our area. Bad western administration's does not mean your Hizbola, Iran and Syria are ok to keep doing the killings.

Thumb freedomarch 20:24 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

@ MY Stick: everytime someone brinhs an atrocity commited by your clan, assad or GhizEbla you bring examples from the west, either what you are ding is Ok Legit fine Acceptable... (so we can prepare doing the same to your peole ) or it is bad, unacceptable, unjustly, barbarric, horrific and people doing it should not be rewarded by following supporting of spoken in favor off.

Thumb freedomarch 20:36 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

Musty the Lusty ... meaw

Thumb freedomarch 20:24 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25


Thumb megahabib 21:10 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

Lol, where did all these M14 clones come from all of a sudden?

Thumb Tony.Farris 22:25 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 25

megaASSad, they all here reading your stupid comments.

Thumb megahabib 00:22 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 26

SOHR counts anyone who wasn't previously in the Syrian army as a "civilian".

Missing coolmec 03:52 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 26

Pajama boy
Mlres tous nos problemes personne et je repete personne ne pourra nous enlever notre liberte d'expression. Mais ce qu'on devrait faire c'est de se debarasser de nos politiciens corrumpus se debarasser de M8 et M14 afin de restaurer notre democratie affaiblie