حزب الله "ثابت على موقفه" في قضية الرئاسة: لشخص يحظى بتمثيل حقيقي في بيئته
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أعلن "حزب الله" الأحد أنه "ثابت على موقفه" في قضية انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية، لأنه لا يمكن "المغامرة" في هذه القضية بل انتخاب شخص "يحظى بتمثيل حقيقي" بين المسيحيين، على حد قوله.
وقال عضو كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب حسن فضل الله في خلال احتفال تأبيني في الطيري الجنوبية الأحد "موقفنا بات واضحا في هذا الملف، وهو ينطلق من رؤيتنا للمصلحة الوطنية وليس فقط من خلال رد الجميل أو الوفاء".
وكان قد أعلن أمين عام الحزب السيد حسن نصرالله منذ شهر تأييده رسميا لترشح رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون للرئاسة. ولم يغلق حينها باب الحوار مع تيار "المستقبل".
وعليه دعا رئيس تيار "المستقبل" النائب سعد الحريري الخميس الفائت إلى التوافق على اسم للرئيس، معلنا عن استعداده لحوار "جدي" مع الحزب، سائلا لماذا إذا لم يتفاوض الأخير مع مرشح "14 آذار" رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع.
وهنا شدد فضل الله على أن "المصلحة الوطنية تقتضي أن يكون في موقع الرئاسة الأولى الشخص الذي يحظى بتمثيل حقيقي في بيئته وعلى المستوى الوطني، ويمكن أن يشكّل موضع توافق وتوفيق بين القوى اللبنانية".
ولفت إلى أنه "في هذه المرحلة من عمر لبنان وفي ظل هذه الأزمات التي تشهدها منطقتنا لا يمكن لنا أن نغامر في موضوع أساسي يرتبط برأس الدولة الذي هو رئيس الجمهورية".
ودعا الجميع إلى "التلاقي معنا على هذه الرؤية الوطنية التي تنطلق من مصلحة لبنان والتي تقتضي أن يكون في هذا الموقع الرجل الذي يستطيع أن يدير هذه المرحلة وينقلنا إلى إمكانية بناء دولة بمواصفات تليق بشعبنا وبتضحيات جيشنا ومقاومتنا"، مشددا على "أن حزب الله ثابت على موقفه حيال رؤيته لملف رئاسة الجمهورية".
وما زال مركز الرئاسة شاغرا منذ 25 أيار الفائت تاريخ انتهاء ولاية الرئيس ميشال سليمان. ومنذ ذلك الوقت عقد مجلس النواب ستة عشر جلسة لم يستطع تأمين النصاب في خمسة عشر منها.
من جهة أخرى قال فضل الله أن "البند الآخر الذي يعيد ضخ الحياة إلى مؤسساتنا الدستورية هو إقرار قانون إنتخابي جديد، حيث أنه معبر أساسي وضروري لإعادة تكوين السلطات في لبنان".
ويريد حزب الله "أن يكون قانونا عادلا يعكس التمثيل الحقيقي على المستوى الوطني ويخفف من محاولات التطرف التي تسود بعض البيئات"، دائما بحسب النائب المذكور.

Person that Has Real Representation
Bkirki thinks there's four of those. But I wonder why did Hassan Nasrallah appoint Mikati PM ahead of Karame, was he a person that has real representation?

I am amazed what passes for wit is some illiterate inbred communities

yeah, but he'll want you to ignore that fact, accountability.

Until the day I see a Lebanese citizen have the full right to free speech without fear of death, then I'll possibly take something said by any foreign group seriously. Until then? It's all talk, manipulation, and orders from outside countries, which is pathetic.

when we see the stale lies elemental posts, we start wishing there actually wasnt so much free speech in lebanon. lol

I like how they're comebacks are Iranian too, such manipulation, and very low.

In other words, HA is saying "My way or the highway" as usual which is very sad for Lebanon. Let's hope this is but a negotiation position else we are going nowhere.

nope, HA is saying the president of lebanon should be representative of lebanon. does that bother you so much? would you rather have someone who represents saudi?

the fpm have their basil and hizbollah have their fadlallah... by the way, did Miqati have "real representation" when your terrorist party appointed him PM.?

The virus Ebola ...after killing many people...will also disappear one day.

and poet. i admire your shrewd use of ellipses

"Hizbullah announced on Sunday that "their position is fixed""
From Wikipedia: "An idée fixe is a preoccupation of mind believed to be firmly resistant to any attempt to modify it, a fixation. The name originates from the French idée, "idea" and fixe, "fixed." Although not used technically to denote a particular disorder in psychology, idée fixe is used often in the description of disorders, and is employed widely in literature and everyday English."

Iranians do not understand the word "democracy". They want to "appoint" a president, they do not want elections. They know they can't win an election, that's the reason they are boycotting the presidential vote.
The Iranian militia also does not pay any attention to the Constitution. The Constitution requires the MP's to vote for the President. Blocking the vote by boycotting the election is not a democratic right, it is not Constitutional either.
The Iranian party does not respect the current laws. It is the right of any political party to request a change in the constitution, but it has to be done in a legal way. To change an electoral law for President (or for Parliament), the change must be voted on in Parliament, and must be agreed upon by 2/3 of the MP's. Since M14 will not agree to the M8 proposal, then M8 will have to accept the current law. M8 wants to change because they know they can't win under the current law.

Furthermore, in the absence of a president, Parliament is an "electoral body" only, until a president is elected, and must elect a president before voting on changing electoral laws.

I wish he said: "HA has a fixed position and it is to follow the constitution on electing a President".

it is just another hezbi threat... if their candidate is not elected they ll take to the streets saying the vote was corrupted...

Why do you call them Houthis? Is the word "Houthi" a derogatory term now?

for sectarian retards, anything can be derogatory

it is if you are one

Can someone please tell me why no other Maronite candidates put themselves forward? Are we only to have the choice between a psychotic megalomaniac ex-army leader or a criminal killer ex- militia leader? Surely the Maronite community has educated, decent, strong people who can be better representatives for our country than the filth that is being proposed...
@Banana, this is what I've been drumming for months and months now, yet much to my surprise I still don't see one Maronite candidate other than two people whom we owe nothing. Both Geagea and Aoun don't have the answers to unite the country, they both belong to a bygone era of sheer madness, surely as you rightly mentioned, there are many perfectly suited candidates, except if they are being intimidated not to enter the race. I see Demianos Kattar as being the right person for this job. What do you say?
Poor Hezbollah, they will stand next to their clown no matter what. yet today Aoun has lost a good proportion of what was once considered his majority. I personally know of many Aounis who have left the FPM never to return. This is no speculation of any kind, figures are now readily available for anyone to confirm. Also, Aoun is growing more frustrated with every passing year, despite all the support he has been given by Hezbollah, Iran and Syria, be it financial, logistics and other, Aoun is simply moving backwards. Personally? I see it happening sooner than later, Aoun going to take up residence in Deyr El Salib and his HA bosses going to Qom in Iran for a permanent retreat.