إرتفاع عدد قتلى الهجوم على المدرسة الباكستانية الى 141 ليصبح الاكثر دموية في تاريخ باكستان
Read this story in Englishأعلن الجيش الباكستاني ان عدد قتلى هجوم حركة طالبان على مدرسة في بيشاور الثلاثاء ارتفع الى 141 قتيلا بينهم 132 تلميذا، ليصبح أكثر الهجمات الارهابية دموية في تاريخ باكستان.
وكان اسوأ هجوم يعود الى 2007 عندما اوقع اعتداء في كراتشي (جنوب) 139 قتيلا لدى عودة رئيسة الوزراء السابقة بنازير بوتو الى باكستان.
وصرح المتحدث باسم الجيش الجنرال اسيم باجوا ان 124 شخصا بينهم 121 طالبا جرحوا ايضا في الهجوم الذي استمر ثماني ساعات على مدرسة يديرها الجيش في مدينة بيشاور.
واضاف "بدأ الارهابيون يطلقون النار عشوائيا فور دخولهم الى المدرسة ولم يكن في نيتهم احتجاز رهائن".
واوضح ان المهاجمين "كانوا يرتدون سترات محشوة بالمتفجرات ويحملون ذخائر وطعاما لعدة ايام" مشيرا الى انه لا يعرف عدد المهاجمين الذين قتلوا بايدي قوات الامن وعدد الذين فجروا انفسهم.
واكد الجنرال مجددا تصميم الجيش على الانتصار على الارهاب.
This is horrible! The acts of sick and deranged Islamist ideologies propagated over the years by Wahhabism and lit up by Khomeinism, (remember when Khomeini issue a fatwa against Salman Rushdie).
Let us remember that the US played an important role in bringing all those sikos to power.
Like the nazism and fascism, there should be a global ban on such racist and sectarian ideologies, including zionism.
I guess flamethrower is emotional when it comes to khomeinism and its historic role in the birth of extremist political Islam.
He fails to see that I mentioned wahhabism, the US and zionism.
This is what extremist thought and blind hate do to one's eye sight.
"The Iranian constitution recognizes the rights of certain religious minorities, including Christians, but apostasy is punishable by death under the country's Islamic sharia laws"
- So if one decides to renounce Islam and become a Buddhist or (Oh My God) an Atheist, he will be put to death in Iran.
- Salman Rushdie wrote a book, and Khomeini put a fatwa on his head.
- "An Iranian rapper who raps in Persian language has been forced into hiding after hardline clerics offered a $100,000 reward for his murder"
- Iran has executed human rights activist Hashem Shaabani, a 32- year-old Arab-Iranian, for “waging war on God.”
- Amnesty International recorded the names of over 4,482 disappeared prisoners during the Iranian revolution, but Iranian opposition groups suggest that the number of prisoners executed was far higher, and as many as 30,000 dissidents may have been executed.
Islamic State is a mirror image of the cruel Islamic Republic of Iran.
With a little small arms training, do you think you could take five of them? What about two, if I take three? Do you see how easier it gets when the students are allowed to conceal carry? And yes the teacher too.
Just say death to al mustaqbal and you will enter in Hezbollah heaven, the way Imad Mughniah, the ex-fatah fighter who became the Islamic Republic's main executioner, entered it after being accused of killing Al Mustaqbal's founder Rafic Hariri.
In Hezbollah heaven you will enter Dahieh Paradise Park where people can steal, murder, rape and blow up people and go unpunished.
In Hezbollah heaven you can carry any type of heavy weaponry.
In Hezbollah heaven you can be sectarian to the core.
In Hezbollah heaven you have puppets you can play with, like Aoun etc.
In Hezbollah heaven water and electricity is for free
...ooops, I guess you are already in Hezbollah heaven.
My boss called me first thing this morning and told me to read your comments so as to learn and get pumped up to face the challenges of the day. You are the Zen master of all... Somesing Anazar flamesrower!