واشنطن تؤكد ان الاسد لن يكون "ابدا" طرفا في مفاوضات السلام في سوريا
Read this story in Englishقللت الخارجية الاميركية الاثنين من مضمون التصريحات التي ادلى بها الوزير جون كيري، مؤكدة ان الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد لن يكون "ابدا" طرفا في مفاوضات السلام في سوريا.
وكان كيري صرح في مقابلة بثتها شبكة "سي بي اس" الاميركية السبت ردا على سؤال حول احتمال التفاوض مع الاسد، "حسنا، علينا ان نتفاوض في النهاية".
واذ اسفت لعدم اجراء مفاوضات سلام بهدف "وضع حد لمعاناة الشعب السوري"، كررت المتحدثة باسم الخارجية الاميركية جنيفر بساكي "كما كنا نقول منذ وقت طويل، ينبغي ان يكون ممثلون لنظام الاسد جزءا من عملية" السلام.
لكنها تداركت ان "الاسد بنفسه لن يكون ابدا" طرفا في هذه العملية و"لم يكن الوزير كيري يقصد ذلك".
وعلى وقع ردود الفعل التي اثارها كلام كيري في الخارج، اوضحت بساكي ان وزير الخارجية "استخدم الاسد كمختصر" للنظام السوري برمته.
وذكرت بان الولايات المتحدة ترد بذلك على رغبة المعارضة السورية المعتدلة التي اعلنت مرارا انها لن تتفاوض ابدا مع الاسد.
واضافت "بالتاكيد لا يمكن للمرء ان يتفاوض مع نفسه. ثمة حاجة الى ممثلين في الوقت نفسه للمعارضة وللنظام حول الطاولة".
لكنها اكدت ان "ليس هناك عملية قائمة ولا عملية على وشك ان تبدأ. انها اذن مرحلة نظرية حاليا".
واعلن الرئيس السوري الاثنين، ردا على ابداء الوزير كيري استعداد بلاده للتحاور معه، انه ينتظر ان تقترن التصريحات بالافعال، في وقت أبدى ناشطون ومعارضون خيبة املهم من الموقف الاميركي الاخير.
lol, you really have mental issues. we don't give a rat's a. what Peski says. The US is in no position to "spare" anyone nor do they have a vote when it comes to deciding who leads Syria. If they don't want to talk to the Syrian legitimate authorities, then they will be the ones left out of the dialogue. Let them continue arming and training nusrats and da3eshits, it's that much more fertilizer for Syria.
and btw, under the appearance of an official denial, she actually still confirmed what kerry said. read this:
"Obviously, it would need to be representatives of both the opposition and the regime at the table, the discussions between them is the most important component," she said.
Well duh! they wont talk to Assad, but to his representatives? And how is that different? And of course Assad wouldn't go in person to talk with those goons, if he ever wanted to talk to them he would send his representatives.
didnt need to "read & re-read", but you should try reading at least once, this way you wont be so far off all the time (hopefully)
To all you Syrian/Iranian bootlickers ,Sooner or later the Butcher is gonna get what he deserves, hung by his testicals in downtown Damascus, it's not a question of if but rather when.
By the way, they do not want to talk with Assad they now say. But they still wants to talk with his Government. That is a laugh.
The US positions has been pretty clear for those with open eyes. They will not endorse or accept assad as remaining president but they do not want the whole state structure to collapse which they fear would cause more chaos. They want to negotiate with the regime and for them to agree to transition power peacefully to a new, inclusive government. Unfortunately this is very naïve because assad will never go peacefully.
Yes but the US did not start the war in Syria. Neither did they in Yemen, Libya, Tunisia or Egypt. They are trying to influence events, as many other countries are also doing, but don't try to blame them for everything, or take credit away from the people themselves who sought to change their corrupt and tyrannical societies.
Indeed they have, which is a shame but not unlike what all countries do. But their immoral actions certainly don't justify the actions of assad or others like him.