نتانياهو يأمل بتشكيل الحكومة الجديدة خلال اسبوعين أو ثلاثة: سأضمن رفاه وأمن الاسرائيليين
Read this story in Englishتعهد رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي المنتهية ولايته بنيامين نتانياهو الاربعاء في زيارة قام بها لحائط المبكى بعد تحقيقه انتصارا كبيرا في الانتخابات التشريعية التي جرت الثلاثاء بانه سيقوم بكل ما بوسعه لضمان الرخاء والامن للاسرائيليين.
وقال نتانياهو "سأقوم بكل ما بوسعي لضمان رفاه وامن كافة مواطني اسرائيل، وبعون الله سننجح ونزدهر"، مؤكدا انه يقدر المسؤولية التي منحه اياها الناخبون الاسرائيليون.
وكا حزب الليكود أعلن في بيان الاربعاء ان رئيس الوزراء المنتهية ولايته بنيامين نتانياهو يأمل بتشكيل حكومة جديدة خلال اسبوعين او ثلاثة اسابيع من الانتخابات التشريعية التي انتهت بفوزه.
وقال البيان ان "رئيس الحكومة يريد ان يبدأ بتشكيل الحكومة فورا بهدف الانتهاء من هذه المهمة خلال اسبوعين او ثلاثة اسابيع".
واضاف ان نتانياهو تحدث ليلا مع قادة الاحزاب التي يرى انها من الممكن ان تشكل جزءا من الائتلاف الحكومي في اشارة الى احزاب البيت اليهودي اليميني المتطرف وحزب اسرائيل بيتنا المتشدد بالاضافة الى حزبي شاس ويهودية التوراة الموحدة لليهود المتشددين.
واعترف رئيس حزب العمل الاسرائيلي اسحق هرتزوغ نتانياهو في الانتخابات التشريعية وتمنى له "التوفيق". وصرح هرتزوغ لوسائل الاعلام الاسرائيلية "تحدثت منذ دقائق قليلة مع رئيس الحكومة بنيامين نتانياهو. هنأته بفوزه وتمنيت له التوفيق".
وبعد ان تعلن النتائج الرسمية للانتخابات في موعد اقصاه بعد ظهر الخميس على الارجح، سيكون امام الرئيس الاسرائيلي رؤوفين ريفلين سبعة ايام لاختيار من سيكلفه تشكيل الحكومة.
وامام الاخير 28 يوما لتشكيل ائتلافه. ويستطيع الرئيس اذا اقتضت الضرورة تمديد هذه الفترة 14 يوما.
اما في النسبة المئوية، فقد اعلنت اللجنة الانتخابية المركزية ان الليكود حصل على اكثر بقليل من 23 في المئة من الاصوات والاتحاد الصهيوني على اقل بقليل من 19 في المئة.
We are living in a really shitty region, surrounded by jewish fantacis, isis and hussein army....
Things will go worse for palestenian, for us and all the region..
To the difference that hezbos arm (currently bateling under the banner of ya hussein under the comand of suprem leader ayatollah al khomaini and dragging us in a sectarian war raging all over the region is our main problem...
As for social change even the politician pro reform are getting so wealthy (aka bassilo) so what to expect from the rest...
We have a corupted political class and part of it to take power is readdy to back a sectarian millicia which is dragging us into hell...
This said, zionist, isis, hezbollah, faylak badder, al quaiida; all dellusional fanatics...
My family joined the patriotic resistance before these shoite milicia ever existed, and most of lebanese people defended themselves one way or another during years, i don't really need hezbos to defend me, first the army, then if official
Lebanese armed forces needs help recruite from all lebanese, not a sectarian millicia with ya hussein banners going to syria, irak, yemen...
As for the rest i'm not crying just stating the obvious, aoun was with a secular state and now? Aoun was anti corruption i wonder what bassilo's wealth is today?
U don't care about the country u only care about ur leadder magnificamt aoun u are just a retard willingly puting ur country at the mercy of a very secular islamic resistance and under the comand of great and modern khomaini...
A real retard...
Well illeterate flame partiotic front of lebanese resistance sectian millicia?? U lack a lot of knowldge on lebanon's past u can disagree with their goals and objective but sectarian millicia???
Indeed if u look up at hezbollah and ayatollah al khomaiini as a secular modern alternative sure man...
Well anyway seems too much sana/almanar man, go out a litle take some fresh air it will do u good
And one last thing try to have the guts to defend ur political position without saying nonsence contradicting fact because it only make u look stupid...
3an jad retard...
Indeed... But wait to see what governement he will form to have a clear pictures of the mess we'll be facing...
Well to be honest ot wont be better but a coallition governement with the center left wont last, he'll be forced to retake anticipated election and maybe then the result would be different...
Democracy is not in the election, but in the counting of the votes. This looks so much like Bush v. Gore, 2000. And from a guy who sees anything that happens that is adverse to his own interests as an "existential" threat to the State of Israel, is it really beyond the pale that Netanyahu, if he felt the Nig--, that is the Arabs, were voting en masse, against him, that he would stuff some strategic ballot boxes.
These guys with messianic visions of themselves like Netanyahu and Aoun, just cannot not see the world continuing to turn on its axis without them in the place of power.
Yes Tex, it was a very racist thing for him to do. The veil is off of many things as Netanyahu has mortgaged the future for the sake of winning the election yesterday. It says a lot about the man and about the element in Israel who supports him and who responded to his call.
If I ran the USofA and the Israeli Prime Minister has come out publically and openly against a pillar of US policy in the region, ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the persistence of which bleeds over into so many of the other problems in the region, here's what I would do: I would cut Israel loose. It would no longer be a part of US policy to bring the parties together and the US would no longer be held to account for the actions or inactions of Israel. They would be like any other hostile regional power. No more subsidies, no more vetoes in the Security Council or anywhere else. Just another country. That is, after all, how they are treating the United States.