التحالف العربي يعلن عن انتهاء "عاصفة الحزم" ويدشن مرحلة جديدة في اليمن
Read this story in Englishأعلن التحالف العربي بقيادة السعودية الذي ينفذ غارات جوية ضد متمرين يمنيين متهمين بالارتباط بايران، الثلاثاء انتهاء عملية "عاصفة الحزم" مع زوال "التهديد" للسعودية والدول المجاورة، وبدء عملية "اعادة الامل"، وذلك بطلب من الرئيس اليمني عبد ربه منصور هادي.
وكان التحالف شن عملية "عاصفة الحزم" بطلب من الرئيس هادي اللاجىء في السعودية، في 26 آذار الماضي.
ولم يستبعد العميد الركن احمد العسيري المتحدث باسم التحالف مع ذلك، احتمال تدخل التحالف لمنع تحركات المتمردين اليمنيين. كما اكد استمرار الطوق البحري.
وقال التحالف في بيان نقلته وسائل الاعلام الرسمية السعودية ان"دول التحالف واستجابة منها لطلب فخامة الرئيس عبد ربه منصور هادي (..) تعلن عن انتهاء عملية +عاصفة الحزم+ مع نهاية هذا اليوم وبدء عملية +إعادة الأمل+".
واوضح بيان التحالف انه سيتم من خلال عملية "اعادة الامل" العمل على "سرعة استئناف العملية السياسية وفق قرار مجلس الأمن رقم ( 2216) , والمبادرة الخليجية ومخرجات الحوار الوطني الشامل، واستمرار حماية المدنيين ، واستمرار مكافحة الارهاب ، و الاستمرار في تيسير إجلاء الرعايا الأجانب وتكثيف المساعدة الإغاثية والطبية للشعب اليمني (..)، والتصدي للتحركات والعمليات العسكرية للميليشيات الحوثية ومن تحالف معها (..) ومنع وصول الاسلحة جوا وبحرا إلى الميليشيات الحوثية وحليفهم علي عبدالله صالح من خلال المراقبة والتفتيش الدقيقين".
واكدت وزارة الدفاع السعودية في بيان ان التحالف نجح في " إزالة التهديد على أمن المملكة العربية السعودية والدول المجاورة من خلال تدمير الاسلحة الثقيلة والصواريخ البالستية التي استولت عليها الميليشيات الحوثية والقوات الموالية ل(علي عبدالله صالح ) من قواعد ومعسكرات الجيش اليمني".
Ansarullah taught the wahabis a lesson they never forget. They threatened the saudi wahabia with nuclear weapons and the sword of Al Husssain (pbuh) and thesaudis buckled in no time. Mecca is our next stop.
I hope you are trying to be funny because if you believe this garbage, I suggest you see a mental health professional.
it looks like a major deal has been agreed upon and the houthis will turn in all their weapons and become a political party only, plus yemen to become part of the GCC.
so iran lost totally yemen.
now let us see about syria and Lebanon.
geha, it is too late for lies. Face it your operation failed, instead of making things up, you should apologize to the Yemeni people for supporting the genocide against them.
Second, there is no so called deal about any of that you mentioned, the Ansarallah still have their weapons and presence in Yemen, pushing forward.
I hope you are trying to be funny because if you believe this garbage, I suggest you see a mental health professional.
I hope you are trying to be funny because if you believe this garbage, I suggest you see a mental health professional.
A person so enraged that he needs to post 3 times is certainly a candidate for the mental health program you know so well.
relax KSA servant.
No its not a technical issue, its you being inpatient & hitting post again & again till you see your seething response.
Ok - I am impatient. What would you call the comments written by the Character Ansarullah and your 'outrage' at my response at the comments in such patently idiotic and psychopathic post?
Again Boar - do you not think that what was written under the name Ansarullah is totally retarded? nuclear weapons - sword of Al Husssain - Mecca is our next stop
If you had any logical thinking ArabDemocrat, then you would know the guy that wrote that is yet another one of the failed M14 projects such as norma.jean.
What empty slogans? Didn't the Wahabis say they would fight until the Houthis were finished?
All the Wahabis did, was destroy Yemens infrastructure and Civilian lives, nothing changed on the ground at all.
That my libtard friend, is called a victory.
mystic, you can write all the propaganda you want. The objectives of Storm Firmness were clear from day one. You can read them on any news media. They were to bring back your huthis to the table and participate in a political solution. Don't invent victories when there are none. The saudis never said "they would fight until the Houthis were finished?", you are saying that thinking that people would buy into your propaganda as if your opinion really matters in the big scheme of things.
The Yemeni people got themselves a victory, the Saudis said they would not stop the operation, before the Ansarallah fighters surrendered.
Now the Wahabis are cutting their losses and pulling out.
A shining victory, gratulations Yemenis.
I do know that grammar, very nice of you to join us again. Well texas as you can see, the Saudis weren't in any hurry during the beginning of their operation, not until they got smashed from all sides, throwing bombs away like candy, not winning ground anywhere.
You have yet again, lost. Wahabis are not strong on the battlefield, all they have is money.
Here we have you anonymoustexasusa, the fall of your kind.
Houthis surrender? what planet are you living in?
one month of intense bombing achieved zilch...The Yemeni's are more empowered than ever before.
The coalition understood that only a ground invasion & a fight to the end will achieve victory & surrender of the rebels.
Do you think KSA has the backbone for it?
sorry but you are almost making excuses for your failure.
Its not about what the Huthis get or lose.'
Its about the side that chose to bomb another nation under strict terms or it won;t stop.
One of those was complete surrender of the rebels 2. reinstate their puppet.
now when you see that happens, you may reply.
until then accept KSA has been belittled by a group of Huthis
So you want them to admit defeat? Ok I can see this being read.
We of KSA admit we achieved nothing but killed innocent woman & children...our puppet is still hiding in KSA & the rebels would not surrender.
Yes you should wait for their version lol
Like I said from day one of this failed venture.
KSA will achieve not one of its intended goals.
It failed to subdue the rebels..In fact the rebels never bowed but are more resilient than before.
2. KSA failed to reinstate its puppet leader.
3. wasted billions on bombs to kill innocent woman & children.
4. Shamed itself before the entire world for this failure.
Now they can exit by talking it up with ground invasion.
If they do, it will be a miscalculation they will never recover from.
5.45 to be exact..but thanks for your concerns.
Now tell us how proud you are of KSA bombing their fellow Arabs civilians
The Operation stopped after receiving guarantees the iranian huthis have accepted all the demands including withdrawal, handing over their weapons and abiding by the U.N resolution.
who spoke of victory? I am repeating what I said from day one of this senseless war that kills innocent people & achieves nothing.
If you think something was agreed, why wasn;t it done without killing all the innocent?
think before you cheer for wars
Mystic 27 minutes ago 12
The Yemeni people got themselves a victory, the Saudis said they would not stop the operation, before the Ansarallah fighters surrendered.
Now the Wahabis are cutting their losses and pulling out.
A shining victory, gratulations Yemenis.
The victory of 2006 is entered in history & not up for debate.
now go beat your head about it or have a cry.
you choose because you loose.
History is lost on M14ers...how easily they make convicted murders a hero & how they make victories as losses.
some make their own history I guess.
You forgot the history about who starts wars...
Lets mention who started wars after ww2....Would you like to revise some history for us?
Heres a hint...Iran did not start one war...N-korea did not start one war.
but your history tells you otherwise right?
mystic is rubbing your noses in it.
& he has every right to do so..you all danced as if the bombing would crush the rebels..
He is right in a way..he wins you lose ..full stop.
now go cry me a river or make up some more BS excuse why they retreated
You don't seem very happy ex-man.
Victory indeed - Enjoy
what a troll:)) the Huthis surrendered and Iran communicated that very same thing to KSA through Putin. Just wait and see how this will unfold and you will see how the huthi withdrawal from cities will start within hours and all the U.N resolution articles will be implemented.
The houthi surrender to the might of your coalition?
no so they win & you lose..'
now go cry about it & stop Bs yourself.
here is what was agreed and I believe President Hadi will announce it tonight:
1. انسحاب الحوثيين وقوات صالح من جميع المدن وإلزامهما بإعادة العتاد العسكري للجيش
2. عودة السلطة الشرعية إلى اليمن برئاسة هادي
3. المسارعة بإجراء انتخابات برلمانية ورئاسية في أقرب وقت
4. التوافق على حكومة جديدة تضم جميع أطياف الشعب اليمني وأحزابه
5. أن تتحول جماعة الحوثي إلى حزب سياسي يشارك في الحياة السياسية بطرق شرعية
6. عقد مؤتمر دولي للمانحين بهدف مساعدة الاقتصاد اليمني
roar, it's good to see a real christian stand up against the Wahabis, you are one of those that knows the wahabis are the reason for the christian massacres in the middle east.
Mystic, I as a Christian who opposes war ..be it the Iraq-Libya-Afgan-Syrian-Yemen etc etc simply cannot agree with nations deciding they can destroy other nations & innocent people.
M14ers seem to be blood thirsty & support every one of those wars I mentioned.
I am also proud of HA for protecting the Christians of the ME.
they even rang the Church bells in Syria for us Christians after they expelled Isis from Christian towns & returned it to Christians.
My point is...why do M14 cheer for war?
Like the feeling you had when you told us Assad & HA will be finished within weeks?
Keep them feeling to yourself....deal with facts.
We are talking about you & I.
I deal in facts..you deal in predictions & feelings.
You posted publicly that Assad & HA will be finished within weeks.
I care less what politicians said.
now admit your a failed predictor who thrives on BS fantasies
You're a liar...Just like you lied when I told you Geagea would pull out at the last moment of the Christian deal.
You denied & denied until he confirmed it for you.
Afterwards you claimed everything but what you posted.
You're a born liar with no shame.
now go predict some more for us..its a laugh we need.
Indeed, after the liberation of Maloula, the Christians heard the sounds of hope, church bells.
The Resistance will always be there to protect the good Christian people.
This is the video you mentioned -
As a Christian, Its a debt we owe to HA & a friendship & trust to hopefully last forever.
May the righteous forever stand strong.
Many agreements will be reached...but did the Huthis surrender?
will the puppet be reinstated?
simple equations...deal with it or cry about it.
the-roar, seriously man give it a break. You think you are some miracle to the human race. Stop being a complete idiot and recognize for once reality as you see it in front of your very own eyes. The iranians and their huthis surrendered and accepted U.N resolution or you really believe the powerful KSA suddenly got scared and decided to back down..... stupidity, ignorance and arrogance have limits but yours know no limits..... pathetic! Now, go to sleep!!!
The Huthis surrendered?
really? & you claim its before our eyes?
lol I must buy some of whatever your on..it must be a real buzzzzzz.
GL with the M14 no shamers, Mystic.
Sorry man I'm, out.
word of warning...You're debating with people who have no shame or honor....just hatred embedded in their heads & hearts
No I categorically claim the word "WE"...all the Church goers I attend with have much to thank HA for saving the Christians in the only place that still spoke the lords language of the day(Aramaic).
They even rang the bells for us & said it was their honor to do so.
Just because a few M14ers would prefer IS to regain the Christian towns..doesn;t mean I can't use the word "we".
Many many more are against your friends IS, so move along.
Nice try Ansarullah! This is laughable.
In this day and age there are no divine victories. Sides are too blurred and factors too complex for you to play off your sectarian war.
Let's call it for what it is: Houthis have been unfairly marginalized by a KSA dominated government. In response, they were armed and used by Iran and a traitor from their sect as a proxy. Despite their legitimate concerns, they rose up in an oppressive manner, turning from resistance to a militia. They are now degraded militarily. Their weapons and infrastructure destroyed.
Because they re not Ansurallah, just people who are lead by poor leadership, they ll probably continue to be marginalized by Saudi dollars, and Iranian competition.
Mystic, FT, Mowaten, the roar - and other lackies - you are part of this problem who take a binary approach to tragedies. The rest of us want the same thing, live our lives, go home, and eat a sandwich.
Shame on you for declaring victory posts. Pathetic.