الأمم المتحدة تطلب فتح تحقيق في ملابسات مقتل القذافي
Read this story in Englishطلبت المفوضية العليا لحقوق الانسان في الأمم المتحدة تشكيل لجنة للتحقيق في ملابسات مقتل الزعيم الليبي المخلوع معمر القذافي في مسقط رأسه سرت أمس الخميس.
وأعلن المتحدث باسم المفوضية روبرت كولفيل للصحافيين أنه "في ما يتعلق بمقتل القذافي امس فان الملابسات لا تزال غير واضحة.ونعتبر أن اجراء تحقيق هو أمر ضروري"، وذلك في اشارة الى المشاهد التي ظهرت على وسائل الاعلام حول اعتقال القذافي حياً قبل اعلان وفاته.
مضيفاً "لا بد من اجراء تحقيق بالنظر الى ما شاهدناه". في حين أكد أن "شريطي الفيديو" اللذين تم بثهما ويصوران القذافي بعد القبض عليه "مقلقان للغاية".
ولم يوضح كولفيل من هي الجهة التي يتعين عليها اجراء هذا التحقيق، مذكراً بأن مجلس حقوق الانسان في الأمم المتحدة كلف هذا العام لجنة خبراء التحقيق في أعمال العنف في ليبيا.
معتبراً أن مقتل القذافي "يضع حداً لثمانية أشهر من العنف الشديد والمعاناة بالنسبة للشعب الليبي".
وأضاف أن "عهداً جديداً يبدأ في ليبيا، عهد يجب أن يلبي تطلعات الشعب" ولا سيما في مجال حقوق الانسان.
وقتل معمر القذافي، الذي كان متوارياً عن الانظار منذ سقوط طرابلس في نهاية آب، أمس الخميس، في مسقط راسه قرب مدينة سرت أثناء محاولته الفرار منها بعدما سقطت في أيدي مقاتلي المجلس الوطني الانتقالي، وحتى الان لم يتضح تماماً ما اذا كان قد أعدم أو قضى خلال اشتباك، ذلك أن مقاتلي المجلس ألقوا القبض عليه حياً.
وبذلك أصبح القذافي البالغ 69 سنة، والذي واجه انتفاضة شعبية لم يسبق لها مثيل ضد حكمه الاستبدادي طيلة 42 سنة، أول زعيم عربي يقتل منذ اندلاع شرارة الانتفاضات في العالم العربي في ما بات يعرف ب"الربيع العربي".
lets see what becomes of this Nato colony now.. the libyan ppl will never build a state of law and order.. as for Gaddafi, he died just as he announced he would by fighting to the death - a true leader in a region lacking real leaders.. RIP Gaddafi a true revolutionary..
its a mistake to kill him without tribunal, it is not good for the future of lybia.. after all he is an evil tribal man and hilary clinton is a snake for inciting to kill him the day b4, why?
anyway lets hope for the best, god help the people of lybia and give them enough wisdom, and keep the generals and radical islam away.
It is not a new era for Libya if Ghadaffi was summarily executed by his captors. This is the same sort fo conduct that was condoned in the old Libya except with Ghadaffi was the executioner rather than the condemned. Changing seats does not bring on a new era, changing the paradigm brings a new era.
The new era should be one dominated by the rule of law. The Rule of Law says that everyone lives under it, even Ghadaffi and even the people who captured and killed him. No ones life is taken except by due process of law upon a finding of guilt of crimes for which the ultimate penalty of execution is prescribed by law.
This frenzied killing of a human being, even a monster such as Ghadaffi cannot be condoned and surely should not be seen as the dawn of a new era in Libya. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Although I somehow agree with the fact that it might have been better to have the Dictator tried and convicted, I still think that Genocidal Maniacs the likes of Bin Laden, Saddam, Kaddhafi, Assad, Khamenei, Ahmadinajad, Nasrallah, Sadr... Should not be afforded the courtesy of a court of law of a normal human being that has broken the "social contract" by killing another, these are monsterous unrepenting creatures that have commmitted hundreds of thousands of killings and destroyed lives and have arrested the development of their people and state through corruption and terrorism and incitement of some groups against the others (divide and conquer) throught their regin of terror. Simply put these criminal dictators have relinquished their Human rights when they decided to cleanse (ethnically, or religously...) their respective tormented nations. No bloody dictator should look forward to a court of law. They should live in the same terror they have surgically implanted in their peoples
A taste of their own medecine sort of speak,...They can let his tribe bury him proper;y,... Having said that the newly freed nations should look at the real causes of the rise of such horrible dictators and fix them not to replace them, and do the complete opposite of what the failed dictatorial system did, In other words Tolerance to replace Intolerance, personal security and collective responsability to one another instead of the state top down terror approach.., relinquish violence and armed conflict in settling disputes and resort instead to courts of Law that would hopefully be set up with a little outside help (they have to recognize and acknowledge that they need help no place for foolish egoes in Nation Building since that's what got them to the Dictatorial opression in the first place). Reliquish and discard extremism in all its forms (religious or otherwise). A lot goes into Nation building and the freed Nations should accept with humility outside help and they shall get it.