اوباما وكيري يشيدان بالامير سعود الفيصل
Read this story in Englishأشاد الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما ووزير خارجيته جون كيري بشكل كبير بوزير الخارجية السعودي السابق الامير سعود الفيصل الذي توفي الخميس واثنيا على "دبلوماسي ماهر" سوف "يتذكره" العالم.
واشاد الرئيس اوباما ب"دبلوماسي ملتزم وماهر"، حسب ما جاء في بيان للبيت الابيض. واضاف ان "اجيالا من المسؤولين والدبلوماسيين الاميركيين استفادوا من وجهة نظره الثاقبة وشخصيته وهدوئه وصفاته الدبلوماسية".
واوضح "في كل مرة يدفع باهداف السلام ان من خلال التفاوض على انهاء الحرب الاهلية في لبنان او المساعدة على اطلاق مبادرة السلام العربية".
واكد البيان ان سعود الفيصل "كان مقتنعا باهمية العلاقة الاميركية-السعودية واستمرار الاستقرار والامن في الشرق الاوسط وما بعده".
وختم بيان الرئيس اوباما "العالم باسره سوف يتذكر ارثه".
اما وزير الخارجية جون كيري فقد اشاد بنظير سابق "له خبرة كبيرة ومحب وافكاره صائبة".
واضاف "طوال فترة مهمته التي شهدت 13 وزير خارجية اميركي، تميزت باحترام عالمي" له.
واوضح "اكن له شخصيا الكثير من الاعجاب واثمن صداقته ونصائحه الحكيمة" مضيفا ان "ارثه كرجل دولة او كدبلوماسي لن ينسى".
This is your theory as propagated by your hatred for him. But bringing down the US Embassy in Beirut killing over 70 civilians is done by your HA and is a fact.
Killing 70 CIA agents my friend. Don't twist history, so the barracks bombing in Beirut was civilians aswell?
March 14 logic.
helicopter, your pro western/wahabi propaganda is sickening. Everybody knows that the American Embassy in Beirut was filled up with CIA agents during the war.
William Buckley the mastermind of CIA in Lebanon, admitted that they used the U.S embassy in Beirut as the CIA headquarters.
just update your CD.... the Taliban and your country of origin Iran are best friends now. Taliban opened an office in Tehran.
beacon of freedom texas? Say that to the millions of Vietnamnese you slaughtered with your fake american values, when you dropped Napalm on women and children overthere.
While saying to yourselves, "it's just a few gooks". Or in Iraq, even though I am anti Saddam, I was against the American intervention, when you were saying back then "It was just a few sand niggers". Killing alot of iraqis aswell, or Libya that is now a ISIS safe haven because of your democracy.
America is the beacon of tyranny and terrorism in this world.
You saudi princes have betrayed the Muslim community. You are servants of the world's biggest criminals because you are afraid of them. You're not Muslim.
The reason they found only 60 is exactly because one condition set on them by the Obama adminnistration is that they WILL NOT fight Assad. Well these are the original anti-assad Syrians who preceeded ISIS. These are the ones who were hoping to replace a dictatorship with something more modern and Democratic ....... so they are in it to fight both ISIS and Assad, but the American Administration wants them to fight only ISIS (but not Assad). This is why they were able to train only 60. Now you know that the American Government is still wanting Assad to stay in power but somewhat in a declawed form.