مقتل جندي سعودي في اطلاق نار على الحدود اليمنية وآخر في حادث عرضي

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قتل جندي سعودي الاثنين في تبادل لاطلاق النار على الحدود اليمنية فيما لقي آخر حتفه في حادث سير في آليته العسكرية، وفق ما اعلنت السلطات السعودية الثلاثاء.

ونقلت وكالة الانباء السعودية عن المتحدث الأمني لوزارة الداخلية السعودية ان "أحد المراكز الحدودية بقطاع الحرث بمنطقة جازان تعرض لإطلاق نار وقذائف مدفعية وهاون وراجمات صواريخ من داخل الأراضي اليمنية حيث تم التعامل مع الموقف بما يقتضيه والرد على مصادر إطلاق النار".

واضاف ان جنديا قتل في تبادل اطلاق النار واصيب ثلاثة من زملائه.

وفي حادث آخر، اعلنت القوات المسلحة عن مقتل جندي سعودي "إثر حادث عرضي نتيجة سقوطه من آلية عسكرية".

وكانت السعودية اعلنت الاحد عن مقتل لواء في الجيش في اطلاق نار من اليمن قرب الحدود مع السعودية، ليكون بذلك القتيل الارفع رتبة في سلسلة الحوادث الحدودية منذ قيادة الرياض لتحالف ضد المتمردين الحوثيين في اليمن في اذار.

وارتفعت حصيلة القتلى السعوديين الى حوالى 60، غالبيتهم من العسكريين، في عمليات قصف وهجمات منذ ان اطلقت الرياض التحالف العسكري الجوي ضد الحوثيين في اليمن في 26 اذار.

التعليقات 26
Thumb ansarullah 10:50 ,2015 آب 25

the ansarullah of Imamu Ali and Sayyedna Al Hussain are coming for you Wahabis. Zainab lan tousba maratayn! Final assault on Makka and Madina in its final stages.... wait and see.

Thumb jaafar.ibn.iblees 10:59 ,2015 آب 25

are these two future iranian terrorist martyrs in your avatar?

Thumb Mystic 10:55 ,2015 آب 25

Saudi soldiers seems to have a high mortality rate lately.

Thumb jaafar.ibn.iblees 10:59 ,2015 آب 25

please don't tell me it is a martyred iranian jihadi terrorist family in your avatar?

Default-user-icon illegitimate & illiterate.southern (ضيف) 11:13 ,2015 آب 25

always you know what to say and how to deliver a message
God protect you and keep you as a source of guidance and wisdom
well said

Default-user-icon 7anoun southern (ضيف) 11:19 ,2015 آب 25

akh shu hanoun enta ya southern akh

Default-user-icon illegitimate & illiterate.southern (ضيف) 11:25 ,2015 آب 25

absolutely as usual
well said

Default-user-icon gay justice (ضيف) 11:27 ,2015 آب 25

.Southern_.أوقفت المحكمة العسكرية تنفيذ حكم صادر بحقّ
بعدما تبيّن أنّه متحوّل جنسياً ولم تعرف هيئة المحكمة بأي سجن يجب توقيفه

Thumb Mystic 11:32 ,2015 آب 25

Saudis plan is, if they have to pull out of Yemen, they will still have Al Qaeda as a backup plan to keep Yemen in turmoil, supplying them etc.

Default-user-icon plan.location (ضيف) 11:57 ,2015 آب 25

can we get a copy of the Saudis plan or only you have it?

Thumb the_roar 12:34 ,2015 آب 25

Forget the Saudi plan & just sit back & enjoy the show!

may the saudi reap what they sowed.

Btw..wheres tex & co who told us months ago that KSA were in total control of the situation in Yemen?

Oh well , lets all just sit back & watch the show..popcorn anyone?

Default-user-icon wolf.the_roar (ضيف) 13:02 ,2015 آب 25

welcome back bro

Default-user-icon flamethrower (ضيف) 13:09 ,2015 آب 25

welcome back the_roar nice to see you back. Were you busy or on holiday? So much to tell you since you hardly post these days.

Thumb Mystic 14:49 ,2015 آب 25

on.behalf what are you crying about? You people post on every article from LF and Mostaqbal articles about alledged resistance fighters killed.

Now you loose your beloved Saudi soldiers, and you point fingers.

Thumb ex-fpm 14:38 ,2015 آب 25

why do you waste your time really??? Leave the thread to them celebrating the victories of their brothers in Yemen.

Thumb Mystic 14:44 ,2015 آب 25

What real action texas? A saudi General got killed in these skirmishes and you call it nothing.

Thumb Mystic 15:13 ,2015 آب 25

The fact that you downplay it is a good thing texas. Saudis can always find someone new to pay, but they so it for the money, the Ansarullah have no money.

Thumb Mystic 15:16 ,2015 آب 25

Saudis does not have control over anything in that war, I heard on skynews that they were on their way to Sanaa, how great was that trip?

Thumb the_roar 16:23 ,2015 آب 25

No one is or was more hyped up about events happening 2000kms away in Yemen as you Tex..In fact, you bombarded this forum day after day with your intel, such as how your beloved saudi's were doing this or doing that..Not to mention how they had complete control of Yemen.

We reply today & you burst into tears!

oh well lol

Default-user-icon flamethrower (ضيف) 16:30 ,2015 آب 25

thanks bro for answering him.
Tell me bro, how is your Lebanese great grand father who implanted in you the love for Aoun and Hezbollah?

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:28 ,2015 آب 25

"trying to bring peace and stability to yemen" ? you can't be for real

Missing CFTC 19:31 ,2015 آب 25

E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T comment @mowaten. Still laughing since the day you declared with a straight face you were a shiaa atheist and also a member of hezbollah with only one account. I think i will also continue to laugh at your statement "you can't be for real". Thank you Thank you

Default-user-icon mowaten.fantoura (ضيف) 19:36 ,2015 آب 25

is that all you have to say mowaten?

Default-user-icon mowaten.khasees (ضيف) 06:52 ,2015 آب 26

is that all you have to say mowaten? do you have a job?

Thumb kanaandian 04:41 ,2015 آب 26

great news.
shia killer: they are not dying for arabism, they are dying for their warped perception of allah, or mohamad abdul wahab- the savage.

Default-user-icon kanaandian.shia (ضيف) 06:53 ,2015 آب 26

very nice comments