"جبهة النصرة" وفصائل تسيطر على آخر قاعدة عسكرية للنظام السوري في ادلب

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سيطرت جبهة النصرة وفصائل اسلامية مقاتلة الاربعاء بشكل كامل على مطار ابو الضهور العسكري الذي يعتبر آخر مركز عسكري لقوات النظام في محافظة ادلب في شمال غرب سوريا، بحسب ما افاد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

واكد التلفزيون السوري الرسمي ان القوات النظامية اخلت مواقعها في المطار "بعد معارك عنيفة" وحصار استمر سنتين.

وجاء في بريد الكتروني للمرصد "تمكنت جبهة النصرة (تنظيم القاعدة في بلاد الشام) والفصائل الإسلامية من السيطرة على مطار أبو الضهور العسكري، آخر معاقل قوات النظام في محافظة إدلب، بشكل كامل، بعد هجوم عنيف بدأ الثلاثاء".

وجاء في خبر عاجل للتلفزيون السوري "بعد معارك عنيفة شهدها مطار ابو الضهور بريف ادلب شهدت بسالة كبيرة لحامية المطار على مدى اكثر من سنتين من الحصار التام، الحامية تخلي مواقعها الى نقطة اخرى".

ورجح مدير المرصد رامي عبد الرحمن ان تكون قوات النظام المنسحبة من المطار متجهة نحو نقطة مشرق العسكرية على بعد حوالى ثلاثين كيلومترا والواقعة في محافظة حماة (وسط).

وقال المرصد ان المهاجمين "استغلوا سوء الأحوال الجوية والعاصفة الرملية" التي تشهدها مناطق عدة في سوريا.

واشار الى استمرار المعارك في محيط المطار بين قوات النظام المنسحبة والمهاجمين.

وبات وجود النظام مقتصرا في ادلب على عناصر قوات الدفاع الوطني وميليشيات اخرى موالية له وحزب الله في بلدتي الفوعة وكفريا ذات الغالبية الشيعية المحاصرتين.

ومنذ آذار، خسر النظام مناطق عدة في ادلب سمحت لجبهة النصرة وفصائل مقاتلة في المعارضة السورية بالاقتراب من محافظة اللاذقية (غرب)، معقل نظام الرئيس بشار الاسد.

التعليقات 48
Thumb mega.debbeh 12:01 ,2015 أيلول 09

An excellent step forward for democracy.

Thumb Mystic 12:33 ,2015 أيلول 09

Idlib is salafi land. Now that whole province is free to bomb into oblivion.

March 14 wahabis should not be too happy.

Thumb jaafar.ibn.iblees 12:53 ,2015 أيلول 09

I am surprised that you have not admitted yet it is a martyred iranian jihadi terrorist family in your avatar?

Default-user-icon 7anoun (ضيف) 13:28 ,2015 أيلول 09

never knew you had a violent streak in you mystic... or is it frustration that is surfacing?

Thumb Mystic 14:22 ,2015 أيلول 09

Violent streak? This is the internet. Now real life is a whole other matter, if you indeed see me as violent here.

Default-user-icon shu 2aweh (ضيف) 14:26 ,2015 أيلول 09

kbeer enta ya mystic, kteer kbeer

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 14:45 ,2015 أيلول 09

Mystic - you are a monster. Not much different than the Zionist monsters that call for bombing the Jihadi Dahiye into oblivion. And you sad pathetic boy, words do have meanings. Supporting war crimes and genocide as you just did makes you partly responsible.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:51 ,2015 أيلول 09

"step forward for democracy"... yea right

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:53 ,2015 أيلول 09

saudi democracy maybe

Default-user-icon mowaten.fantoura (ضيف) 16:09 ,2015 أيلول 09

you call that a political opinion, mowaten?

Default-user-icon Rita Nahhas (ضيف) 16:14 ,2015 أيلول 09

How many posts shall we expect from you today mowaten? Who pays you to post and for what purpose? Are you and nasir qandeel related? I want answers

Default-user-icon randa berri (ضيف) 16:26 ,2015 أيلول 09

I thought i told you I'd ring you when I needed a doorknob's opinion, who let you out of your cage?

Thumb Mystic 16:28 ,2015 أيلول 09

How about the Yemeni civilians being slaughtered by the Gulf wahabi coalition? We do not see you people or the whole world care about that at all.

Thumb Mystic 16:32 ,2015 أيلول 09

You people do not even consider Yemenis as human beings, so why should I drop tears when your cursed takfiris gets bombed?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:34 ,2015 أيلول 09

Mystic - Tell me one person here who called for bombing a region in Yemen to oblivion!!! Rather than be ashamed of the sick statement you made, you double down!!!

Thumb Mystic 16:59 ,2015 أيلول 09

Are you blind? Go look at every single article on Naharnet regarding coalition strikes on Yemeni civilians in Sanaa etc.
Or the suicide bombings on mosques.
Then you will see your friends cheering it.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:21 ,2015 أيلول 09

Mystic - I have never read anyone of 'my friends' calling for bombing whole areas into oblivion and those who do are not my friends. You do not see how sick your logic is: 'I am an idiot who support war crimes and genocide because others do!!!' Walk back your statements and stop digging further.

Thumb Mystic 17:33 ,2015 أيلول 09

Cry me a river Arab.com, you know aswell as I do that this is true about your clique.
Now I will not take back any of my words. So you are wasting your time.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:16 ,2015 أيلول 09

Mystic last stand: 'I am a genocidal maniac and I am sticking with it because I neither have the morality or brain to walk back some stupid comments'

Default-user-icon Alexb (ضيف) 18:55 ,2015 أيلول 09

Even if you are 18 mars, how can you rejoy when Nusra win a battle ?? Are you aware that they murdered and kidnapped our brave lebanese soldier ?????

Default-user-icon jaafar (ضيف) 11:14 ,2015 أيلول 10

yes alex i am aware

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:03 ,2015 أيلول 10

most of the trolls here supporting nusra/isis are israeli and saudi

Thumb EagleDawn 12:10 ,2015 أيلول 09

les chiens aboient, l'armee syrienne passe"
made my and mowaten's day as well;)

Thumb honestyandtransparency 12:25 ,2015 أيلول 09


Thumb _mowaten_ 18:09 ,2015 أيلول 09

lol that's a very old one eagleyawn. how long have you been preciously collecting my comments? do you frame them and keep them over your bed?

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:06 ,2015 أيلول 10

wow, can you get any lamer?

Default-user-icon sinjab (ضيف) 12:21 ,2015 أيلول 09

does this mean no more touristic flights taking off from and to Idlib? What a shame.....

Thumb barrymore 12:56 ,2015 أيلول 09


Default-user-icon observer (ضيف) 13:20 ,2015 أيلول 09

"There is a lack of human resources" in the army, Assad said in the remarks after a string of defeats in Idlib province and elsewhere.
But bigjohn and mowaten said 95% of sunnis in Syria support Assad and will offer their lives for him. How come?

Default-user-icon debbeh5 (ضيف) 13:26 ,2015 أيلول 09

hello @lebjack
You might not know me. I like to introduce myself. I am a friend of flamethrower and I post on his behalf whenever he asks me too. I have a question for you: do you know why he was banned?

Default-user-icon junker & m14pleb (ضيف) 13:42 ,2015 أيلول 09

we are also friends of flamethrower and have the same question for you @lebjack.

Default-user-icon mowaten. (ضيف) 13:27 ,2015 أيلول 09

hit them ya bashar hit the vermin's head;)

Default-user-icon blablablablabla and one more bla (ضيف) 13:30 ,2015 أيلول 09

hariri made corruption professional

Default-user-icon illegitimate & illiterate.southern (ضيف) 13:41 ,2015 أيلول 09

you may not be perfect but you are definitely a Limited Edition
Please never ever stop posting
Well said

Default-user-icon retarded sectarian southern (ضيف) 13:44 ,2015 أيلول 09

but there are no civilians in Syria let alone Idlib @lebjack. Just ask mowaten

Thumb Mystic 14:19 ,2015 أيلول 09

No there isn't because all the civilians seems to be heading to Europe.

Default-user-icon kanye4preisdent (ضيف) 14:25 ,2015 أيلول 09

hahaahaaaha! Well said mosstyic, are you jealous?

Default-user-icon nunya (ضيف) 15:03 ,2015 أيلول 09

Damascus next

Default-user-icon nunya (ضيف) 15:48 ,2015 أيلول 09

The Syrian people will deal with Isis once the dictator is gone

Default-user-icon nunya (ضيف) 17:17 ,2015 أيلول 09

BigJohn, once the root and cause of the problem is gone, then the international community along the Arab countries will work together to come up with a solution (whatever that might be) that will be suitable for everyone.

Missing helicopter 15:40 ,2015 أيلول 09

I am one non-wahabi M14 who is not happy. I always contended that Nusra/HA/Assad are all evil. So victory of one over the other is nothing to be happy about. The life loving civilians are the ones running away with their families to secure a better life. God help the innocent lives.

Default-user-icon most syrians (ضيف) 17:22 ,2015 أيلول 09

I agree with bigjohn. He knows what we want because we always tell him what we want. He speaks to most syrians when he visits tartous every january.

Thumb Mystic 16:38 ,2015 أيلول 09

Some of those refugees are ISIS and Nusra too, so karma hits Europe back on the head, after sending all those takfiris to Syria.

Thumb ado.australia 17:04 ,2015 أيلول 09

more refugees for the world

Default-user-icon syrian refugee (ضيف) 17:20 ,2015 أيلول 09

bigjohn is right. He interviewed me in Hungary and I told him that 95% of sunnis are with assad and 99% of the refugees hate nusra more than the regime.

Thumb Mystic 17:28 ,2015 أيلول 09

You are a good guy john, but don't be naive.
Yes you are right many of those real refugees needs help, we have more than 2 million in Lebanon, many of them came into Arsal as refugees and they turned out later to kill and capture LAF servicemen.
Same thing is happening in Europe now, many reports suggests than ISIS have been infiltrating appearing as poor refugees. It's not cheap to go to Europe by the way, it costs a fortune to be smuggled overthere.
Most of the real hurt refugees are in the nearby areas, not Europe because they have no money to travel.



Thumb Mystic 17:31 ,2015 أيلول 09

I have no problem with it, Europe asked for this when they supported those savages against Assad to begin with.

Thumb kanaandian 18:32 ,2015 أيلول 09

"suicide bombers on bikes", ah, gotta love the saudi supported good guys.