مقتل عشرين مدنيا في قصف للحوثيين على سوق في شرق صنعاء

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قتل 20 مدنيا على الاقل الجمعة في قصف بصواريخ كاتيوشا اطلقها المتمردون الحوثيون على سوق مزدحمة في مدينة مأرب شرق اليمن، بحسب ما قالت مصادر طبية وشهود.

وقال مسؤول طبي ان "20 مدنيا قتلوا واصيب العشرات" في الهجوم، فيما اشار شهود عيان الى ان القصف استهدف السوق الرئيسية في المحافظة.

ويأتي هذا الهجوم بعد ساعات على مقتل سبعة متمردين بغارة للتحالف الذي تقوده السعودية على مأرب، حيث انضمت مروحيات الاباتشي الى القتال ضد الحوثيين وحلفائهم.

واستهدفت غارة التحالف آلية عسكرية يستخدمها المتمردون في محافظة مأرب، فيما استهدفت ضربات اخرى مواقع للمتمردين في محافظة شبوة المجاورة، بحسب ما قال مصدر عسكري.

وتقدر الامم المتحدة مقتل 4500 شخص على الاقل في النزاع اليمني منذ آذار الماضي.

التعليقات 22
Default-user-icon Nassrallah (ضيف) 13:08 ,2015 أيلول 11

I thought the sa3oodis had to hire mercenary troops to fight in Yemen, how come?

Default-user-icon southern huthi (ضيف) 13:55 ,2015 أيلول 11

they tried to hire but they knew their fates....

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:27 ,2015 أيلول 11

Mystic - any outrage from your side?

Default-user-icon Mystic (ضيف) 16:36 ,2015 أيلول 11

Outrage why? They should bomb them into oblivion.

Thumb ansarullah 13:23 ,2015 أيلول 11

Allah Y2awwi She3it Ali
Lan Tousba Zainib Marattayn

Thumb joebustani 13:42 ,2015 أيلول 11

7 minutes ago NNA: A Bangali maid was rushed to hospital after she threw herself from the third floor of her shiaa employer's house in Haret Saida.

Thumb justin 13:54 ,2015 أيلول 11

11 minutes ago AFP: 20 individuals died in rebel rockets that hit a market in Yemen's Marib.

The huthis should be tried for war crimes.

Default-user-icon Asma al-Assad (ضيف) 13:59 ,2015 أيلول 11

Today is the President's birthday, my bashar! I made a cake and "asma bil 3asal" and we will celebrate houbbi's birthday at Idlib's air force base;)

Default-user-icon mowaten.fasweh (ضيف) 14:27 ,2015 أيلول 11

tell the president happy birthday

Default-user-icon the_roar (ضيف) 14:02 ,2015 أيلول 11

FT, mowaten, younis, giveittoyou, and I are the 5 most informative posters on naharnet by 5 country miles. No wonder our comments are always in the VIP section of the top rated comments. No wonder..

Thumb barrymore 14:53 ,2015 أيلول 11

just like their hizb in Lebanon, all they know is how to kill babies, women, and civilians.

Default-user-icon flamethrower (ضيف) 15:03 ,2015 أيلول 11

everyone that comments on this website is scum

Thumb ashtah 15:43 ,2015 أيلول 11

where did you see KSA media....! The article is by Source Agence France Presse.

Thumb ashtah 15:53 ,2015 أيلول 11

At least 14 civilians have been killed by rockets fired by Houthi rebels in Taiz
Rocket attack kills 20 in Yemen market
Rebel rockets kill 14 civilians in Yemen city: medics
At least 20 dead as rebel rockets hit market in Yemen's Marib

Default-user-icon mowaten.jalbout (ضيف) 15:56 ,2015 أيلول 11

photoshop photoshop photoshop

Default-user-icon Abbas Shoeib (ضيف) 16:13 ,2015 أيلول 11

I am here today thanks to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and thanks to those who kidnapped the Turkish pilots. I also thank General Security chief Abbas Ibrahim who planned, funded, and protected the Turkish pilots kidnappers.

Default-user-icon fan of bigjohn (ضيف) 16:39 ,2015 أيلول 11

you see, bigjohn after visiting tartous every january and talking to Most Syrians and Most sunnis he stops by in Sanaa and Marib and he talks to Most yemenis about cluster bombs and KSA misleading media fabrications.

Default-user-icon joesphani (ضيف) 16:59 ,2015 أيلول 11

موجة الغبار تتلاشى نهائياً مساء السبت

Default-user-icon flamethrower (ضيف) 17:16 ,2015 أيلول 11

everyone that comments on this website is scum

Thumb EagleDawn 17:28 ,2015 أيلول 11

".Southern_. 3 days ago
Ansarullah are responding by hitting the military positions exclusively, although they have means to hit inside KSA sites; this is the difference between the wahhab-al-qaeda mentality and the freedom fighters... the Freedom Seekers always win no matter how much it will take."

Default-user-icon flamethrower (ضيف) 17:42 ,2015 أيلول 11

relax, 1anonymetexasusa. this is war, and in wars, people in markets and bees die. The sa3oodis launched an insurgency and was swiftly contained. A few beekeepers and market shoppers aint what one qualifies as 'a massacre'. most are the bodies of the slain sa3oodis. of course children die as well, in wars, anywhere so no need to over-dramatize it, habboub.

Thumb ansarullah 20:06 ,2015 أيلول 11

15 minutes ago The Saudi civil defense said 52 people were killed when a crane crashed into Mecca's Grand Mosque.

lies lies! It was the will of Allah and Sayyedna Al Hussein that caused this as revenge against the Wahhabis.
Lan Tousba Zainib Marratayn Lan!